Liao Yu is very flustered.

She didn't eat at night and was a little hungry. She came out for a snack, but she was followed on her way home.

At the beginning, she only thought that the other party was on the same road, but she didn't care.

But he always found that he and the other side were not far away from each other.

At night, a woman was so scared that her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

She could only call Su Xun for help, because the first thing in her mind was Su Xun.

After hearing Su Xun's voice from her mobile phone, she felt relieved and almost cried.

Once she was very strong, that is because she did not rely on, can only rely on themselves.

Now with Su Xun, her heart became soft and she became a little woman.

She put the speed is very slow, because go further is a park, this time no one in the park, quiet terrible.

The community she lives in is on the other side of the park. She has to cross a road in the middle of the park.

About 20 minutes later, Su Xun's voice came out from his mobile phone: "I see you, and I see the people following you. My car is on the road next to me. Don't look back to avoid scaring the snake. Go on and deliberately go to the place where there is no one."

Su Xun was trying. If that guy really had bad intentions, there would be another corpse at the bottom of Jiangnan City tonight.

"Well." Liao Yu answered and summoned up courage to step forward to the park not far away.

Su Xun comforted her: "don't be afraid. I'll be right behind. It'll be OK, darling."

Listening to Su Xun's gentle tone, Liao Yu felt full of security, and his fear gradually dissipated.

Behind her, a man in a black sweater and baseball cap, with his hands in his pockets, followed her.

After Liao Yu entered the park, the man quickened his pace, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and rushed towards her.


Listening to the sound of footsteps that suddenly become urgent behind him, Liao Yu is so scared that he turns back and smashes the bag in his hand subconsciously.

The man was caught off guard and hit in the face. He took a step back, staggered to stabilize his body, and then came close to Liao Yu.

"Shua -"

at this moment, several high beam lights suddenly hit him, making him blind for a short time.

The light of Audi A8 can become the same at night as in the daytime after the horse is turned on. The man subconsciously blocks his eyes with his hand, and only feels pale in his sight.

Although the line of sight was disturbed, the man also knew that he had missed tonight, so he ran without looking at the direction.


As soon as he took two steps, he felt a foot kick on his stomach. His stomach rolled and his body hit the ground heavily.

He tried to get up, but a big foot came down from the sky, stepped on his head and forced him to step on the ground.

He also wanted to struggle hard to gain a chance of life, but the next moment, a black muzzle appeared in his sight. Looking up again, the gun holder was a tall man, staring at him without expression.

This person is ah Hu.

Around him, ten men in black have surrounded him, so that he can't find a breakthrough even if he wants to run.

Su Xun got out of a car and walked quickly to Liao Yu: "Xiao Yu, are you ok?"

"Brother." Liao Yu rushed into Su Xun's arms, crying with tears. Her face was white, and she was obviously scared.

Su Xun patted her smooth jade back gently: "it's OK. It's OK. My brother is here. It's OK."

Liao Yu, a mature beauty who is several years older than him, looks like a little sister who is taken care of by him.

The man who was trampled on the ground by ah Hu had already calmed down. As soon as he looked at this posture, he knew that he was finished, and he was staring at the wrong person.

After a while, Liao Yu stopped crying under Su Xun's comfort. Su Xun released her and said, "get in the car first, and go to my house tonight."

As his voice fell, he winked at a bodyguard.

It's easy for women to have bloody nightmares at night.

"Miss Liao, please." The bodyguard bent slightly, opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.

"Well." Liao Yu answered and glanced at the man on the floor. He got into the car with a lingering fear.

Looking at the door closed, Su Xun's face was cold, cold as ice, and walked to the man on the ground.

Bodyguards quickly get out of the way, AHU also stepped on the man's head feet away.


Without saying a word, Su Xun directly kicked the man in the guard's face.


The man in the guard screamed and rolled twice on the ground. The bone of the bridge of the nose was broken on the spot, and blood splashed all over his face."Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Su Xun's face did not change, and he even kicked several feet.

Su Xun didn't stop until the man in the sweater curled up and shivered slightly.

At this time, ah long picked up the handkerchief that the man had dropped on the ground, smelled it, and then went to Su Xun: "Sir, it's ether."

A small amount of ether can cause coma and death.

The man just wanted to cover Liao Yu's nose and mouth with this handkerchief.

"What do you want to do?" Su Xun looked down at the man in the guard and asked coldly.

The man in the guard was almost kicked to death by him. He was scared and said honestly: "I I want to kidnap her and then And then the strong point. "

When he wants to come, it's better to be sent to the police station than to be killed alive.

"It's not the first time to see your familiar technique." Su Xun asked again.

The man in the uniform looked twinkling, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded: "this is the seventh one."

Ah Hu's face changed, and he said to Su Xun, "there was a news a while ago. He found six women's corpses who were injured and had been violated before they died

"You did it?" Su Xun's eyes were colder when he looked at the man in the guard.

The man nodded: "yes, it's me. I confess. You give me to the police. I did it."

"Mulder son of a bitch." Ah long scolded in a low voice, and his eyes were furious.


Su Xun kicked him hard again, and coldly dropped a sentence: "throw him into the sea to feed the fish."

The voice dropped and turned to the car.

"No! No, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, I'm willing to turn myself in, turn myself in! "

The man in the guard was in a panic and struggled hysterically. He liked to see the desperate and helpless appearance of those women before they died.

But I never thought that one day I would come to such an end, such despair and fear.

Soon he was bewildered by ah long's use of his own cloth covered with ether.

Then the two bodyguards threw him into the trunk and drove straight to the seaside.

A long drives Su Xun home, and a Hu leaves traces of handling the scene. In this respect, he is professional.

Tonight, the fish in the sea, have a good mouth.

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