In the following time, people in Shuiyun town were in a panic.

Because every night there are people who are bitten to death by zombies, and those who are killed are usually unscrupulous bullies and corrupt officials.

A few ordinary people were bitten, but "lucky" were only bitten, and they were successfully treated by the kind doctor su.

Since then, Su Xun's reputation in Shuiyun town has become higher and higher, and the story of zombies in Shuiyun town has spread.

"Dong Dong..."

On this day, a sound of gongs resounded throughout the town.

"Let's go and see. The zombie was caught and killed by Dr. Su!"

"The zombie was killed by Dr. su..."

All the people gathered at the door of Su Xun's Medical Center, and saw a body lying on the ground.

The corpse's eyes are deeply sunken, its nails are black and long, and its sharp tusks are dull. Isn't this image the legendary zombie?

Looking at the crowd, Su Xun said: "zombies are a disaster, killing more and more people. I really can't bear it. After several consecutive nights of squatting, I fought with the zombie and killed him last night."

"We don't have to be afraid in the future. Zombies will never happen again."

The lamp God secretly despises himself. It's shameless to step on a horse. Isn't that what you did?

Pitifully, the zombie on the ground was dug out of the grave to carry the pot before it was completely dead.

"Well, I won't have to worry about it in the future."

"Dr. Su is very kind to us..."

"Dr. Su can not only cure diseases, but also catch zombies. It's really amazing."

Everyone applauded one after another, clapping and thanking Su Xun.

Although those who are killed by zombies are all bad guys, they are afraid that it will be their turn one day.

Now that the zombies are killed by Dr. Su, they don't have to worry about it any more.

"Well, you guys take this zombie and burn it. I just did my part."

Su Xun was very modest and gentle as always, which was easy to win everyone's favor.

The next two days, people found that if there is no zombie blood.

He is more convinced of Su Xun. If anyone dares to say that Su Xun is a demon, they can jump out and fight for it.

Three days later, it was June 5, and a tall, slim, plain, pretty young woman with two braids came with a sword.

This is what Su Xun is going to catch, mermaid.

The zombie incident in Shuiyun town was very popular some time ago. Ma Danna came to eliminate the zombies as soon as she knew it.

"Uncle, I want to know something."

Madonna goes to an old sugar man.

"Ah, what's the matter, girl?" she asked The old man put down his work and looked at Madonna.

Madonna said, "I heard there are zombies in your town, right?"

"Oh, that was a long time ago." The old man waved his hand and said with a smile, "the zombies that hurt people have long been killed by Dr. su."

"Dr. Su?" Madonna was stunned.

The old man became interested: "yes, speaking of Dr. Su, I had to start three months ago..."

The old man told Su Xun what he had done, and finally sighed: "Dr. Su is a real good man, a benefactor of Shuiyun town."

Ma Danna can't help but feel awe after hearing this, and she has a deep admiration for Dr. Su, whom she has never met.

His medical skills were superb. He hung the pot to help the world. He didn't accept medical fees, and he worked hard to get rid of the zombies in the town.

It's not a good person. What is it?

"Uncle, where does Dr. Su live?" This gentleman, Madonna wants to meet.

I don't know. Seeing Su Xun, I was wrong all my life.

You can turn left at the end of the street

"Yes, thank you, old man."

Madonna thanks, and then comes to the rejuvenation hall with expectation and curiosity.

After entering the rejuvenation hall and seeing the figure, her face suddenly changed and she stared at Su Xun: "devil, is it you?"

"Who are you?" Su Xun was puzzled, but he said in his heart, tut Tut, finally.

The important thing is that the identity of Ma family's contemporary descendants has a stimulating bonus.

Ma Danna pulled out her sword and said, "I'm Ma Danna, the contemporary descendant of the Exorcist dragon family."

"Oh, you were the one who ran away in e-Cheng last time." Su Xun suddenly realized.

Ma Danna blushed when she heard this: "you Don't be wild, the devil will die

Just when she was ready to fight with the devil, the townspeople outside the hospital were angry.

"What do you want to do?"

"Who are you! Why do you want to harm Dr. Su? "

"Put the sword down! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude! "Looking back at the indignant faces of the townspeople, Ma Danna was stunned and subconsciously said, "you've been cheated by him, he's the devil..."

When the angry townspeople heard this, they could not suppress the anger in their hearts, and the crowd was turbulent.

"How dare you say Dr. Su is the devil! Then we would rather have more demons like this in the world! "

"Yes, I slander Dr. su. I think you are the real monster!"

"How many people have Dr. Su saved for us? How many people did he save by killing zombies? You said he was a devil. I think you are blind! "

"Kill the witch!"

"Shoot her!"

For a moment, people are ready to fight Madonna.

Listening to the repeated reprimands, Madonna stood in the same place. It was the first time that she encountered this kind of situation. She was both aggrieved and puzzled.

She is clearly for the sake of the common people in the world. She is not afraid of death, but also wants to fight against Su Xun. Unexpectedly, these people defend Su Xun and say that she is a witch.

"Okay, folks, calm down." Su Xun stood up, held Ma Danna in his arms, looked at the townspeople and said, "thank you for your concern, but this is my fiancee. We had a bit of a conflict, but it was a joke."

The townspeople were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Madonna with embarrassment and apology.

"It's normal for a man to make trouble with his own swords."

"That is, Dr. Su is such a good person. It's your blessing to marry him. How can you still make conflicts?"

"Dr. Su, let's have a good chat. Let's talk about it. We won't disturb you."

After all, they misunderstood Dr. Su's fiancee, and everyone felt embarrassed.

"Devil, let me go!"

At this time, Ma Danna reacted. Her body trembled and her face turned red. She struggled in Su Xun's arms.

Su Xun released Ma Danna, sat down on the chair, looked at her and said, "if I didn't say you were my fiancee just now, they would have killed you. The overstepping was also to save you. I'm sorry."

Looking at Su Xun, who is graceful and gentle, Ma Danna is a little absent-minded, because it doesn't match the image of the devil in her mind.

"Why did you save me when I wanted to kill you last time?" Madonna blurted out.

Su Xun said with a smile, "you don't want to kill me, you just want to kill the devil."

"What's the difference?" Madonna didn't understand.

Su Xun replied: "of course, you want to kill the devil, but I'm not the devil."

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