The night fell.

After Shizune fell asleep, Tsunade quietly left the hotel.

She began to search following the familiar scent mark.

Before she walked far, she suddenly stopped.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Suzumiya Musashi leaned against the wall and heard the words: "Why did you come out so late at night?"

Tsunade said: "It has nothing to do with you."

"Have you made a decision?"

"I said, it has nothing to do with you."

"Why are you so fierce? Are you going to kill someone in the middle of the night?"

Tsunade was silent.

"Let's say this one last time. Let's go."

"Our bet is over. Let's go our separate ways from now on."

"Don't try to hit on me."

"It's stupid to die for a woman."

Suzumiya Musashi: "Are you so sure that I will die?"

Tsunade said seriously: "If you follow me, there is a high probability that I will."

"You don't know how powerful Orochimaru is. He is not your opponent."

Suzumiya Musashi said: "But you still have something I want."

Tsunade snorted coldly: "You are so bold. Since you don't listen, follow me."

"Don't regret it when you are killed." As he said that, he walked forward.

Suzumiya Musashi hurriedly followed.

"Since we're going to fight, why don't you call Jiraiya? Aren't you two familiar with each other?"

"Heh~ That guy should be drunk in some girl's arms now, why call him?"

"Have you recovered from your hemophobia?"


"If you didn't look so fierce, I would have thought you were sure of it."

"...Get out of here if you keep talking nonsense!"

The environment is getting more and more remote.

When Tsunade stopped in front of a mark, Suzumiya Musashi knew that they had reached their destination.

A faint fishy smell lingered around.

With a rustling sound, a group of black snakes surrounded them.

"Orochimaru, put away your disgusting things."

"Hehehe..." A dry and hoarse voice sounded, and as a figure appeared in the shadows, the group of snakes began to retreat.

"They are just fulfilling their mission."

"Tsunade, you are finally here. Why are you bringing others with you?"

Tsunade said casually; "This man can't be shaken off, don't worry about him."

Orochimaru showed a strange smile: "Hehe, at your age, there are still people who can't resist your charm. How about it, have you thought about it?"

"I have thought about it. But you have to make sure that you can do what you promised."

Orochimaru was silent for a moment and said: "...very reasonable."

"Kabuto, bring the sacrifice."

As he finished speaking, Kabuto Yakushi walked out from the back, holding an unconscious adult man in his hand.

Judging from his attire, he should be a passing merchant.

"Tsunade, just watch, as long as an insignificant person dies, the person you want to see will reappear in front of you."

"Wait!" Tsunade suddenly interrupted.

"What's wrong?"

"I... I'll wait." Tsunade glanced at the offering in Kabuto's hand: "You can't seal your hand yet, I'll treat your hand first."

"Although Kabuto can also complete the ritual, it's okay." Orochimaru said, approaching Tsunade, and was about to raise his trembling hands.

Suddenly felt something was wrong.

In Tsunade's fluctuating eyes, the figure suddenly stopped.

"Tsunade, do you want to heal my hand, or are you worried about the offering?"

Tsunade frowned.

"Of course I am..."

Orochimaru's face was cold, and his figure slowly retreated.

Tsunade saw that the situation was not good, and her eyes no longer hesitated, and the powerful chakra in her body burst out instantly.


Orochimaru, who had expected it, flashed his legs, and with the help of several pythons, his figure retreated rapidly.

With the force of the action, one arm was swung up, and then the head stretched out, biting the hand fiercely.

Blood splattered!

The next second, Tsunade, who was originally aggressive, suddenly changed color.

Chakra lost control, her body softened, and she fell forward under the influence of inertia.

"How stupid!"

Suzumiya Musashi's voice sounded behind him, and then he quickly approached and pulled Tsunade back quickly.

"I thought you had other ways, but you just rushed in? How can a stupid ninja like you have the title of "Three Ninjas", did you spend money?"

Tsunade didn't have the strength to refute for a while, and she was hugged by Suzumiya Musashi, and she kept pulling away.

In an instant, she had retreated dozens of meters.

"I... I can't keep him and threaten the village.

That is...the hope of both of them."

"Take care of yourself first."

With Suzumiya Musashi's impolite complaints.

A loud thunderous sound!

Accompanied by the violent shaking of the ground, a huge and exaggerated figure appeared in the open space in front of him.

"It's Manshe!" Tsunade's face was solemn: "Orochimaru summoned this guy!"

"Orochimaru" rumbled and made the air vibrate, and the huge purple snake made a dissatisfied sound: "Why did you suddenly call me out? Are you ready for my sacrifice?"

"Manshe, deal with the person in front of you first, and I will make up for you with a satisfactory sacrifice." Orochimaru stood on Manshe's head and said sinisterly: "That man, you can swallow him, don't kill the woman."

Manshe's huge vertical pupils looked at Suzumiya Musashi and the two not far away, and then said: "I know."

"Leave it to me. "

As he spoke, his huge body moved at an extremely fast speed, his snake-like body slithered, and his terrifying head rushed forward with a momentum that could make ordinary ninjas pale in comparison.

"Run!" Tsunade said anxiously: "I'll summon the slug!"

Suzumiya Musashi: "Can the slug beat it?"

Tsunade: "No. But only large summoned beasts can check and balance each other."

Suzumiya Musashi sighed: "Forget it."

As before, he once again split a shadow clone to protect Tsunade, and then his body suddenly spread out to both sides.

"Boom!!! ~”

Under the impact of the giant snake, the solid ground retreated instantly like soft foam.

A large area of ​​grass turned into rolling soil.

The snake missed the attack and swam flexibly on the spot, finding Suzumiya Musashi and attacking again.

“It’s meaningless for a tiny human to escape, just let me eat you obediently. "

The head of the Ten Thousand Snakes looked even thicker than its huge body. At this moment, its huge mouth opened, and its teeth were like a forest of thorns. The blood-red cavity exuded a strong fishy smell.

Except for the Nine-Tails, this was the largest summoned beast that Suzumiya Musashi had ever seen.

It was several times larger than the three-headed giant snake that attacked Konoha.

Ordinary people would not even have the courage to escape when they saw such a behemoth.

Suzumiya Musashi was different.

He had a hatred for giants.

Whenever he saw a huge and exaggerated monster, he would always think of the Nine-Tails that was rampant.

The more arrogant the monster was, the more disgusted he was.

At this moment, facing the terrifying head that was rapidly enlarged in front of him, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

The lightning chakra mode was instantly developed to the extreme. As the lightning spread all over his body, he shouted viciously.

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

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