Liu Yanming is not a good official.

He's not even a qualified warlord.

As the commander of Qinxi garrison, he didn't even want to control his own territory.

Instead, they only control a comfortable city, and then sell all the official positions in other counties and towns.

However, he is a qualified businessman, as he said, money and goods are clear, the old and the young are not deceived.

On the same day, Su Xun was appointed head of the independent regiment.

Five hundred new guns, two thousand military uniforms, one hundred thousand bullets and several carriages were allocated.

He even said that if Su Xun was willing to pay, he could send troops to escort him to take office.

Su Xun is so stupid. Liu Yanming's duty in business is to make him stop.

Is this Tamar really a warlord?

This is ridiculous.

In the end, Su Xun didn't ask him to send troops to escort him, but asked him to allow himself to recruit soldiers in Kangcheng.

Liu Yanming waved his hand and agreed.

Because there are a lot of refugees coming to Kangcheng, Su Xun's recruitment can also relieve his pressure.

Secondly, of course, the box of gold, silver and jewels that Su Xun sent was too much.

That day, after Su Xun posted a recruitment message at the gate of the city, good guy, it was a sea of people.

Nowadays, there are many wars. The poor don't think about making money at all. They just want to be soldiers and have a bite to eat.

What's more, there is another ocean to take every month.

In this age, most people are not in good health.

So in the end, a thousand people were selected carefully and slowly, and even the establishment of a standard group was not full.

The standard size of a regular regiment is 1500.

Plus the five hundred plus in Qingfeng Village, it's full.

After recruiting all the soldiers, Su Xun organized preliminary training outside the city for five days to learn how to load and shoot, so as to ensure that the most basic March was not chaotic.

Then it was like this, a group that looked mighty, but in fact half of them were not equipped with guns and had not been trained.

Su Xun is going to return to Qingfeng Village first, and then go to Echeng.

The more than 500 talents in Qingfeng Village are the backbone who dare to fight and kill. When they are integrated into this army, the combat effectiveness of the independent regiment will be sublimated.

Moreover, he is now the commander of the colonel. When he goes back to the Qingfeng stronghold, he will become the leader naturally?

Looking at a brand-new grey blue school official uniform, Su Xun said that he was much more handsome than a suit.

The point is that this dress represents the gun!

And in this age, guns represent everything!

What zombies, what goblins, what ghosts, Su Xun all on-site gun solution.

Just as the saying goes, when the wind blows, the clouds fly, and the cannons blow, mother.

Under the gun, all beings are equal.

The "big army" has slowed down the overall speed.

On the fourth day, he arrived at Tan's town. Su Xun wanted to take the soldiers to find Jiu Shu to make a force.

Ask if you need to return the talisman you took that night to him.

After all, if you don't pretend to be rich, isn't it like going to the Royal Palace at night?

To his disappointment, he learned from the villagers that Jiushu had gone to Liwan town.

After all, Liwan town is not far from Tanjia town.

By the way, he heard a gossip. Qiangzi and Jiushu fell out and went to Renjia town alone.

After a little rest in the periphery of TANJIA Town, the army set out again and rushed to Liwan town.


Liwan town.

"Uncle Jiu, my teahouse has a problem recently. The kitchen always loses food every night. Is there anything unclean?"

Zhu Gu, the boss, frowns and turns to the teahouse.

Recently, boss Zhu is very worried about losing food in the kitchen.

Xiaozhu Feibao and Xiaohai were also present.

Uncle Jiu turned his back and said, "go to the kitchen and have a look."

After arriving at the kitchen, uncle Jiu looked around and said, "there are really unclean things."

"Ah Boss Zhu was shocked and said, "Uncle Jiu, you must help me."

When she saw this, she turned her lips.

What's the matter? My father is too shameless. He wants to divorce himself from Feibao and marry Mr. Shi, who is rich and powerful.

On the other hand, he asked Feibao's master to help him.

"This ghost..." Nine uncles open mouth, words haven't finished, outside spread a burst of noise.

"Here comes the soldier!"

"There are so many soldiers. The soldiers are coming!"


Uncle Jiu's face changed, and he quickly walked out of the kitchen. Then he saw the chaos in the street, and a large group of soldiers in gray blue uniforms came running.Nowadays, the soldiers under the warlords are more popular than the bandits. The bandits are like combs, and the soldiers are like combs.

The bandits know how to flow.

A soldier may lose his destiny one day, and he doesn't care about anything.

"There are so many soldiers here."

Feibao also came out.

"It's over. We're going to give money again."

Boss Zhu has a bitter face.

Uncle Jiu is also dignified and helpless. After all, this is the way of life.

Hundreds of soldiers stood on both sides with guns and separated the people with their bodies, leaving a wide road in the middle.

For a moment, the silence was terrible.

"Step ~ step ~ step ~"

a horse's hooves broke the silence, and a black horse with a tall head was walking in the front, on which was a handsome young man in military uniform.

The young man held the reins in one hand and the whip folded together in the other. The white gloves reflected faintly in the sun, with a casual smile on his lips.

Behind him was a woman in a military uniform, with a very tall figure, valiant and unique.

Uncle Jiu stares at the leading youth, and his pupil suddenly shrinks to the tip of a needle.

Boss Zhu, Feibao, Xiaozhu and Xiaohai were all surprised.

Because they remember that this man came to the teahouse for dinner some time ago, and he was a big customer.

The young man slowly walked up to Uncle Jiu and looked at him with condescension. He said:

"Uncle Jiu, we meet again. Why, this expression doesn't welcome me?"

Yes, this young officer is Su Xun!

"You How can you... "

Uncle Jiu's face is incredible. How can this shameless guy suddenly become an officer?

Or is he an officer?

That oneself lose of so many spirit Fu, ghost, isn't have no way to seek him to settle accounts?

Seeing that Su Xun knew uncle Jiu.

Boss Zhu, Feibao, Xiaohai and others look at Jiushu differently.

Boss Zhu: should Xiaozhu and Feibao continue to fulfill their engagement?

Feibao: is master hiding so deep?

Xiao Hai: is my master a big man?

Feeling the eyes of his two apprentices, uncle Jiu's mouth twitches, and there is only a bitter smile in his heart.

It's no good that I know this guy.

Now he was afraid that Su Xun would raise his corpses on a large scale with the help of the army. That would be bad.

Su Xun turned over and got off the horse. He put his hands on his back and looked at Jiu Shu: "Jiu Shu, how did you come to Liwan town?"

Seeing that Su Xun didn't want to lead the soldiers, Jiu Shu was slightly relieved.

"There's something wrong with the kitchen of Zhuji teahouse these days. There's a ghost stealing. I'll deal with it."

Su Xun smell speech, eyebrow a pick, see to nine uncle: "that ghost you have not caught?"

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