"You're not the devil?"

Ma Danna was angry smile: "goose City, hundreds of casualties, you say you are not the devil?"

"If you want to kill me, should I be killed? What's the point? " Su Xun asked.

Ma Danna snorted coldly: "we kill you to get rid of demons, defend the way, and uphold justice..."

"Miss Ma, what have I done?" Su Xun interrupted her.

Ma Danna said coldly: "you killed Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian in Maoshan, and killed Xie zhengdaoyou cruelly. Isn't that a bad thing?"

"Do you know why I want to kill them?" Su Xun asked, and without waiting for her to answer, he continued: "because Shi Shaojian tried to smear my aunt with magic. After I found him, Shi Jian still wanted to defend him. Don't they die?"

"As for Xie Zheng, his apprentice has a bad mind. He will kill me to avenge his apprentice. Am I waiting to be killed?"

Ma Danna was stunned, because she didn't know this at all. She only knew that Su Xun raised the corpse and killed the Maoshan disciple, but she didn't expect that the reason was so.

"But you raise corpses..."

"What's the matter with me? It's a terrible crime to raise a corpse. Should the selling of a corpse in Maoshan be put to death? " Su Xun sneered scornfully.

Then he pointed to the passers-by outside the hospital: "you go out and ask, what am I like? In the end, is it not the devil, has the final say been true?

"Not so..." Ma Danna's subconscious excuse, she wants to say that she is also in the dark.

But Su Xun didn't give her a chance to talk: "it's not like this. What is it? Under my rule, the people live and work in peace and contentment in e-Cheng. When you come to me, you will become an inexorable evil. How ridiculous

Looking at Su Xun who is out of control, Ma Danna clenches her red lips. She suddenly sympathizes with Su Xun, and then comes a burst of remorse and guilt.

Yes, it's said that Su Xun is a devil, but apart from Mao Shan's words, what bad things did he do?

Just now, those townspeople have been defending him like this. Are they all fake?

What's more, he raised a body in gold armor. If he really wanted to do evil, the spiritual world would be in chaos.

"I'm sorry." Madonna whispered.

Su Xun laughed at himself: "I was chased and killed by the old ancestor of your Ma family. I've lost everything. What's the use of saying sorry?"

Then, Su Xun sighed, closed his eyes and waved: "if you really want to do it, hurry up. I'm tired after running away for such a long time."

With that, he closed his eyes and showed his neck to Madonna.

Ma Danna pursed her lips, and her sword returned to the scabbard. Looking at Su Xun, who was tired on the chair, she felt countless guilt and remorse in her heart.

He can't force himself to be a member of the team.

Fortunately, she didn't do it. Once she did, Su Xun would not hesitate to let the lamp God kill her first.

"Why not?" Su Xun opened his eyes and looked at Ma Danna quietly.

Ma Danna said: "wrong is wrong, how can we make mistakes again and again? I just can't understand. What kind of person are you? "

"Why don't you stay here and see if I'm a devil or not. It happens that I have more and more patients in the rejuvenation hall, and I'm too busy."

Su Xun said softly, with a casual tone, as if Ma Danna didn't agree.

"Good." Ma Danna nodded. She wanted to see for herself what kind of person Su Xun was.

After all, Su Xun had three bodies in gold armor in his hand. If he made a mess, he would definitely bleed thousands of miles.

I can't handle you. I'll control you every minute.

When I get to Ma Danna, I'm so angry with the old lady of the Ma family. I'm so angry that I don't dare to kill myself. When I'm in danger, I have to protect myself.

Because once she died, Madonna would cry. When she cried, her mana would be gone.

This soft rice is really delicious.

Who made him have a bad stomach now.

In this way, Ma Danna stayed in the rejuvenation hall, and Su Xun confessed that it was the lamp God who had done the treatment.

Ma Danna appreciated his honesty, because Su Xun didn't take the credit of lamp God because of his face.

As everyone knows, this is Su Xun's way to brush his favor. When he's full, he can push it.

People in Shuiyun town regard her as Su Xun's woman. At first, she could explain, but later, she was too lazy to explain, because no one believed her.

In Su Xun's words, we are innocent. Why should we care what others think.

Ma Danna thinks it's reasonable, but she seems not magnanimous enough.

Even if she doesn't want to live in the same world, can she be innocent?

Time always passes by inadvertently, and in the twinkling of an eye, it comes to August 1932.Su Xun and Ma Danna have been together for nearly two months.

In the past two months, Su Xun had always been respectful to her. He kept the right distance and tried to touch her a little from time to time.

Under the construction of Su Xun Ke, Madonna has unconsciously fallen in love, but she has not noticed the change of her inner feelings.

On August 10th, Su Xun felt that the time was almost right, and he could find out.

In the evening, Su Xun closed the door of the rejuvenation hall and went back to his residence.

"I'm back. I'm ready to eat."

Madonna said she would come back early every day to cook dinner, which has been the case for the past two months.

In her words, living in Sushen's house, she has to pay.

In fact, Su Xun didn't want to be so clear. After all, sooner or later, even the people were his.

"Well, your dress is very beautiful."

Su Xun walked into the room, looked at Ma Danna in a pink cheongsam, and said a word from the bottom of his heart.

Ma Danna was embarrassed to lift her hair: "sister Chen has to send me. It's my first time to wear this kind of clothes. I feel strange."

Chen Jie is the mayor's wife, and Ma Danna has a good reputation in the town.

"Women have to be feminine to be liked by men." Su Xun said with a smile that he knew that he could close the net this evening.

Madonna can wear this dress at home. Isn't it for him subconsciously?

Madonna's pretty face is slightly red. She looks down to play with the tableware. Suddenly, her delicate body trembles.

Because susian held her hand, she couldn't help breathing, as if she had a premonition.

"Dana, I'm going."

Su Xun said in a low voice.


Ma Danna's face turned pale. She thought Su Xun was going to confess to her. She had already thought about confessing that she couldn't be emotional with a man.

As a result, she didn't expect that the first sentence Su Xun said was to leave, and she was flustered.

She still doesn't know much about Su Zha man's routine.

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