The family went to bed late, and the family went to bed late.

Everyone went back, leaving only him and Ayame Karin at home.

Uzumaki Karin went back to her room, leaving only him and Ayame.

In the kitchen, the sound of water was gurgling.

Ayame was cleaning the dishes by herself.

Suzumiya Musashi walked over and wanted to help clean up, but he found something wrong as soon as he got close.

Ayame was washing the dishes in her hands, but her movements were very slow. A closer look showed that the other person's eyes were red, and big tears fell down and fell into the pool.

"Sister!" Suzumiya Musashi said anxiously: "Why are you crying?"

"I... I didn't." Ayame turned her head away in panic.

"You still say no!" Suzumiya Musashi held up Ayame's face with both hands. On her pretty face, her big eyes were almost swollen.

Suzumiya Musashi said with some heartache: "Look at you, you've cried like this."

"I didn't cry! I said I didn't cry, so I didn't cry!"

"Okay, okay, I didn't cry, I didn't cry, I didn't cry." Suzumiya Musashi didn't argue with the other party.

Ayame wiped her eyes with her sleeves and continued to wash the dishes. Before she could start, Suzumiya Musashi grabbed it.

Watching Suzumiya Musashi handle the dishes skillfully, Ayame's eyes were complicated, and she said: "Actually, Bai is very good."

Suzumiya Musashi: "Well, it's very good."

Ayame: "... And Bai is a ninja, and the age is right, it's very suitable for you."

Suzumiya Musashi put down the washed dishes, wiped his washed hands, turned around and looked at Ayame with a smile.

"Suitable for what?"

Acorus looked at Suzumiya Musashi in front of him.

Unconsciously, the dirty little beggar, the handsome kid who was busy around the kitchen, is now much taller than himself.

The child who always said "I love my sister the most" has grown up.

"Suitable... to be your girlfriend."

As soon as he said this, tears burst out again.

Suzumiya Musashi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He took a step forward and stretched out his hand to gently wipe away the other's tears.

Then, he embraced the other's soft body in his arms.

Although the sister who could only bury her head in it at the beginning, now only reaches his chest.

The feeling of safety and solidity is the same as before.

The body in his arms stiffened for a moment: "You... you let go."

"No." Suzumiya Musashi said a little bit shamelessly, and then lowered his head to bury in the other's neck, breathing in the other's smell and fragrance.

"Sister, has anyone ever told you that you never lie at all?"

"I... I didn't lie!"

"Haha~" Suzumiya Musashi chuckled and hugged the other person tighter.

"Sister, I thought you could see it."

Ayame: "See what?"

"See... Bai is a man."

"See... I like you the most."

Ayame: "(º言º)!!"

"What did you say???"

Suzumiya Musashi: "I said, I like you the most."

"No, the last sentence!"

" Bai is a man."

Ayame: "..."

[So I was jealous of a man all night? ]

After realizing this, Ayame was no longer a good person.

Until the other party's increasingly tight hug made her come back to her senses.


Suzumiya Musashi: "Hmm?"

Ayame whispered: "You hugged me too tight."

Suzumiya Musashi: "No, I'll hug you tighter."

"Sister, you don't know, I missed you so much during this time outside."

"I think about you day and night."

Hearing the other party's mushy words, Ayame's face turned red, and for a moment she didn't know where to put her hands.

"Nonsense... Nonsense, you practice all day, how can you have time to think about me."

Suzumiya Musashi said; "Really! Sister, you don't know how terrible the women outside... the outside world is."

"If it weren't for completing the mission, I would have run back long ago."

"Okay, okay, I get it." Ayame patted the other party's back.

Suzumiya Musashi: "Then let me hug you for a while!"

Ayame: "...Okay."

The faucet was not turned off, and the water dripped into the sink, and neither of them cared.

Time slowed down.

After a long time, Ayame's body became softer and softer, while Suzumiya Musashi became more and more *.

The body temperature of both people began to rise.

Ayame: "Musashi, did you hold me... for a little... long?"

"No way." Suzumiya Musashi was reluctant to let go: "It was just a short while, I wanted to hold you for a long time."

"Until we

We are all old. "

Ayame: "I..."

"Don't talk."

Ayame obediently stopped talking.

The temperature in the room was getting higher and higher.

The breathing of the two people gradually became obvious.

Feeling the person in his arms holding his hands tightly, his feet seemed to have no strength, and the whole person leaned on him.

Suzumiya Musashi gradually panted like a cow.

The next second, Ayame felt his feet lighten, and the whole person was picked up.

Walked towards Suzumiya Musashi's room.

Ayame clenched his hands suddenly.

Raised his head as if he wanted to speak, what came into view was Suzumiya Musashi's well-defined face.

The softness and love in his heart had overflowed, Ayame's eyes were like water, and the next second, he buried his rosy cheeks in the other's chest.



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