"Well, there are people in it."

Su Xun's eyes directly saw through the barriers and fell on Hu Bayi and others.

"Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang?"

This is Longling Grottoes where ghosts blow lanterns?

Did not expect to wake up to meet two acquaintances, but also acquaintances of the offspring.

Hu Bayi, the grandson of Hu Guohua.

Shirley Yang, the granddaughter of partridge whistle.

In other words, at least a few decades have passed. It should be around the 1990s.

After many years, seeing Shirley Yang, Su Xun couldn't help thinking of the partridge whistle. After all, he took the little flower spirit away from him.

The partridge whistle is also my brother-in-law.

In other words, should Shirley Yang call herself grandfather Su?

Taking back his thoughts, Su Xun looked around and found no Ren Weiyong and royal zombies.

Immediately in the heart of communication Royal zombie and Ren Weiyong, life two corpses to see him.

I don't know what happened to Nintendo on the island. Su Xun tried to feel it, but he found that he couldn't feel it.


Or out of control?

Su Xun didn't want to take care of it. Now his self-cultivation revived, so he didn't need him any more.

And with their own recovery, the holy blood left in their bodies should also recover.


The next second, two figures appeared in front of me, kneeling on one knee: "see Lord."

Looking at the intelligence state of the two corpses, it is obvious that the holy blood has reformed them after they wake up.

"Get up."

Su Xun said faintly, and then got up and went out, ready to meet Hu Bayi and them.

Of course, before they left, they took away a piece of tortoise shell not far away. This thing is the other half of the dragon's letter Hu Bayi was looking for.

At that time, he told Hu Guohua where the hualongling grottoes were in Yingchuan, but Hu Guohua didn't come to get them, which made the story of ghost blowing lamp back on track.

With two zombies, regardless of the mechanism along the way, Shimen and other layers of obstacles, unimpeded.

"Who is it! Come out

Shirley Yang gave a big drink, and the flashlight in her hand shone on Su Xun's face.

Seeing that she was a handsome man, she was slightly relieved that the handsome people were not bad enough.

Everyone else has come up with guys.

"Sherry Yang, Hu Bayi."

Su Xun called out their names directly. As for the others, he was not interested.

"You Do you know us? "

Hu Bayi frowned. He couldn't remember such a handsome man in his memory.

Shirley Yang can't remember it any more, because if she had known this kind of Shuaibi, she would have been crazy.

"I not only know you, but also know that you are looking for Longgu Tianshu, right?"

Su Xun gave a cool smile and turned over his hand to take out the half piece of dragon's bone.

"Longgu Tianshu!"

Shirley Yang exclaimed, subconsciously want to come forward, or Hu Bayi pulled her.

"Who are you, my friend?"

Hu Bayi has a strong sense of crisis. It's hard to feel that everything has been mastered.

"Who am I? Your father and I are barely acquaintances. Take this and go

Su Xun lost the dragon's letter.

Hu Bayi obviously didn't believe Su Xun's words, because Su Xun seemed to be in his twenties at most. How could he have met his father?

Isn't that a hundred year old monster?

However, the dragon's letter was indeed in hand, and Hu Bayi was relieved that the other side didn't mean anything bad.

"Let's go."

Shirley Yang said that they came here just for this half of the dragon's bone.

"No! No one is allowed to step on the horse

A bald man with dark skin yelled, looked at Hu Bayi and said, "do you want to go when you find something? That won't work! If we come in together, we must help us find the treasure before we can leave! "

"It's the same with you! Drive away, believe it or not, I'll cut off your dogleg with a knife! "

The knife in his hand pointed to Su Xun.

As his voice fell, the villagers who came in with him pulled out their knives one after another.

They come in together to seek wealth. They don't know how to explore tombs. If Hu Bayi and others leave, how can they go in and look for treasure?


The next second, a shadow flashed by. The bald head was pinched by the Royal zombies and hit the stone wall. A mouthful of blood came out.

"This This... "

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

"Lao Hu, you Do you see it? "

Wang asked stutteringly.

Hu Bayi shook his head. He was also thirsty. How could he feel that these three people were not human?"If you don't want to go, bury it here."

Su Xun's tone was indifferent, and he looked at other villagers with knives: "do you want to be his companion?"


In an instant, the knife and detonator were lost.

"My Lord, we dare not."

"You said to go Just go. We'll go, too. "

"Yes, yes, we listen to you..."

They have the same idea as Hu Bayi. What they meet in such a place is not necessarily human.

And look at that man's strange body method, this horse riding force is not a person, at least not a normal person!

"Then let's go together."

Su Xun nodded and walked in the front. Ren Weiyong followed him. The Royal zombie threw the bald guy out and followed Su Xun.

Is it the power of the horse or the twitch of the crowd?

No wonder only three people dare to come to such a place with unique skills and real skills.

Out of the cave, you can see a Loess Plateau and the scorching sun.

"I haven't seen the sun for decades."

Su Xun stared at the sun and sighed.


Everyone was excited. On this hot day, why did you suddenly feel cold on your back?

"Big Big brother is so humorous. Thank you for the dragon's letter. What's the name of big brother? " Hu Bayi was bold and tried to talk to Su Xun.

Su Xun didn't look back and said, "surname su."

"It turned out that it was elder brother su. Nice to meet you." Hu Bayi was older than Su Xun in his age, but it was also unambiguous to call him elder brother.

Shirley Yang also said, "thank you, brother su. Longgu Tianshu is very important to me."

"You should call me grandfather." Su Xun looked at her.

All of you

Shirley Yang is also twitching. What's your hobby?

She only heard that she likes to let girls call her father. This is the first time that she meets someone who wants to call her grandfather.

Big gold teeth licked his face, thumbed up and flattered: "you're a high-end player."

"That's necessary. I must like to hear the magnesium ocean horse call grandfather. This is to win glory for our country." Wang pangzi also sang along.

Sherry Yang's face sank when she heard that she was born in magnesium after all.

"Have you seen blind Chen?"

Su Xun didn't bother to explain to them.

I remember that in the original online drama, they all met blind Chen before they entered Longling grottoes.

"Yes." Hu Bayi replied quickly.

"Take me to see him."

Su Xun wanted to see his old friend who was still alive. At least he met him and helped him cure his eyes.

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