In the Taoist temple at the east end of Liwan town.

Jiushu and Feibao Xiaohai are moving the jars with amulets to the cellar.

"Master, why do you hide these ghosts in the cellar? What's the point?"

Feibao asked, wiping his sweat.

"What do you say?" Uncle Jiu didn't look back.

Feibao thought about it, then suddenly realized it, and said with a smile, "Oh, I know, master, just like storing sweet potatoes, because putting them in the cellar can prevent ghosts from getting moldy."

"Ha ha, you are so smart." Nine uncle clap ash, looking at him to say a serious.

Feibao's face collapsed in an instant. Knowing that he was wrong, he scratched his head and muttered to himself, "then why do you put all the ghosts in the cellar?"


Uncle Jiu slapped Feibao on his head and glared at him: "move quickly. After moving these ghosts, move in all the painted runes and magic weapons."

"Yes, master."

"Silly, how can it be to prevent ghosts from getting moldy? Don't think about it. Can ghosts get moldy?" Xiaohai comes to Feibao with a smile.

Feibao said, "why do you say that?"

"To prevent the jar from getting moldy, of course." Xiaohai has a natural expression on her face.


Nine uncles, who were climbing up the wooden ladder, heard that he slipped and fell down.

"Master, are you ok?"

Feibao and xiaohailian help each other.

"Let go." Uncle Jiu broke away and looked at them and said: "I've taken so many apprentices. You two are the smartest."

"Master, why do you praise us so suddenly?" Xiaohai showed a embarrassed expression.

Uncle Jiu

What evil have I done!

These two, one stupid, one reckless.

Literary talent is obedient, but talent is not good, brain reaction is slow, and looks ugly.

Qiu Sheng is talented, smart and handsome, but he doesn't focus on cultivation.

Qiangzi's son-of-a-bitch is even more ruthless for the sake of promotion. He doesn't even want his master.

After careful calculation, uncle Jiu felt that he was really unlucky for the first half of his life.

After leaving the cellar, Feibao said in a stuffy voice: "master, boss Zhu wants a lot of betrothal gifts. Otherwise, he will marry Xiaozhu to Mr. Shi. I'm your apprentice. You can't wait to save me."

"Come with me." Uncle Jiu takes them to the bedroom and asks them to wait outside the door.

A moment later, uncle Jiu came out of the bedroom with some ocean and handed it to Feibao: "don't say that the master won't help you. This is all your master and I have. Take it to do some small business to earn betrothal gifts."

"Master, you You are very kind to me Feibao catches the ocean and is deeply moved.

Xiaohai also wiped her tears.

Uncle Jiu sighed, patted him on the shoulder, shook his head, and then turned into the room.

"Master, I won't let you down."

Feibao shouts solemnly. Just as he is about to turn around and leave, he suddenly hears something landing.

Feibao and Xiaohai push Jiushu's bedroom door open and go in. Then they see Jiushu squatting on the ground to pick up a lot of scattered oceans.



Suddenly I felt that the ocean in my hand was not fragrant.

"Master, didn't you say that was all your wealth just now?" Feibao's eyes are full of resentment.

"Uncle nine can't use the wrong land," he said

Feibao: "master, do you think I'm stupid?"

"Now it looks a little smarter than I thought." Uncle nine said seriously.


In the evening.

The soldiers were evacuated to camp outside the town.

Zhuji teahouse has returned to its original state to welcome guests, otherwise Xiao Hong would not dare to come tonight.

"Dong Dong..."

Su Xun was in the room reading the book of Miao's Witchcraft, but suddenly the door was knocked.

"Come in." Su Xun said without raising his head.

"Creak -"

when the door was pushed open, Xiaozhu came in with tea and said softly, "Mr. Su, take a sip of tea to moisten your throat."

"Thank you." Su Xun gave a smile.

As soon as Xiaozhu blushed, she put down her tea and left. She was afraid that she would not be able to stand it.

No, I can't be sorry to Feibao!

Su Xun was a little disappointed. He thought that Mr. Shi had just sent a gun. Xiao Zhu was here to send a gun.

I didn't expect it was just for tea.

"Dong Dong..."

There was a knock at the door again.

Su Xun said, "come in."

Did you really come to see me off?He thought it was a little pearl that had gone back and forth, but he didn't expect that uncle yizimei came in.

Su Xun's mood was depressed: "Uncle Jiu, what's the matter?"

"Now there are so many people. The ghost will come late at night. There is a new porridge shop on the street. Why don't you go to eat a bowl of porridge together? By the way? "

Uncle Jiu wants to find out if Su Xun has plans to use the army to raise corpses on a large scale. If so, he must find a way to stop it.

"Obedience is better than respect." Su Xun agreed.

They came to the new porridge shop.


Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Su Xun and Jiu Shu turned around and found a porridge stand opposite the porridge shop. The owner of the stand was Feibao.

Two people walked past: "fat treasure?"

Su Xun's eyes moved. He remembered the first night in the movie when Feibao opened a porridge stand. Xiao Hong came to his porridge stand late at night with a token to buy porridge.

Fortunately, I followed Uncle Jiu to eat porridge. Otherwise, I would have to wait in Zhuji teahouse tonight?

"Master, I bought this porridge stand with the money you gave me. Unexpectedly, after the boss sold it to me, he opened a porridge shop across the street. I haven't opened it yet." Feibao said helplessly.

Uncle Jiu encouraged: "Feibao, don't be discouraged. You are so skilled that there will be guests."

"Master, sir, why don't you try my craft." Feibao was in a good mood.

Uncle Jiu said solemnly, "no, I've just made a reservation in the opposite shop."

As soon as his voice fell, he took Su Xun into the porridge shop opposite Daji.


This heart is cool.

BGM: the north wind is clear and the snow is floating ~

in the porridge shop, uncle Jiu talked about raising corpses, and Su Xun said that he would never raise corpses on a large scale.

If you know him at any time, you can say it when you know him.

Uncle Jiu had almost eaten. He said to Su Xun, "go back to the teahouse and wait for the ghost."

"Uncle Jiu, I just figured out that the ghost will appear in Feibao's porridge stall tonight." On the second floor of the porridge shop, Su Xun pointed to the porridge stand downstairs from the window and said.

Uncle Jiu frowned: "are you kidding?"

"Uncle Jiu, if you don't believe me, just look at it." Su Xun's face was unpredictable.

Nine uncle see this also no longer say, in the heart secret way, if you a hairy boy can calculate, that old sow can go up the tree.

They just sat by the window on the second floor, drinking tea and staring at Feibao's porridge stand.

Late at night, every household in Liwan town has turned off the lights, and only Feibao is still selling porridge.

"The ghost is not sold to the stall at night." Nine make complaints about the two floor of the porridge shop.

Su Xun smiles. Isn't he selling to ghosts?

Soon, a woman in a white dress came to Feibao's porridge stand, and Feibao quickly entertained her.

This woman is little red.

"Su Jiushu's eyes are full of disbelief

"I said, I'll count." Su Xun took the teacup and gave it a cool smile.

Uncle Jiu was in doubt, but he didn't have time to think about it, because the ghost was leaving.

He quickly picked up an empty teacup, took out a small eight trigrams mirror from his arms and pasted it on the base of the teacup. Then he pointed the mouth of the teacup at Xiao Hong downstairs, twisted the eight trigrams mirror and drank: "close!"

At the mouth of the teacup, a golden light shot on Xiaohong's back.


Xiao Hong screamed and was taken into the teacup. Uncle Jiu closed the lid and pasted a talisman on it. Then she handed it to Su Xun: "it's done."

It's just like the old man. He's cool and cool.

"Is there any mistake? After waiting all day, the only guest was a ghost!"

Downstairs, Feibao let out a cry of despair.

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