"How can we cooperate with you, sir?"

Ichiro Watanabe knelt down in front of Su Xun.

If this incident can be solved quickly, his credit will be no less than that of those who command the battle at the front line.

Therefore, he is very excited. Whether the young assistant can be promoted to the senior assistant depends on the opposite master.

"Dynamite, I need a lot of dynamite."

Su Xun said calmly.


Watanabe was stunned. Shouldn't he use divine skill to kill demons and demons?

Su Xun sighed: "there is a worst news, I have to remind you that the source of this time is likely to be a flying corpse."

It's not possible, it is!

"Flying corpse?" Ichiro Watanabe showed a rustic expression, never heard of.

Su Xun's face was dignified and nodded: "yes, it's the flying corpse. That's why I promised to help you solve this problem."

"Flying corpses can fly to the sky and escape from the earth. They will never die. They are not afraid of the sun and general magic. One flying corpse can destroy a country. I didn't expect flying corpses to appear in the island Parliament."

"Flying corpses are not only a disaster for the island country, but also a disaster for the people. I can't stand by and watch."

On the one hand, Su Xun told the story of Fei Shi, on the other hand, he explained why he promised to help the island solve the problem.

Island dwarfs are cheap bones. When you don't agree with them, they lick them madly.

After you agree, he is still licking, but at the same time, he will remain suspicious.

After hearing that the flying corpse was so powerful, Junichiro Watanabe was a little incredible. But if the flying corpse was so strong, he would have no doubt about Su Xun.

So he decided to go back and check the information first.

"Sir, now the empire is fighting on multiple fronts. Explosives are very important. I can't decide this. I need to go back and ask for instructions."

Watanabe made a reasonable excuse.

"Go, but be quick. The flying corpse is not afraid of the sun. I'm afraid he will attack during the day."

Su Xun was worried. He was not afraid. He had just figured out that there was a flying corpse. He was sure to make a wave of attacks during the day.

He's really worried about it.

I'm afraid the islanders are going to make it.


Ichiro Watanabe bowed his head, then got up and left.

When Junichiro Watanabe returned to his office, he immediately asked people to check the information related to long Guofei's corpse.

After finishing the recording, the face of Jiufei's face turned pale.

Then immediately to see his boss Fujita wood, explain the matter, put forward to a large number of explosives.

Fujita did not agree: "Watanabe, you need to know that the empire is on the war, and the explosive needs a lot of gunpowder. It is originally a tight resource. If the explosive is sent to you, what will the front-line soldiers do?"

"General, without explosives, we can't solve this problem. What about Edo?" Watanabe asked, the key is, if we can't solve this problem, how can he be promoted?


Just then, there was a loud noise outside.

"What's the noise?"

The two men's faces changed, and they thought the air raid was coming.


The door of the office was pushed open, and an officer helped to break in: "general, please leave here immediately. There is a monster in the sky."


Fujita and Ichiro Watanabe both think of the flying corpse they just talked about, and they rush to the window.

From the window, we can see that in the distance, a humanoid creature is wantonly destroying, throwing masses of black smoke from the sky.

Poor them, they have been made by zombies for so long, they don't even know that this thing is called corpse gas.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The monster roared, rushed to the crowd, picked up an island soldier and tore it up in the air.

There are also Yin Yang teachers who are not afraid of death, and then other Yin Yang teachers become afraid of death.


Soon, the sound of the plane rang out, and two fighters were transferred by the military headquarters to solve the monsters in the sky.

"Dada dada..."

The plane flew around the monster, and the machine gun kept pouring bullets on the monster.

However, the monster didn't do anything about it. Instead, he smashed the plane with a rough fist.

Two planes crashed one after another, smashing houses in the crowd's screams and causing a fire.

This scene is like a monster invasion, but the island is obviously not able to become light Altman.

Ichiro Watanabe and Takeda turned pale.

"I I'll allow you to mobilize explosives without restriction now, but send someone to watch the dragon! "

Fujita said anxiously, looking at Ichiro Watanabe.

Before that, he thought that the records of flying corpses in the book must be exaggerated, so he didn't think so.

But now, he thinks the book is right."Yes, sir!"

When he got the approval documents, he didn't dare to delay the frontier transfer.

Even the consumption of the front line has been put aside for the time being, and the problem of Edo must be solved first.

Otherwise, no matter how fast we fight in the front, even the capital in the rear will be finished. It's useless.

The islanders are excellent in some aspects, such as mobility. In three days, Ichiro Watanabe prepared several tons of explosives for Su Xun.

With so many explosives, Junichiro Watanabe is not at ease to be controlled by a dragon.

So he sent hundreds of soldiers to guard. In name, he helped Su Xun arrange the explosives. In fact, he was afraid of Su Xun's misbehavior.

Although Junichiro Watanabe didn't think Su Xun had, he had to be on guard.

At the same time, Fujiwara of Kyoto came to Edo. As soon as he stepped into Edo, he frowned.

"What an evil spirit."

These days, Su Xun has sent Nintendo and Ren weiriban to work in rotation every day. Of course, the evil spirit is heavy, and the whole Edo is shrouded in the shadow.

Even a large number of military supplies were destroyed by zombies, which made the island army suffer.

Now everyone is praying for Su Xun's success.

Su Xun also hopes to succeed.

Before he left, he was going to send a grand fireworks to the people of the island country with those explosives.

After all, it's for the people, it's for the people.

But Fujiwara, as the only magic monk guarding the artifact temple in the island, was ceremoniously welcomed by the temples in Edo.

After hearing about Su Xun, Fujiwara admired the Dragon man and wanted to visit him.

He even wanted to wait for the flying corpse to appear again, and he and the Dragon Master would destroy each other together.

In this way, in the evening, master Fujiwara, led by Ichiro Watanabe, went to the courtyard where Su Xun lived.

Standing outside the yard, master Fujiwara frowned. He felt a strong evil.

This evil atmosphere is the same as that in Edo.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Asked Ichiro Watanabe curiously.

"No problem."

Master Fujiwara shook his head and said in secret, it must be the Dragon Master who caught the zombie.

When he saw Yingying who opened the door, he was stunned, because he saw that Yingying was a demon.

But he explained to Su Xun in his heart that this demon must have been accepted as a servant by an expert. It's normal.

Following Yingying into the courtyard, he felt the existence of three ghosts, namely ghosts.

In the heart secret way, this is definitely the ghost who is subdued by the expert, is to be sent to hell to be punished.

Then, until he saw Su Xun.

He felt he couldn't explain it for him.

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