Time flies.

A year flies by, and in the twinkling of an eye, the last spring breeze of April 1934 comes.

In this year, Su Xun has been active in the north, and sometimes went out to kill a few devils to help.

He also met Huo tingen, the younger brother of Chen Zhen and Qiu Sheng. They joined the army and became small officers.

A big event happened in the spiritual world. Mao Xiaofang, the zombie Taoist priest in Kantian Town, died.

Su Xun was a little sorry. He only knew that Mao Xiaofang died in 1938. He didn't expect that it was this year.

He was thinking of meeting uncle Jiu and Mao Xiaofang in the future.

Maybe they are twin brothers.

Unfortunately, there is no chance.

Su Xun had been a master of Ma's family for a year. He had to work hard on Ma Danna at night except for clothes and food.

This soft food is really delicious.

Let Su Xun have a feeling of not thinking about Shu.

On April 5, Su Xun was holding Ma Danna, who was getting plump and watery, on the swing. Suddenly, a servant came to report that he was summoned by Laozu.

Su Xun thought he was calling for Ma Danna, but he wanted to meet him.

They came to the secret room where Ma's ancestors were closed.

Since a year ago, the ancestors of the Ma family have been closed to the outside world.

"Aunt and grandmother, how can you..."

After entering the secret room, Su Xun was startled to see Ma's father.

He looks as old as he was a year ago. His hair is withered and white, and his heaven and man are five years old.

"Grandaunt, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with your cultivation?" Madonna was worried.

Ma's father shook his head: "Dana, my time has come..."

"Aunt and grandmother..." Madonna is in a hurry.

Ma's grandfather interrupted her: "listen to me, the road to longevity is cut off. Even if you have empty cultivation, you can't escape from death. You should learn to get used to it."

Su Xun couldn't figure out this. Even if he couldn't live forever, he could live for hundreds of years.

But in this world, when the road of eternal life is cut off, monks will grow old and die. Realm only represents strength, but not longevity.

For example, Mao Xiaofang, whose life span has been cut off, has been on the decline.

For example, when I had a date with zombies, Madonna appeared as an old woman.

Fortunately, Kate gave him seven elixirs at that time, only five of them, and two of them were left.

"After I sit down, the news is blocked and can't be divulged. I'm said to be closed to the outside world..."

After that, we have to protect the family.

As long as the people outside are not sure if she is really dead, we have to weigh it up if we want to deal with the Ma family.

After instructing Ma Danna, she looked at Su Xun again, only one sentence: "the Ma family didn't negative you, and Danna didn't negative you, I hope you don't negative the Ma family."

"The younger generation is also a person of gratitude." Su Xun's answer was very serious. No matter what the reason was, the Ma family was really good to him.

Madonna waved: "you go."

"Aunt and grandmother..." Ma Danna was helped out of the secret room by Su Xun with tears streaming down her face.

In fact, Su Xun is very curious. Doesn't the Ma family have the method of topping? Why doesn't she give Ma Danna her accomplishments? Maybe Ma Danna can break through.

But in the end, he didn't ask this question, because the ancestor of the Ma family would know more about the Ma family than he did, and it must be reasonable for her not to do so.


At the beginning of July 1934, Yingchuan Tianzhuangtai.

In the small town, the arrival of a group of unexpected guests attracted the town people's ideas.

"Dana, are you hungry, or would you like something to eat?" When passing a restaurant, Su Xun asked.

Madonna pursed: "well, good."

A group of people went into the restaurant and ordered a restaurant.

"Little two, are there any strangers in town recently?"

Su Xun looked at Xiao ER and asked.

There's a real dragon about to fall. It's a big deal. Maybe some experts will come and stay.

"Yes, you are, aren't you?"

Xiao er made a joke.

Su Xun lost an ocean.

The second child restrained his smile and said respectfully, "you really asked the right person. There's nothing I don't know about this town. Some time ago, someone did come here. He's a fortune teller. He sets up a fortune teller in the east of the town every day. It's said that he's very accurate."

"Well, thank you." Su Xun's secret way is to meet this guy and try his depth.

After dinner, Su Xun opened several rooms in the Inn and stayed down.

"Brother Xun, now you can say what you are doing in Yingchuan." After closing the door, Madonna asked.

Su Xun said, "I'll figure out that a real dragon is about to fall here."

"Dragon?" Ma Danna's eyes widened. They relied on the dragon's power to kill demons and demons.But is there a real dragon in the world?

The kerosene lamp emitted a smoke, and the God of the lamp appeared and said with a sneer, "ridiculous, how can a real dragon come to this small village?"

"How about a bet?" Su Xun said.

The lamp God threw the folding fan: "bet on what."

"If there is a real dragon coming, you will only follow me from now on." The lamp God is the lamp. He will help whoever has the lamp. He has no position.

The lamp God widened his eyes: "good greedy man, you want to possess me forever."

Su Xun

"Don't you dare?" Su jiangxun used the method.

"Why not?" Aojiao lamp God shook the folding fan and said, "I'll block you up. If there is no real dragon coming, you have to promise me three things."

Nowadays, how can there be a real dragon? It's a joke.

"Good!" Su Xun laughed.

The next day, east of town.

A fortune teller in a long blue shirt sat behind a table, sleeping with his eyes closed.

"Give me a divination."

Su Xun sat opposite him.

The fortune teller opened his eyes and looked at Su Xun: "look at the young master's face. He is an extraordinary man."

"Can you still calculate that I am a fairy?" This is Su's ability to laugh.

The fortune teller picked up a tortoise shell and said, "who is your name and eight characters of your birthday?"

Su Xun reported it one by one.

"Click -"

the tortoise shell cracked instantly, and the fortune teller spat out blood, staring at Su Xun.

"Childe, if not ordinary people."

He had never encountered such a situation, but just at the beginning of the calculation, he was attacked.

"What do you call it?" Watching the fortune teller spit blood, Su Xun was sure that he had real ability.

Fortune teller hands: "Hu Guohua."

"Hu Guohua?" Su Xun looks strange.

A fortune teller named Hu Guohua, is this not Hu Bayi's grandfather?

Seeing this, Hu asked: "I know you, sir?"

"No, why did you come to Yingchuan?" Su Xun shook his head and asked.

Hu Guohua replied: "I passed by here a few days ago and calculated a hexagram for myself. The image of the hexagram was excellent. I felt something in my heart, so I stayed. Now it seems that my hexagram should be on the childe."

Su Xun was dumb. Your hexagram should have been on the dragon. It just happened that you met me.


At this time, the storm between heaven and earth suddenly changed, accompanied by strong winds and pouring rain.

Seeing the sudden heavy rain, lightning and thunder, Su Xun narrowed his eyes.

The real dragon will fall, he will soar!

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