"Master Fujiwara, this is Mr. Su, a master of the Dragon kingdom. I believe you must have a common topic."

Junichiro Watanabe points to Su Xun to introduce Fujiwara.

"Mr. Su, I have a mirror here. I want you to have a look at it."

Fujiwara felt Su Xun's strong corpse spirit, and he was born to open his eyes. At a glance, he saw that Su Xun's clothes were made of zombies.

And the two strong men like bodyguards behind Su Xun were also ferocious zombies.

He has confirmed that the chaos in Edo during this period was caused by this man.

This is a play directed and performed by him.

Not only to hurt the people of the Empire, but also to gain the gratitude of the people of the Empire. It's disgusting!

Fujiwara felt that he wanted to destroy him. With eight mirrors in his hand, he felt that he was invincible.

He thinks: I can kill instantly.

"Oh, what mirror?"

Su Xun was a little puzzled. How could the dwarf let himself look in the mirror as soon as he met.

Su Xun was wary of strange things.

Fujiwara chuckled and took out the eight close mirror from his arms, aiming the mirror at Su Xun.

In a flash, the mirror burst out a golden light.


Su Xun let out a scream. It was the scream of the Royal zombies, and the smoke came out.


Su Xun immediately flew up to avoid the golden light and looked at Fujiwara coldly: "you should die."

"This What the hell is going on! "

Junichiro Watanabe looks confused.

"Mr. Watanabe, this dragon man has a ghost in his heart. He is responsible for the chaos in Edo."

Fujiwara said coldly.


Junichiro Watanabe was shocked, his face full of disbelief: "master, is there a mistake?"

"Wrong? It can't be wrong Master Fujiwara sneered and reflected the eight close mirror on Nintendo and Ren Weiyong.


The two corpses were directly exposed and roared at the sky.

"This This This... "

Junichiro Watanabe, pale with fright, sat down on the floor, full of panic.

He recognized that this was the monster that attacked in the sky at noon that day.

It turns out that the mastermind behind the scenes is really this dragon man. Damn it, he damn it!

"Master Fujiwara, kill that despicable stranger!" Junichiro Watanabe's gnashing of teeth.

He felt humiliated by being played around like a fool.

"Puff -"

the next second, a folding fan penetrated Ichiro Watanabe's neck, bringing out a flower of blood.

The lamp God flew to Su Xun.

"Sad fellow, if you keep your stupidity, you'll live a little longer."

"Thank you for your contribution to my plan."

Su Xun looked at Ichiro Watanabe and said faintly.

"You Puff - "

Ichiro Watanabe vomited blood in anger, his eyes were full of resentment and unwilling, and he swallowed his last breath.

"You, go out and add some color to the evening."

Su Xun sent out three ghosts, Yingying, Nintendo and Ren Wei.

Just let them cover Yingying to set off fireworks in the warehouse where the explosives are stored.

"Demon! Die

Master Fujiwara put away the eight close mirror, held a staff, glittered with golden light, and rushed to Su Xun.

The evil spirits who ran out were naturally dealt with by his brothers who came with him. He only needed to kill the devil in front of him.


The next second, the aggressive master Fujiwara smashed down and cracked the floor.

"Smelly silly beep, don't use that broken mirror, do you think you will be our opponent?"

Su Xun laughed contemptuously, and his figure appeared in front of master Fujiwara in an instant, and stepped down.

Fujiwara gritted his teeth and rolled away.


Leave a footprints in place.

"Go to hell!"

Fujiwara had already got up, waving the staff in his hand, and gathered a light to sweep to Su Xun.

"Electrotherapy for free."

Su Xun incarnated himself as the king of thunder and lightning, and hit the thunder fist.


A thunderbolt burst in Fujiwara's chest.

"Wow! Pooh - "

Master Fujiwara screamed and burst out with blood. His body flew out and broke a wall.

The mirror in my arms also fell to the ground.

"How could..."

Master Fujiwara looked at Su Xun incredulously. How could the evil devil use the power of thunder.

"I will have more."

Su Xun was also surprised. The monk's vitality was a little stubborn. Lei Dun flashed and pinched master Fujiwara's throat with one hand to kill him."Devil, you You will be punished. "

Fujiwara was pinched by Su Xun, and his face began to turn pale. He said in a difficult tone.


Su Xun sneered rudely: "your island country started wars everywhere and killed so many of my compatriots. Why didn't you get retribution?"

"Oh, no, I almost forgot. You've got it. This seat is your retribution!"

The smile on his face became more and more cruel, the strength on his hand gradually increased, and he would be crushed to death in the next second.

At the same time, Fujiwara mouth blood drops on the ground of the eight near mirror.


Eight close mirror burst out a powerful force, with the sky full of color light straight into the sky, Su Xun was shocked to fly, master Fujiwara in his hand out.

In the colorful light of the eight close mirror, a figure of Miaoman stands on the sky in a gorgeous skirt. Wearing a veil, he can't see his face clearly. A scorching sun is behind him, illuminating the whole night sky.

Sacred, blazing, life, and several other majestic breath came out of her.

"Heaven shines on the great God!"

The weak master Fujiwara quickly knelt on the ground.

At the same time, the whole Edo saw this scene, all of them prostrate on their knees.

"Damn it

Su Xun made a rude remark and turned around to run.

He didn't expect that the God of the sun, which is believed in by the island country, actually came out to make chicken feathers!

It's totally unscientific!!!

Although Tianzhao is weak in his eyes, it is still strong for him now.

"Friar of the Dragon Kingdom, you crossed the line."

Listening to the authoritative female voice behind him, Su Xun ignored her infatuation.

Next second, shine a light.

"Sonima! If you can't run, you'll die! "

Su Xun suddenly turned around and with a move, Nintendo turned into a black iron gun and fell into his hands.

Ren Wei's corpse gasifies into a pair of black armor and drapes over Su Xun. His corpse gas sweeps across the starry night.

Su Xun was armed with a big gun. His corpse was so angry that his eyes were scarlet. He took three flying corpses to kill the sun god.

A cold face first arrived, and then shot like a dragon.


A golden light and a black light collided in the air, causing a violent explosion.

Below, countless houses collapsed directly.

Everyone is shivering and calling God.

Master Fujiwara covered his chest, but he couldn't help shaking. The evil cultivation of the Dragon kingdom could resist the God.

Can Empire conquer such a dragon kingdom?

Su Xun and the sun god had a battle in the air. The corpse was so fierce that the grass didn't grow where it passed.

"Ha ha ha, I found that you are just a shadow! I'll see how long you spend! "

Su Xun felt that the strength of the sun god was not as strong as he had imagined, and he found that her body was slowly weakening.

It is certain that she is just a virtual shadow in the eight close mirror.

Who knows where she really is?

"Those who are noisy and profane dare to be rude to their own gods!"

Sun god virtual shadow show eyebrow a pick, angry.

"If you are in front of me, you will know what is really rude, ha ha ha..."

Su Xun looked up at the sky with a long smile, waving a black iron gun full of corpse Qi to support him.

That's right. It's just hard. Although he's so tough, the main reason is that he doesn't want to lose momentum.

It's one thing to win or not, but we can't lose.

No matter how weak the God of the island is, it's impossible for the great God of heaven to be weak. Even if it's a shadow, it can't be paid by a flying corpse.

If it wasn't for three flying corpses, the goddess would have hanged and beaten him with the power of Su Xun.

Even now, he is at most five to five with each other, and he is also injured, almost exhausted.

The God of heavenly light was just a shadow. He didn't care about life or death, but Su Xun couldn't!

As we all know, he is always afraid of death.


At this time, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the northwest, and the fire swept the earth.

Thousands of islanders screamed and ran.

"Do you like the fireworks I gave you? This is the bride price. Next time I come, I'll pick you up! "

Su Xun laughed and ran away.

"Damn it

Sun god virtual shadow scolded a, she didn't chase, but fly to the explosion of the sea of fire.

It's more important to save her people than to kill Su Xun. Her shadow will soon disappear.

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