The kitchen of Zhuji teahouse often loses food, and then boss Zhu asks Jiushu for help.

This is the plot in the movie ghost bites ghost.

The girl who steals food is called Xiao Hong.

Xiaohong had already died long ago. Because she couldn't let go of her blind mother, she brought her mother to Liwan town to take refuge with her cousin, but no one was found.

In order to support her old mother, she went to the kitchen of Zhuji teahouse every night to steal food.

U1s1, little red is pretty.

But it doesn't matter. Su Xun is not a man who only looks at his face.

Because he usually looks at the figure, the old driver knows that a woman's figure is really good.

After all, the face is only for seeing, the body is for riding Cough, cough, crooked, crooked.

Su Xun is preparing to raise some ghosts to help him steal arms. Isn't Xiao Hong, a female ghost with a criminal record of stealing, the skilled ghost he urgently needs?

That's why he asked Jiu Shu if he had caught Xiao Hong.

"Where can I catch ghosts in broad daylight? Of course, we have to wait for the evening. " Mention ghost, nine uncles thought of the ghost of oneself that one room, all have no.

Su Xun showed a smile, took the whip and said: "that's good, uncle Jiu, you don't have to worry about this matter. I'll take over the ghost."

"My room is full of ghosts..." Uncle nine can't help but want to mention a sentence, otherwise the idea is not accessible.

"Ah, uncle nine." Su Xun interrupted him and put one hand on his shoulder: "I've taken over your house of ghosts. I'll send someone to give you a banner another day."

"You..." Uncle Jiu is so angry that he has a toothache.

But Su Xun didn't pay any attention to him. Instead, he looked at boss Zhu: "boss Zhu, everything is as usual tonight. I'll help you with that ghost."

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir." Boss Zhu had a flattering smile on his face and said thanks again and again.

Hum, uncle Fei, let's go

"Master." Feibao took a look at Xiaozhu, scratched the back of his head and reluctantly followed him.

Susian raised his hand and the whip stopped uncle Jiu: "ah, uncle Jiu, where are you going?"

"You can handle all the ghosts here, so you don't need me. Can't I go home?" Nine uncle looked at Su Xun to spread to spread hand, full face displeased of say.

Not only steal my talisman, steal my ghost, but also rob my business now. It's disgusting!

Su Xun laughed innocently: "Uncle Jiu, I'm officially informing you that you have been requisitioned by me. You must catch that ghost in front of me tonight."

If you have ready-made tools to catch ghosts, why do you have to work hard to catch them?

"You Don't deceive people too much! " Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows and put up a finger.

Su Xun raised his hand.

"Shua Shua!"

Hundreds of guns were aimed at Uncle Jiu.

"Master." Feibao was shocked.

Su Xun looked at Uncle Jiu seriously: "Uncle Jiu, what do you say? I just can't hear you

"You are cruel!" Ninth uncle gnashed his teeth, and then continued to walk out: "I'll go back to get the guy who caught the ghost."

"Let go, let uncle Jiu pass." Su Xun waved, and everyone put down their guns again.

At the same time, Shifu, a young man ran in panic: "young master, young master, I saw that the man who hit you that day came again."

"What? How dare he come to Liwan town? " In a rage, Mr. Shi opened the cupboard, grabbed a pistol and rushed out, shouting: "everyone, take the guys and follow me! I'll shoot him in the head

Seeing this scene, the young man was shocked and rushed to catch up: "young master, he brought people here!"

"Why, when you are young, I have no one? I have not only people, but also guns! You stay at home, egghead Mr. Shi didn't look back. It seemed that he was afraid that he would be late and let Su Xun run away. He quickened his pace.

Looking at the far away figure, the young man knelt on the ground feebly and wanted to cry without tears: "it's over, young master. You should listen to me to finish what I have to say."

Then the master ran out of the house and thought, "what's the matter?"

At the door of Zhuji teahouse, Su Xun watched Jiushu and Feibao leave. Looking at boss Zhu, he said, "boss Zhu, the old rule is a pot of Longjing."

"Get out of the way!"

Just then, a roar came.

Then he saw Mr. Shi come out of the crowd with a gun and a group of family members: "son of a bitch, you You... "

Looking at the soldiers all over the street and Su Xun's dazzling uniform, Mr. Shi suddenly got stuck. He stood in the same place with a gun.

"What do you want to say?" Su Xun looked at him.

"Shidou said with a cold smile:" I want to cry more than you You are very handsome

In his heart, he said hello to the eighteen generations of the ancestor of the guy who just reported the news. Why don't you say it all at once, ganniniang's son of a bitch!"You don't have to say that, because you know that." Su Xun spread out his hand, and then pointed to the gun in his hand: "why, take the gun, want to attack me?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Mr. Shi was so anxious that he was sweating that he suddenly got a flash of inspiration: "I'm here to deliver guns to you. Yes, I'm here to deliver guns. Such a good gun is a waste in my hands. Besides you, who else can deserve it?"

"Go and get it." Su Xun said.

Wang Ying goes forward and gives the gun to Su Xun.

Su Xun looked at him: "it's really a good gun."

Mr. Shi was bleeding in his heart. He spent a hundred ocean to buy it, and then he flew away.

"But do you think I'm a fool?" Su Xun's face was cold. He threw the gun to Wang Ying and said coldly, "pull out, kill me!"

This dog is not a good man in the movie. In Liwan Town, the historian is also a villain. He even wants to jump himself with a gun and eat shit.

And in the movie also want to strong on the red, even ghosts are not let go, it is a beast ah!

Mr. Shi collapsed to the ground in a moment of fright and cried out in panic: "don't, don't kill me."

Two soldiers came forward and pulled him out.

"Wait! Wait

At this time, a rich looking middle-aged man in a big coat came in breathlessly.

"Dad, help me, Dad, I don't want to die." Seeing the middle-aged man, Mr. Shi cried out for help.

"Shut up, asshole!" The middle-aged man yelled, then looked at Su Xun and said, "the dog has no eyes and collided with the officer. The officer has been marching hard all the way. I'm willing to reward the whole army with 10000 yuan of cash. I also ask the officer to spare his life."

"Ten thousand in the ocean? Your son's life is cheap. " Su Xun looked at master Shi with a smile.

Mr. Shi clenched his teeth and said, "thirty thousand. I'd like to show my respect to you."

For a town gentry, thirty thousand dollars is a bone breaking thing.

But I can't help it. Who let him have only such a son? He hasn't been taught well. If he's not taught well, he'll have to pay the bill now.

"How can I refuse master Shi's kindness? Let go. " Su Xun had a satisfied smile on his face. He couldn't help it. Raising soldiers and burning money.

In these days, the so-called warlords only dare to scratch the poor and the common people's money.

From time to time, a fund-raising campaign was launched to suppress the bandits. All the money of the gentry was returned, and the money of the common people was divided into three or seven parts.

But if he wants someone, it's just the opposite.

How much oil and water can people have?

If he wants to scrape, he will scrape the money from the gentry!

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