The next day, Su Xun left three zombies in his room and went downstairs to have breakfast with a kerosene lamp.

He's probably the only one in the world to hang a kerosene lamp on his body.

"Oh, my guest, get up. Have something to eat."

When he saw Su Xun, he called him warmly.

"Some steamed buns." As soon as Su Xun sat down, he saw a familiar young man come in.

At the same time, the sophomore quickly welcomed up: "Yo, Captain song is here, or the old rules?"

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly. Song Zilong, the leader of the police force in gantian Town, is equivalent to the leader of the security team.

as like as two peas in a date with me, I have a face that looks younger.

It suddenly occurred to Su Xun that song Zilong was now in his twenties, which matched Kuang Guohua, the 30-year-old guerrilla leader in 1938.

Can Kuang Guohua be song Zilong?

Five years later, the Anti Japanese war broke out, and song Zilong, the leader of the police force, was involved in the Anti Japanese war. At that time, it would be reasonable to change his name to Kuang Guohua and join the guerrillas as the leader.

Song Zilong also noticed Su Xun, frowned and walked over: "Mr. is not from this town?"

As the captain of the police force, he is sensitive to any outsider.

"I've come to visit my relatives." Su Xun replied.

Song Zilong nodded: "I wish you have a good time in gantian town. If you have anything to do, you can go to the police."

With that, he turned away and went to another table for breakfast.

After breakfast, Su Xun got married and left with three zombies.

The lamp God has arrived, so there's no need to stay here and make trouble.

Although he is not afraid of Mao Xiaofang, he is afraid of the dragon and tiger mountain behind Mao Xiaofang.

It's not far from Longhu Mountain. It's just a low-key place. He doesn't want to be chased so soon. It's the only way to go to the North early.

On February 3, 1932, four strangers came to a town called Shuiyun town on the northern border.

The young master is pretty, and the three followers behind him are wrapped up tightly, which is a little strange.

After a month and a half, Su Xun finally got to the north.

After entering the north, the most obvious change he felt was that there were fewer monks.

In the south, there may be Taoists and magicians in any town.

And he hasn't met a Taoist these days in the north. It's really a good place.

The only bad thing is that the closer we get to the north, there are more and more small devils.

Three days later, a hospital named huichuntang opened in Shuiyun town.

The doctor, surnamed Su, is a handsome looking man from other places. He is young but skillful in medicine, and he often exempts poor people's medical fees.

With superb medical skills and a kind heart, he soon established himself in Shuiyun town and won the respect and love of the town people.

"Did you make a mistake and let me help you see a doctor every day?" Watching Su Xun send off the last patient, the lamp God couldn't help complaining.

Su Xun didn't know medicine at all. He relied on the God of light to help him to make prescriptions or cure diseases.

Su Xun said, "don't be so irritable. We are trying to save the world. I want to learn medicine from you."

"Learning medicine can't save the dragon people!" Said the lamp God.

Su Xun's eyes widened: "are you Lu Xun?"

"What Lu Xun, this God is Shunzhi, the emperor appointed the first champion!" The lamp God obviously doesn't know the stem.

Fortunately, he didn't understand. If he did, Su Xun would be frightened.

"I'm very well prepared for this time," said Sue

What's important is that it's not far from Yingchuan, the place where the Dragon fell in 1934.

That dragon is the most important thing. There must be no accident.

"I will not cooperate with you any more! It's unfair that I give out my strength and you give me your reputation! " This is the most unpleasant thing for lamp God. He works for nothing.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I'm not a devil. If you don't promise me, I won't force you. It's just that most of us will put the lamp into the chamber pot."

"You What a shame The lamp spirit was trembling, and tears could not help dripping down. When could they really stand up.

If it wasn't for being too far away from the kerosene lamp, he would have run away.

Su Xun didn't want to pay any attention to him. He looked at the pedestrians outside, and his eyes narrowed slightly. It was time to do something.

If you don't do anything, how can you hook Madonna?

Isn't Madonna fond of catching zombies?

Then I'll bring her a zombie.


"The weather is dry and the things are dry. Watch out for the fire."

"Dang ~"

at night, Shuiyun town has entered silence, leaving only watchmen on the night shift.

The bright lights and constant laughter in Yihong courtyard are in sharp contrast to the silent night."Lord Qin, come again next time."

A middle-aged man with a big stomach and a red jacket was sent out of Yihong hospital by a woman.

His name is Qin Chao, a famous gangster leader in Shuiyun town. He lives by bullying shops to collect protection fees.

If anyone dares not to do so, he will break his hands and feet, or kill and feed the dog.

The reason why he is so arrogant is that the leader of the security team is his big brother.

"Come on, next time Do it, I'll kill you. "

Qin Chao left Yihong hospital drunk and went home humming a little song.

Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky in front of Qin Chao, it is Nintendo.

Qin Chao thought he was dazzled. When Nintendo showed his tusks, his wine woke up instantly.

"Zombies Mom, there are zombies

Qin Chao turned around and ran. Nintendo grabbed him and killed him.

Later, Nintendo left, leaving only a dead body that had been drained of blood.

After dawn, Qin Chao's body was found, and more and more people were watching.

"This evil has finally died. This is retribution."

"That's right. The one who killed thousand swords died well."

Looking at Qin Chao's body, the townspeople didn't feel afraid, but they felt very happy.

Soon the people of the security team arrived. They were very puzzled about Qin Chao's death.

"How on earth did he die?"

The captain of the security team frowned. After all, this is his brother-in-law. His sister must be making trouble again.

"He died of a zombie."

A steady male voice remembered that everyone was going along the line of fame, and Su Xun came slowly.

"Dr. su."

"Hello, Dr. su."

Seeing Su Xun, everyone began to say hello one after another, and their respect was superficial.

"You said he was killed by a zombie? It's nonsense. There are no zombies in the world. "

The leader of the security team is dismissive. If there are such things, how can he live well after he has done so many bad things?

He's strong. He's raped a lot of women. How come none of them turned into ghosts to get revenge on him?

Su Xun gave him a meaningful look: "Captain Li, there are some things you can't believe."

After that, Su Xun looked around for a week and said politely, "you villagers should be more careful. If you are bitten by zombies, you can come to me as long as you are not dead. I can do my best."

"Dr. Su is not only skillful in medicine, but also a good man."

"Yes, Dr. Su is a good man."

"Dr. Su saved my family's Doudou..."

The people of the town applauded and were deeply moved.

"Hum!" Captain Li snorted coldly and looked at Su Xun: "don't bewitch the public. They are already in the Republic of China, and they still engage in those feudal superstitions!"


Su Xun gave a cool smile and turned to leave.

as like as two peas, he rebuked Suxu for superstition and superstition, and urged everyone to believe that the leader of Science Li was dead.

Although they were happy with the death of Captain Li, they were also afraid.

Because Dr. Su is right. There are really zombies in the town.

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