In order to prevent the combination of Chinese and Western zombies from escaping.

Su Xun gave him a necklace as a gift, a beautiful silver cross necklace.

After all, this is also a foreign friend's corpse. No matter what, I have to give him a gift to show my Chinese man's elegant demeanor.

When Su Xunqin put on a necklace for the zombie, he was moved.

Chinese and Western Zombies: I * * you * *

in order to let foreign zombies and Longguo zombies have friendly international exchanges on their zombie experience.

Su Xun also tied him with a chain and put him in the coffin.

If this can still run, Su Xun also recognized it.

Zombie: Dragon kingdom is too dangerous, wuwuwu, I want to return home, I want to return home!

In order to prevent a long night's dream, Su Xun plans to set out immediately to rush back to the goose City, then recalls Zhuge kongfu and goes directly to Zhuge's home.

"Uncle Jiu, I'm here for this zombie of Chinese and western. I'm going to go back to e-Cheng today." Su Xun said to Jiu Shu.

Nine uncle smell speech eyes a bright: "I also prepare to return to Ren family town, as you send me a way."

He hasn't been in a car yet. Wencai and Qiusheng show off in front of him all day.

And it's faster than walking by car.

"Good." Su Xun agreed to come down.

Uncle nine suddenly thought of something: "it's better to start in the afternoon."

"All right." Su Xun only thought that he had something to tell a Xing and Xiao Yue, not to mention that he had to discuss with Annie.

After all, Annie has just come back from abroad. It's not certain whether she would like to follow him to goose City.

"Brother Xun, you are back."

When she saw susian coming in, Annie quickly stepped forward and put her arms around him with a friendly look.

The owner of the restaurant can only sigh that she should not have been sent abroad at the beginning, but now she has become what she looks like. There is no girl's reserve at all.

Su Xun told her about going back to goose City. Unexpectedly, Annie agreed without hesitation.

Annie's father also supports and says that he is going to open a restaurant in goose City.

"Brother Xun, it's still early for lunch. Why don't we go to the room and tell me jokes."

Annie said with a red face and delicate drops. There seems to be mist in her eyes. She wants it.

"Good." Su Xun's mouth turned.

Desire, hope so strong woman, in addition to him, who can fight?

Anyone with such a woman will have a short life.

When he thought about it, he took Annie and saved other men by accident.

He found himself so great.

But Annie is bigger.


In the afternoon, when Su Xun saw Uncle Jiu again, he found that his hair had returned to gray.

"Wow, uncle Jiu, I've been waiting for you for a long time, just to dye my hair back?"

Uncle Jiu doesn't want to talk to him.

Su Xun shrugged and led Annie into the car, while Jiu Shu sat in the co driver's seat.

After the car started, uncle Jiu was serious and expressionless. In fact, he was very happy. He couldn't help laughing.

He finally got in the car.

Don't say, the car is comfortable.

You can't laugh, you can't laugh, you can't show that you haven't seen the world.

Otherwise, the little bastard in the back will laugh at himself again.

Su xuncai didn't have time to laugh at him. He was cuddling Annie and making her blush.

Two days later, the car arrived in Renjia town.

Su Xun met Ren FA, had a meal in Ren Fu, and then continued to leave.

It was two days later that I returned to the goose City.

This trip took half a month.

The traffic is very inconvenient these days.

"Brother Xun, you are back. She is..."

Ren Tingting comes to meet Su Xun with a smile on her face. She can see Annie beside him and her smile gradually disappears.

"Annie, Tingting, I hope you can get along with each other in the future," Su Xun said

When he said this, he was like a scum man.

"Good sister." Annie says hello to Ren Tingting.

Ren Tingting showed an unnatural smile: "you are good, you are so beautiful."

Su Xun didn't care. Women's affairs should be solved by themselves. They should always learn to accept them.

"Has Zhuge kongfu come back yet?"

Su Xun asked.

"Young master, I'm back. I'm back."

Zhuge kongfu came to him in a hurry. When he came near, he took out a small porcelain vase:

"young master, I have found the spirit of a snake demon, but I haven't found the coffin fungus."

"Well done." Su Xun took the vase, but suddenly thought of something, and asked: "will the bronze body in Xishuangbanna have coffin fungus?""Yes Zhuge kongfu suddenly rang out and said excitedly: "Xishuangbanna copper armor corpse is a thousand year old zombie. There must be coffin fungus on him!"

It took a thousand years to become a bronze corpse. It can be seen that the wild are more difficult to live than the domestic.

"I've just come back. I'll have a rest for a few days, and then I'll go to your brother." After that, Su Xun walked away.

In the evening, when Su Xun and Ren Tingting are in love, Dong Xiaoyu suddenly appears.

"What are you doing? Give me a fright."

Su Xun's sex was gone.

Ren Tingting was scared out of her sexual interest.

Dong Xiaoyu's eyes flashed a touch of cunning, but his mouth said: "of course, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter, say it." Su Xun rolled his eyes. The girl was definitely intentional.

Dong Xiaoyu said: "Nah, don't you like to hook and lead beautiful female ghosts? I went out two days ago and found a very beautiful similar..."

"Who told you that I like to hook and lead female ghosts?" Su Xun felt that his reputation had been damaged.

Dong Xiaoyu blinked innocently: "isn't it?"

"All right, all right, you go on, and then quickly roll into the umbrella." Su Xun waved.

Dong Xiaoyu said: "her name is Yanhong..."

"Wait, Yanhong?" Su Xun suddenly interrupted her: "did she die at the hand of a ghost king?"

"How do you know?" Dong Xiaoyu is confused.

Su Xun suddenly thought of a childhood shadow series, the legend of linen.

The legend of Ma Yi tells that 200 years ago, the ghost king of Tibet was sucking blood from all over the place. In order to protect himself, the villagers gave a place called Yan Hong to the ghost king.

Then the ancestors of the Mahi temple came, but they were a little late. Yanhong was dead, and finally they had a fight with the ghost king and died together.

But although the ghost king died, his heart remained and grew with a herb.

Two hundred years later, a man named doctor Bian went up the mountain to collect medicine, collected the ghost King's heart, and then accidentally left it on the side of the road.

At that time, a woman gave birth to a baby. The blood of the baby was unintentionally spilled on the ghost King's heart. The ghost king was reborn with blood and began to make trouble again.

In the end, the ghost king of Tibet was blasted out by the cannon, but in fact, the ghost king was still alive.

Because the last scene of the movie is a strange heart beating constantly.

This scene was a nightmare for Su Xun.

Su Xun recalled the plot for a moment, and then said to Dong Xiaoyu, "go back now, follow a doctor surnamed Bian in the town. If he picks a herb whose root is similar to the heart, you will bring it back. Well, by the way, bring Yanhong back."

The ghost King's heart is reborn with blood. It's too powerful. What if the Royal zombies eat the heart?

Mad, if you scared me so badly, don't blame me now.

"All right." Seeing that Su Xun was so serious, Dong Xiaoyu didn't dare to delay and flew away.

Ren Tingting blushed and said, "brother Xun, let's continue Ah, slow down... "


At the same time, that night, the demons all spread a news that shocked the Wulin.

After the battle of Akutagawa, the leader of Akutagawa was invited to fight.

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