Majia, a dragon Exorcist in the north, is famous in the spiritual world, as well as Longhushan and Maoshan.

However, compared with Longhushan and Maoshan, the Ma family is relatively low-key.

Moreover, each generation of the Ma family has only one descendant, and the number of Ma family members is relatively small.

But today, all the members of the Ma family gathered together.

Even the ancestors of the Ma family's hedaojing pass.

I'm sorry to see so many people here.

"You I'm confused

Ma's grandfather looked at Ma Danna and said, closing his eyes, a look of exhaustion.

Madonna was trained by herself!

As a result, the Ma family's taboo has been violated, and the future will be full of uncertain factors in an instant.

The key is that this man is still a big devil who is regarded as a mortal enemy by the spiritual world and chased by her.

She chased and killed the devil for a whole month, and chased him into hiding. Seeing him disappear, she thought that she would not be born again for at least ten years.

As a result, I didn't expect that this son of a bitch was really not a human being. He gave her a move in the twinkling of an eye, which made her almost angry.

Impossible to prevent, impossible to prevent!

"Aunt and grandmother..." Madonna pursed her lips, feeling that she had high hopes.

"I believe that Ma Danna will not shed tears for me when I look at Ma's family

Old witch, you were the one who chased me the most. Now I'm standing in front of you. Do you dare to kill me? Do you dare?

Su Xun couldn't help but laugh. He picked his eyebrows at the ancestor of the horse family.

Ma's ancestors feel that they have been provoked, really want to slap fear of death of this inhuman thing, but she can only endure this impulse.

If Su Xun died, it was estimated that Ma Danna would wail the next second, and then all her mana would be lost.

Ma's grandfather took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "remember what you said, you should know what your arrogance is now in front of me."

"Yes, grandaunt, I will never fail Dana." Su Xun not only wanted to kill people, but also killed his heart.

Listening to the sound of grandaunt, Ma's grandfather's heart twitched violently, and almost squeezed a word from his teeth: "good."

Do evil! What a sin!

"Aunt Zu, the order of the spirit world to hunt brother Xun..." Madonna wants to talk and stops.

Ma's ancestors tired of heart said: "the chase order can't be removed, they won't openly chase this boy, but in private they still won't let him go."

"Here, grandaunt..." Madonna was not satisfied with this, and her elbow began to turn wildly out.

Su Xun was very good at understanding people's clothes and said: "Dana, don't let grandparents be embarrassed. Since ancient times, who has no death in life? If you can win your heart, I will die..."

"Shut up!" Ma's grandfather really couldn't listen any more, so he took a deep breath: "I will officially declare you as my son-in-law to the spiritual world. Are you satisfied?"

"No!" Su Xun solemnly refused and said with awe inspiring righteousness: "how can a seven foot man become a husband? What's more, if the Ma family takes me as their son-in-law, it will do harm to the evaluation of the Ma family in the spiritual world... "

"You don't want to push an inch." Ma's grandfather interrupted him. She really seems to kill people.

Want to use the Ma family to provide protection for themselves, and do not want to be a burden, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

Su Xun's expression was serious: "aunt Zuming Jian, I would never involve the Ma family."

You step on the horse is clearly aimed at the horse, you cheap!

"Aunt and grandmother..." Ma Danna looked at the ancestors of the Ma family, praying.

The ancestor of the Ma family gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I'll say it to you. Is it enough to marry Dana to you?"

It turns out that there's such a good thing in the world.

"Thank you for your help."

Su Xun's smile was as bright as a flower.

This soft rice is too hard to eat.

Who else? Just ask, who else!

"I'm tired. I hope you're a rat."

With these words, Ma's father left. If she didn't leave, she was afraid that she would become the first monk of he Daojing who was angry to death.

Her Shouyuan is not much, so every generation of the Ma family is particularly important.

Otherwise, she would never tolerate Su Xun's being so aggressive in the Ma family.

Of course, she won't tell anyone about this, if people outside know that she is dying.

It will be a disaster for the Ma family.

Next, Su Xun had a very pleasant close communication with the Ma family, including his cheap father-in-law and mother-in-law.

He can feel that these people want to kill him, but they have to accept him with a smile.

Tut Tut, that's hypocrisy.

For example, I'm not hypocritical at all. I'm happy now, so I laugh happily.I just like the way you can't stand me and I can't do it. I still have to laugh at me.

The news that the Ma family betrothed Ma Danna, the contemporary descendant, to Su Xun, the devil, shocked the spiritual world.

Su demon disappeared for so long, they all thought this guy had gone abroad.

Or find a place to shrink up.

It turned out that he was playing a big game of chess and won Ma Danna, the contemporary descendant of the Ma family.

All of them scolded Su Xun for his cheap means and attracted women, but few of them scolded the Ma family.

Because they all know that Ma's helplessness is the result of the particularity of Ma's inheritance.

It is well known in the spiritual world that Ma's soft food is the best, but few people can eat it.

Su Xun had it. They were sour.

However, even with the support of the Ma family, the order of pursuing him in the spiritual world was not removed, but he was afraid of Su Xun.

At least on the surface will not be loud and clear to fight and kill him, hands are quietly Mimi hands.

This is enough for Su Xun. From now on, he will be able to be aboveboard again.



"This guy..."

Suddenly, I heard that Su Xun had taken Ma Danna, the contemporary descendant of the Ma family. Jiu Shu was a little sad.

At first, he thought that he had gone far away from home.

I didn't expect to get the news all of a sudden.

"It's really his shameless style." Uncle Jiu shook his head and said.

"Elder martial brother, I really want to go with you."

Cane Gu came in and hugged uncle Jiu.

That's right. Uncle Jiu's 40 year old body has been broken with the help of Su Xun's medicine.

Unfortunately, he did not know that Su Xun was his great benefactor, otherwise he would be moved to cry.

"You want to go back to the mountain and practice in seclusion. When you get out of the pass, just come to Lvjia town and find me."

Nine uncle painstakingly said.

He is going to move to Lvjia town.

Renjia town is peaceful. Jiushu has no business, so he plans to move his family to Lvjia town.

Only Qiusheng is taken care of, and Wencai takes care of the Yizhuang of Renjia town.

"Well, remember to miss me."

Sugarcane Gu in nine uncle face kiss a, let nine uncle hit a spirit, his waist is really sour.

"Master, my luggage has been loaded into the carriage. When will I leave?"

Qiusheng came in from the outside.

"Go now."

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