"What year is it?"

On the way back, Su Xun asked.

"1989, of course." Shirley Yang gathered around Su Xun and said with a smile, "dragon's letter is very important to me. Let's talk about it. How can I repay you?"

"See, the white rich hair of magnesium country is in love." Wang said to Hu Bayi in a low voice.

Big gold tooth also low voice echo: "this Su ye, seem to really want to ride magnesium ocean horse."

"Don't you have any morals? Shut up." Hu Bayi did not have the good spirit to stare two people one eye.

Su Xun felt funny in his heart, and said to Shirley Yang without looking back: "Shirley Yang, stop your careful thinking, you can't be with me, otherwise your grandfather is afraid to get up from the grave and talk to me."

I slept with my sister of the partridge sentry several decades ago, and if I sleep with his granddaughter several decades later.

If he had known about it, he would have been so angry that he couldn't hold the coffin. He would have been dead in situ.

"That's just right. I miss my grandfather. I don't believe I can't catch up with you." Shirley Yang is very free and easy.

After all, I grew up in magnesium, which was different from the thinking of many domestic women at that time.

Su Xun didn't bother to talk to her. He directly blocked the woman's chatter.

Shirley Yang's mouth was dry, and she didn't blink at the other person's eyelids, so she finally stopped talking.

Of course, she didn't give up. The more men who despised her, the more she liked them.

This person, sometimes, is very cheap.

In the evening, in the county guest house, after nearly 60 years, Su Xun saw Chen Yulou again.

Today, he is no longer Chen Yulou, who was famous in Western Hunan in the past. He is a blind man who wasted his time.

"Old man, it's not accurate for you to calculate the hexagram for us. Our trip is easy."

Wang looked at Chen and said.

The night before they set out, blind man Chen told them that this trip was extremely dangerous.

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be." Blind Chen frowned. He was right.

Hu Bayi couldn't see it any more and said, "old man, you may be right, but we have met a noble man. He is standing in front of you."

"Noble man?" Blind Chen was stunned.

Su Xun said, "Mr. Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know if I can remember su."

Hearing this sound, Chen Yulou, clutching a crutch, was shocked. His face twitched and he said incredulously: "are you Sue, Sue Shuai? "

"So, my name is Su Shuai? What an arrogant name, but it really deserves it. " Big gold tooth shows one of his gold teeth and says with a thumb.

Wang pangzi, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also misunderstand Su Xun's name as Su Shuai.

However, Su Xun and Chen Yulou obviously didn't want to explain to them.

Su Xun said, "it's me. I've had a lot of vicissitudes. I didn't expect that the leader of Xie Ling, who was once high spirited, is now old. It's a pity and a sigh."

"After a while, Su Shuai's voice is still full of Zhongqi, which is enviable." Chen Yulou also had some emotion and excitement. He didn't expect to meet his old friend who lived more than 60 years ago.


Listening to the conversation between Chen Yulou and Su Xun, Shirley and yang are confused.

These two people are not contemporaries.

Wang chubby, blurted out: "I said the old man, you are not mistaken, misunderstood it."

"Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding Chen Yu Lou's face showed the color of recalling the past, and slowly said: "when I first met Su Shuai in Pingshan, I carried over a hundred elite soldiers, and refined two corpses. I had an extraordinary aura. If Su Shuai hadn't saved me, I would have died in Pingshan 60 years ago."

Shirley and Yang have been struck by lightning. They understand that this person is Su Xun, who was famous in the world of magic 60 years ago. But how can this be possible?

"Master, you must be mistaken. Su Shuai looks only in his twenties." Hu Bayi felt that he was going to collapse. How could he not understand more and more.

"In your twenties?"

Blind Chen was stunned, and then he was shocked for a long time

"Yes, I'm lucky to be alive. I've learned the destiny of eternal life. I'm here just to cure your eyes." Su Xun admitted it. It's a showdown. I'll live forever.

Hu Bayi et al

Why is this horse riding more and more out of line?

Immortality has come out. Now it's a scientific society. Brother, can you be more rigorous?

Blind Chen was so excited that he believed Su Xun's words: "I Su Shuai, 60 years ago, you saved my life. 60 years later... "

"Well, don't say thank you." Su Xun directly hit Chen blind man with a magic power.

A moment later, blind Chen felt Su Xun tremblingly: "I I can see it, Su Shuai. It's really you. Su Shuai, you haven't changed at all. "Boom!

Hu Bayi four people's three views have been completely subverted, looking at the two people in front of him.

So easy to cure Chen Yulou's blind eyes, this horse It's really immortal?

A immortal who has not changed his appearance for nearly a hundred years?

"Sue Mr. Su, my grandfather's autobiography says, "I met you in Yingchuan?" Hu Bayi asked.

Su Xun nodded: "yes, I pointed out the location of Longling Grottoes to him, but I don't know why, he didn't come to get the half dragon's bone."

"Gulu ~" Hu Bayi swallowed his saliva. Now he was sure that he was a living immortal.

Shirley Yang also understood why Su Xun said it was impossible to talk to her. It was really impossible. According to the relationship, she wanted to call the man in front of her grandfather.

After all, he married his grandfather's younger sister.

Granddaughter sleep grandfather, is he greedy subsistence?

What's more, there is no subsistence allowance for this one.

"I I'm a little confused. "

Wang pangzi and Da Jinya look at each other.

"If you want to find xiaochenzhu, go to Xianwang tomb in southern Yunnan. You won't be disappointed."

I remember that Yang Xueli found him in the tomb.

Shirley Yang brightened her eyes and said, "thank you, Sue Grandfather

What's it like to call a man about his age, grandfather?

"Mr. Chen, I'm here to see you. I've seen you. It's time to leave. I'll go to Hong Kong Island again."

After Su Xun finished, he disappeared with the Royal zombies and Ren Weiyong.

"This "If you can't see it, you can't see it?"

Big gold teeth grinned and looked around.

All of us are sentimental, immortals. We see the living immortals for the first time.

It's a pity that no one will believe such a good material.

"What a loss!"

Wang pangzi suddenly cried out regret, looking at Hu Bayi said: "you are at least his old friend, you should also ask him what kind of panacea you want!"

"Don't think about it. Su Shuai won't give it." Chen Yu Lou said without ceremony.

Shirley Yang is a bit in a trance.

Thought: grandfather, if you insist on more time, maybe you don't have to die.

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