Work all night.

Susian looked at Annie, who was still sleeping on the bed. He didn't wake her up and went out of the door dressed neatly.

"Please wash up, young master."

Wang Ying was carrying a basin, towel, toothbrush and other toiletries. She didn't know how long she had been waiting outside.

After sleeping at night, a beautiful woman wakes up in the morning, and there is another beautiful woman waiting to wash.

These days, Bashi is very comfortable.

"How was last night?"

Su Xun asked as he washed his face.

"The young master has a clever plan. The Taoist priest Tu Long has died and the priest has been caught." Wang Ying replied.

Su Xun nodded: "when you have breakfast, bring the priest to me."

"Yes, young master." Wang Ying answered and handed over the toothbrush of this era.

After washing, Su Xun went to the first floor of the restaurant to have breakfast.

"Good morning, uncle."

Seeing the owner of the restaurant, Su Xun said hello with a smile. After all, his daughter just fell asleep last night.

The restaurant owner also responded with a smile: "Mr. Su, did you sleep well last night?"

Su Xun always thought this was a pun.

"Comfortable, very comfortable." Can you say it's uncomfortable? Isn't that a good bargain?

Soon, uncle Jiu came with a Xing and Xiao Yue. They often come here for breakfast.

Unless sometimes Jiushu can't get up, he will let Xiaoyue and a Xing cook for him.

"Uncle nine is coming."

"Uncle Jiu, let's sit together."

Su Xun invited Jiu Shu to be at the same table. Soon, all kinds of breakfast were brought up by the young man.

"Wow, what a feast."

A Xing can't wait to eat.


Nine uncle a chopsticks knocked in the past, glared at him: "do you understand the rules?"

"Oh A Xing shrinks his neck.

Su Xun said with a smile: "Uncle Jiu, don't be so serious. Xing Xiaoyue, don't be polite."

"Report to the leader, father Wu A few minutes later, Liuzi came with father Wu.

After seeing father Wu, uncle Jiu suddenly widened his eyes: "master Yixiu?"

yes, as like as two peas, father Wu played the same role as the master of the master of the rest of the day.

"Master Yixiu?" Father Wu was a little confused.

Su Xun said: "Uncle Jiu, he's just the same as Mr. Yixiu's, but it's not him. Their beliefs are totally different. One believes in God, the other believes in Buddha."

"How could that be?" Nine as like as two peas brows, how could there be two people who are exactly alike? Is it master Yixiu's twin brother?

Even the twins have subtle differences.

Su Xun didn't think so much. He told father Wu about the combination of Chinese and Western zombies, and then said, "as long as you catch that zombie, I will allow you to reopen that church."

"This kind of devil should have been destroyed by the merciful Lord." Father Wu said piously.

Su Xun always felt strange. He was afraid that he would suddenly say Amitabha.

Uncle Jiu looked at father Wu and asked, "father Wu, do you have a brother or a younger brother?"

"No Father Wu shook his head. As like as two peas,

nine uncle frowned. If he is not a twin brother, there must be some problems when two people who are exactly alike.

When you see Master Yixiu later, you should tell him about it. Maybe he knows why.

After breakfast, the party went to the church, accompanied by a coffin being carried.

Chinese and Western zombies are in the church. Although there is no sunshine in the church during the day, they can at least avoid flying out of the church.

After Su Xun and others left, the boss of the restaurant asked the waiter to clear the table.

"Daddy, get me something to eat."

Annie came down the stairs.

"Annie! Why are you upstairs! " The restaurant owner's eyes widened in an instant.

when Annie got up late, she thought her father was still in bed, and she didn't know what she was used to.

I didn't expect that she came to the restaurant last night.

No wonder when he just asked Su Xun whether he was comfortable sleeping last night, Su Xun's expression was strange.

Sleeping his beautiful baby daughter, could he not feel well last night?

"You, you have no shame." The boss of the restaurant came forward and was so angry that he had a heart attack.

Even if the daughter is Su Xunqiang, it's better than the one she took the initiative to send.

Annie doesn't think so: "Daddy, you are so out of date. When you meet a good man, you should take the initiative."

She almost broke her waist last night, and now she has a sore back.

The owner of the restaurant was in tears……………


"Creak -"

accompanied by a terrible sound, the old wooden door of the church was opened after 20 years of dust.

After entering the church, the light dimmed.

Su Xun asked the soldiers to leave the coffin and left, and closed the church door.

Shut the door and beat the dog.

Uncle Jiu is wearing a Taoist robe and holding a peach sword. Father Wu is holding a cross.

Su Xun, empty handed, leisurely, directly found a position, wiped the dust and sat down.


At this moment, a dark shadow fell from the top of the church and went straight to Sushen.

As a wise zombie, in his opinion, Su Xun is the weakest of the three.

"Here it is

Uncle Jiu exclaimed.

"Hit him!" Su Xun communicates with royal zombies.


When the coffin lid is lifted, the Royal zombies jump up with the evil spirit.


Chinese and Western zombies were kicked out.

Su Xun sneered and yawned. He didn't need to do this kind of small scene himself.

"Let's go!"

Uncle Jiu and father Wu rushed up.

Looking at the familiar cross, the Chinese and Western zombies wave their cloaks and become zombies.

When he became a zombie, he was just a jumping corpse.

The next second the mahogany sword stabbed him.


The zombie screamed, and then quickly turned into a vampire by waving his cloak. Just as he was about to bite uncle Jiu, the cross in father Wu's hand was handed up again.


The cross burst into a blue light, the vampire screamed, a hand covered his eyes, and then subconsciously waved his cloak into a zombie.

Uncle Jiu's peach sword stabbed again.


Zombies become vampires again.

Father Wu's Cross goes forward again.


The vampire screams again and becomes a zombie.

Nine uncle peach wood sword stabs again

In this way has been repeated several times, nine uncle and father Wu some play addiction.

Chinese and Western zombies are about to collapse.

He really can't stand this kind of torture, and directly knelt on the ground to admit defeat, wrapped his head in a cloak, rising fart, shivering.

After 20 years of waiting, someone finally came to the door. I didn't expect it. Wuwuwu

Chinese and Western zombies wronged QAQ.

He was crucified 20 years ago and instead of meeting God, he became a zombie.

Twenty years later, he was full of violence in his heart. Before he started to kill, he became what he is now.

This is too bullying Zombies (> ▂ <)!

"That's it?"

Looking at the shivering zombies on the ground, the ninth uncle was a little dispirited.

"Just found his weakness."

Su Xun took the Royal zombie to walk past.

Chinese and Western zombie is not strong, his most powerful is able to fly, and can freely switch form.

Now in broad daylight, he can't fly outside, but Uncle Shangjiu and father Wu combine Chinese and western.

When it's over, the zombies will be perfect.

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