In the guest room of Zhuji teahouse.

Su Xun tore off the rune paper and let out Xiao Hong.

A puff of smoke flew out of the teacup and turned into a white woman with a wonderful figure.

"Girl, are you ok?" Su Xun had a caring expression on his face, and his tone was gentle.

Let little red a time pour some don't understand.

Su Xun gave a gentle smile: "the girl was caught by a Taoist. Although she is a ghost, she is not an evil person, so she saved you from the hands of the Taoist."

Uncle nine: Mom, please be a person.

I don't know that Su Xun was not a human being long ago.

"You saved me?" Xiao Hong is a little suspicious.

Su Xun brazenly said: "although I saved you, I'm not the one with the kindness to repay you. You can go wherever you come from, and I won't stop you."

On how the slut was made.

Obviously, he asked Jiu Shu to help him catch Xiao Hong.

Now in a twinkling of an eye, he sold Jiushu and made himself into a life-saving benefactor to deceive the pure female ghost.

I don't want to be reciprocated.

The reason why he is like this is that he has learned about Xiao Hong's character when he was watching movies for a long time.

If you have kindness, you will be rewarded. If you are filial, you will be pure and good.

This kind-hearted female ghost had better cheat Wrong, it's best to deal with.

"No, no, no, my mother said that you should know your kindness and return it. Although I'm a ghost now, I still understand the principle of repaying your kindness, not to mention saving your life."

"Maybe if my mother didn't take care of him, I would not have taken care of him alone..."

As a result, Xiao Hong didn't dare to think about it any more, and her eyes toward Su Xun were full of gratitude.

Su Xi Jing was moved when he heard the words: "I didn't expect that you were so pure and filial, and you couldn't let go of your mother in the sun even when you died. It's really admirable."

"I don't know. My mother is old and blind, and now she has no family to take care of her. I really dare not go to the underground to be reincarnated. She doesn't know that I'm dead." Xiao Hong said sadly.

Su Xun said, "it's nothing to go on like this. After all, you can't see the sun."

Xiao Hong pursed her cherry lips and said nothing.

"Well." Su Xun pretended to meditate for a moment, then sighed and said, "your sincere and filial heart has moved me. Where is your mother? Take her over. I'll arrange someone to take care of her."

"How can that work?" Xiaohong was moved, but she repeatedly refused: "the young master has saved me, so how can she continue to trouble the young master? This Absolutely not. "

"It's a deal. You don't think about yourself. You think about your mother." Su Xun's tone was tough, and then suddenly relaxed: "if you really feel bad, you can do something for me in the future."

Xiao Hong's eyes were red: "my son is very kind, and I will never forget you."

She secretly vowed that it's useful for her to be a ghost now. She must repay you. No matter what you ask her to do, she will do it.

The next day, Su Xun sent soldiers to pick up Xiao Hong's mother and set out on the road together. Learning from Mao Shanming, he bought a black umbrella and let Xiao Hong attach it.

Before leaving, Su Xun paid a visit to Uncle Jiu to see if he could rob some good things.

As a result, I learned from Feibao that Jiushu went back to Renjia town last night.

Su Xun guessed that Jiushu was in such a hurry that he thought Wencai and Qiusheng had left.

Then he turned around in the Taoist temple and found that Jiu Shu had already prepared and hid everything.

Can only regret to leave.

Seeing Su Xun's back, Feibao said to Xiaohai thoughtfully, "I seem to suddenly understand why master hid the ghost in the cellar."

"I see, too." Xiao Hai nodded.

Because commander Su won't let go of ghosts!


Seven days later, Qingfeng Village.

"It's not good to be in charge. There are many soldiers down the mountain. We're coming to encircle and suppress them!"

"What? Brothers, copy

"Big leader, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's the fourth leader who has come back. The soldiers follow the fourth leader!"

"What a mess, can you make it clear? Is the fourth leader captured by the soldiers? Brothers, copy again and save the four masters! "

After five minutes, Lin Sanguan, song Dadao and ye Huhu finally got it. Then they took the whole village down the mountain to meet them.

Looking at Su Xun, who was tall and straight in military uniform, Lin sanggun and others were still shocked.

"Three brothers, my brother is back!"

Su Xun got off the horse and took Wang Ying forward.

"Looking for my brother, what's going on?"

"Yes, why did you become an official all of a sudden? It seems that this official is not small!""Is this pretty girl officer from above, too?"

It took him ten minutes to explain what happened, and then he incorporated Qingfeng Village.

More than 1600 people, just three full-time battalions and one guard company.

Lin Sanqiang, song Dadao and ye Huhu were each led by 500 people as battalion commander.

Wang Ying led 120 people to be the company commander of Su Xun's security company.

Five hundred people in Qingfeng Village have been disorganized and organized. Mixing new recruits together is conducive to the division of internal small groups and the improvement of overall combat effectiveness.

After being incorporated, Lin sangun donated all the ammunition that Qingfeng Village had saved for so many years.

It's a thousand howitzers, two heavy guns, three machine guns, three light guns, three machine boxes.

These are all the family property of Qingfeng Village. Because no one in Qingfeng Village can use the cannon, they have been eating ashes in the warehouse. This is the real good thing.

So many arms, some of them are obtained through trade, and some of them are stolen back.

After half a month's training in Qingfeng Village, Su Xun is ready to take office.

"Brothers, take office - goose City!"


Three days later, on the official road leading to the goose City.

The road is next to the rail.

An army of 1600 men marched on.

Su Xun rode in the front, with Wang Ying beside him and three battalion commanders of Lin Sanguan behind him.

"Du -"

just at this moment, a sudden sound of the flute came into the public's ears, accompanied by a roaring sound.

"Chief, there's a train coming." Lin Sanqiang had experience. Looking at Su Xun, he reminded him.

Su Xun said: "order, everyone stay away from the track and wait for the train to pass before moving on."

He was afraid that someone would be involved by the train if he was too close. It was absolutely dead.

"Yes, commander!"

The messenger rode down to inform the whole army.

"The commander orders..."

"The commander orders..."

Soon, all 1600 people stopped by the side of the road five steps away from the track.

Then I felt the earth shaking.

"Step on, step on..."

The horse's hooves hit the ground and the dust was flying.

I saw a group of white horses running wildly, and two train carriages sliding on the track behind them.

"Woge, Mara train!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

There was a faint sound of singing in the carriage.

"The end of the earth, the corner of the earth..."

Dozens of seconds later, under the gaping gaze of everyone, the horse powered train whistled in front of the crowd, and there was a faint song in the air.

"Friends are half scattered ~"

"a pot of muddy wine makes you happy ~"

Su Xun's face is strange, isn't it, isn't it? It's just the time when the story of the movie happened?

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