"The master is back."

Seeing Su Xun, Qin Zhu, lying dead on the sofa, immediately got up and rushed into Su Xun's arms.

That's her advantage.

She can follow Su Xun to the company like Yan Yurou, or wait for Su Xun to come back at home, but Yan Yurou can't.

So she and Su Xun spent the most time together. They lived together day and night. Although they had not yet said it, they must have been in love.

With Qin Zhu in his arms, Su Xun went to the sofa and sat down as if he were holding a child.

Holding Qin Zhu on a hot day is more effective than those air conditioners, and it feels good. It's so cool and comfortable.

"Tell me a case..." Su Xun tells Qin Zhu about the 513 murder.

After hearing this, Qin Zhu gritted his teeth: "how can there be such animals in the world?"

"Sometimes, people are more terrible than ghosts." Su Xun sighed. The more he knew about criminal investigation cases, the more he could understand the ugliness of human nature.

There is a saying on the Internet that the more people I contact, the more I like dogs.

Because dogs are not as complicated as people, don't try to test human nature, otherwise your three outlooks will be shattered.

Qin Zhu nodded with approval: "that is, I am a ghost. Those criminals are more like ghosts than me. I have never harmed anyone."

Su Xun pulled the corners of his mouth. Qin Zhu was just a waste of ghosts, let alone malicious harm. There was a wind and grass outside the window at night, and she was more afraid than others.

Elder sister, you are a ghost. Do you need to be afraid of ghosts?

"So, I want you to take advantage of the ability of invisibility and give them an unforgettable memory." Su Xun said his purpose.

As soon as Qin Zhu's eyes brightened, he said excitedly, "I can scare them crazy, and then put on high heels to kick their eggs, so that they can only be picked up soap in prison."

Su Xun felt his crotch cool and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "well done, I support you."

"Then you should reward people." Qin Zhu's eyes were full of eyes, and the whole person was hanging on Su Xun's body, writhing restlessly.

Su Xun said: "forget it. I'm afraid I'll be frozen into a popsicle."

If you really want to attack a ghost, he still has some psychological obstacles. After all, he has never done it.

"No, just try." Qin Zhu, the girl, directly pressed Su Xun on the sofa, ready to bow.

Being held down by a woman, Su Xun was ashamed and indignant: "Qin Zhu, get up and let me go."

"Quack, quack, quack, quack your throat, and no one will come to save you. The more you struggle, the more excited I am. Ha ha ha Er ~ "

Qin Zhu laughed wildly, then her laughter stopped abruptly, and her expression solidified instantly.

Because Su Xun took out the peace blessing in his pocket.

"Master, the little girl is wrong."

Qin Zhu immediately let go of Su Xun, holding his head in both hands, squatting on the ground, looking at Su Xun pitifully.

"Little boy, I can't cure you." Su Xun straightened his clothes, and then raised his chin to her: "two hundred frog leaps, from now on."

"Oh." Qin Zhu curls his mouth and makes a frog jump on the ground.

As a ghost, she won't be tired, but it's boring to jump around.


At ten o'clock in the evening, Su Xun received a call from Chen Yu at home.

"Hello, Chen Ju."

"Mr. Su, there are two good news. The superior has agreed to our application to hire you as the special criminal investigation consultant of our branch."

Su Xun laughed: "what's the second good news?"

"Cigarette end test results come out, we have locked the identity of the first suspect and are investigating his whereabouts."

When he said the news, Chen Yu's voice was raised a few points, because as long as the identity was confirmed, the whereabouts would not be difficult to check.

"When I was arrested, Chen bureau must inform me that I want to see these four bastards arrested with my own eyes."

"Well, Mr. Su, I won't disturb you. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Su Xun said to Qin Zhu, "it's estimated that you will soon have a place to use."

"Unfortunately, it's not in your bed." Qin Zhu rolled his eyes with resentment.

Yan Yurou curled her lips: "some women really have no sense of shame."

She didn't know Qin Zhu was a ghost.

"Ha ha." Qin Zhu just smiles. You are talking about women. What does it have to do with me?

Yan Yurou has the feeling of punching on the cotton. She snorts and continues to play with her mobile phone.

She is Baidu search: how to smoothly grasp a man's heart, how to get a man's body, the first time will bleed?

If you let Su Xun see these search records, he will definitely gush out a mouthful of blood. What's in the woman's mind!Female ghosts crave his body, so do women.

It's amazing. It's really frustrating.

"Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, Su Xun's mobile phone rang again. It was Liao Yu.

"Hello, Xiao Yu." Su Xun connected his cell phone.

Liao Yu's anxious voice came out of the receiver: "brother, I seem to have been followed. I I'm so scared. "

"Where are you? Try to go where there are as many people as you can. I'll be right here Su Xun's face changed and he got up from the sofa.

Yan Yurou and Qin Zhu look at each other face to face, do not understand what happened.

"I am I'm in the one-way street next to the vegetable market outside our community. There are still people here. I dare not go on now. "

Liao Yu's voice was shaking. After all, it was light for a woman in the evening to be scared to collapse.

It's reasonable to say that it's the best way to call 110 in this case, but women are different. They subconsciously call the man they depend on most.

"I'll be right here. Don't hang up. Keep talking."

If anything happens to Liao Yu, he will have a bad conscience all his life.

Su Xun looked at Qin Zhu and said, "come out with me."

Take a little pet, maybe you will use her special ability.

"I'll go too." Yan Yurou said.

Su Xun looked at her: "no, it's inconvenient to have too many people."

"Oh." Yan Yurou sat down with some loss.

Qin Zhu took a proud look at her and made a kiss, then followed Su Xun to leave.

A burst of Yan Rou's chest, and then the baby's eyes did not compete with each other.

"Don't you like big men? Why is he indifferent? He just likes Qin Zhu's refrigerator. Damn it

After that, how can he show his favorite smile

Sometimes women are just nuts.

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