the second day.

Su Xun slept until noon.

After washing, take the Royal zombies to the street to buy clothes for Wang Ying and his party.

After all, they don't look like good people in their clothes.

Su Xun, a good man, was easily misunderstood when he walked with them.

Nowadays, there are few clothing stores. Most of them are cloth shops. They buy cloth to make clothes.

Clothing stores are mostly men's clothes, black blouses with black pants, Su Xun bought more than ten sets at a time.

As for women's clothes, it's troublesome. In this era, there was only one style of women's clothes in the country's clothing stores, namely cheongsam, all kinds of cheongsam.

Because poor people buy cloth and make it themselves.

Those who can afford to buy ready-made clothes are rich prostitutes. Naturally, women with money will not buy short shirts, so women's cheongsam is popular in various ready-made clothing stores.

Finally, Su Xun chose two pieces, one was white peony and the other was black Azalea.

After buying clothes, I went back to Baohe building.

Baohe building is decorating to prepare for Jiushu's birthday party in the evening.

As time goes by, it's evening.

Baohe building is decorated with lanterns and people come and go. Jiushu, the birthday star, sits at the main table on the second floor.

All the people at the table with him are dignitaries in tanjiazhen. The average age of this table is 40.

"Ninth uncle, congratulations."

"Ninth uncle, happy birthday."

"Every year has today, every year has today."

People at the same table congratulated uncle Jiu one after another.

Nine uncle's face is smiling, in the heart mother sells to criticize.

Mother Ganlin! I'm only in my thirties, but I look older.

"Here comes the cake."

A fat man in a waistcoat came over with a cake. This man was Hong comprador, Feibao's brother in Liwan town.

As soon as Qiangzi saw a circle of candles on the cake, he suddenly widened his eyes: "Wow, is there any mistake? Give my master incense."

"Ah, you don't understand. It's popular from the West. Uncle Jiu, blow the candle." Hong comprador full face smile at nine uncle said.

Uncle Jiu leaned forward and blew out the candle.

Then everyone at the same table clapped their hands and sang: "Happy Birthday to you ~"

"Happy Birthday to you ~"

watching a group of middle-aged and old people clapping and singing Western songs to celebrate their birthday.

Although Jiushu's face was full of smiles, he was so embarrassed that his toes were picking in his shoes.

"Ah, stop, stop, don't sing this. If you want to sing, just sing this. Listen to me."

With a turn of his eyes, Qiangzi interrupted the crowd. Then he leaned against Jiushu's arms, showing a face of sadness and soul, and sang: "only Shifu is good in the world. A child with Shifu is like a treasure. He threw himself into Shifu's arms..."

Uncle Jiu

Gan! A bunch of psychos_ "Uncle Jiu, I'd like to propose a toast to you." Su Xun came up from upstairs just to get rid of Uncle Jiu.

Uncle nine is a moment of relief, quickly took the opportunity to get up with a glass: "drink delicious tonight."

"Uncle Jiu, we are ready to leave all night after the toast. There is enough time to delay." Su Xun's voice dropped, and he drank it up.

Nine uncle smell speech, thought it was to celebrate his birthday, delayed Su Xun's time, heart moved, said: "Su young master, I wish you a pleasant journey."

"Thank you, uncle nine." After Su Xun finished, he looked at other people again: "you guys, I'm busy with important things. I'll go first. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Slow down, brother su."

"Have a good trip, master su."

"I'll go after eating..."


Ten minutes later, Yizhuang.

Su Xun with the Royal zombies, followed by two bandits, with food boxes and wine in hand, swaggered to the gate of Yizhuang.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

Four people were stopped at a distance.

"Uncle Jiu is celebrating his birthday tonight. You can't go. He says you've been working hard here. Uncle Jiu asks us to send us some wine and food to fill our stomachs."

Su Xun shook the wine pot in his hand and said with a smile.

"It's master Su, please. Uncle Jiu is really considerate as always."

"It smells good. Call them out to eat. I don't think anything will happen tonight."

"Hey, brothers, come to dinner."

After recognizing that it was Su Xun, the members of the security team at the door relaxed their vigilance and went into the Yizhuang, shouting for people to eat.

Soon, the members of the security team who were responsible for guarding the horse thieves ate and drank in the yard of Yizhuang.

"Then you eat first, and I'll go back first."Su Xun said hello and turned to leave.

"Well, it's the taste of Baohe building. It smells good."

"It's very exciting. Cheers, cheers."

"What's the matter? I'm a little dizzy."

After a while, there was a bed in the yard.

The wine they drank was filled with sweat medicine, which was found by Su Xun from Gu Lao.

After they fainted, Su Xun, who had just left, showed up with the Royal zombies and two bandits and went straight to the backyard of Yizhuang.

When I came to the backyard, I saw two brigands in the prison surrounded by iron railings.

Two horse thieves squatting in the corner raised their heads when they heard the news.

"Shh, don't make any noise. I'm here to save you." Su Xun took out a short Xiao from his arms.

Seeing this short Xiao, the eyes of the two brigands changed and became more cooperative.

Su Xun ordered the Royal zombies to break the iron railings of the prison, and then broke the chains on the hands and feet of the two brigands, so he released them.

Then, instead of leaving in a hurry, Su Xun turned around in the villa.

"Young master, everything is done. Let's go." Urged a bandit.

Su Xun didn't reply: "what's the hurry? It's not easy to come here. You have to take some local products before you go."

Then he ransacked a handful of magic talismans drawn by Jiu Shu and went into a room full of jars. His eyes lit up when he looked at the jars.

Because it's very clear in the movie that all the jars are filled with ghosts caught by Uncle Jiu.

Su Xun released all the ghosts to feed the zombies.

After the Royal zombies eat a room of ghosts, the corpse gas on their bodies becomes stronger and stronger.

Su Xun was content to take them to the outside of the villa.

Uncle Jiu is really a good man. He is more generous than Taoist four eyes. He has prepared so many gifts for me.

But it's not as good as Gu Lao.

Gu Lao: does zhenima whip the corpse repeatedly?

At the same time, the four eyes Taoist priest and his party, who had been on the road for two consecutive days, finally arrived.

"In front is elder martial brother Lin Jiu's Yizhuang in Tanjia town. He must be in Yizhuang at this time."

The mayor of Dongzhuang wiped his face with sweat.

"Elder martial brother Lin Jiu is really rich. There are his temples and real estate everywhere."

The thousand crane sighed and quickened his pace to keep up with the four eyes Taoist priest and master Yixiu.

What he didn't know was that four eyes Taoist priest also had two boxes of gold in his house. He was the only one who was poor.

"It seems that the door is unlocked. It must be at home."

After approaching, looking at the opening of the gate of Yizhuang, the four eyes Taoist priest showed a smile on his face.

Then, Su Xun took two horse thieves out of the Yizhuang. As soon as he went out, he just met four eyes and three people.

The air has solidified.

Qianhe blurted out: "it's you!"

"It's me, Taoist Qianhe. What a coincidence." In this situation, Su Xun did not panic, and fully developed his acting skills and on-the-spot adaptability.

After greeting Qianhe, he looked at four eyes and said with a smile, "Taoist priest four eyes, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

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