The blue arc passed through the space rapidly.

It was not good to kill Wanshe, so he quickly turned his head to the side!

But it was still a little slow.

The lightning that was originally rushing towards its eyeballs fell on his chin at a very fast speed.

"Dang! ~"

A sound like metal collision.

Wanshe shook his head in pain, threw Suzumiya Musashi's figure away, and made a terrifying hiss.

Suzumiya Musashi fell in the distance, looking at the crazy Wanshe, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

The opponent was more difficult than expected.

The huge size and tyrannical power are not at the same level as the three-headed giant snake.

The opponent's scales are also harder.

His full-strength attack can break the scales of the three-headed giant snake, and each attack can create a blood pit, but the same attack on the opponent cannot achieve the same effect.

Compared with the scales of the Ten Thousand Snakes in front of him, the boulders and buildings are as fragile as bubbles.

The place where he just attacked was only cracked by the scales, and the inside was not hurt at all.

"Human little devil, you deserve to die!"

The Ten Thousand Snakes roared, and the long tail was like a giant's long whip, breaking through the air and the wind was shrill.

Compared with its huge body, the speed does not seem fast, but for a human body, such speed and power are difficult to resist.

"Boom! ~"

The snake's tail broke the ground.

Suzumiya Musashi's speed soared, like a blue line flashing at the tail of the giant snake.

Along the back of the Ten Thousand Snakes, it quickly ran towards the head of the Ten Thousand Snakes.

Seeing his movements, the snakes did not dare to be careless. They rolled and slid on the spot, trying to throw off Suzumiya Musashi's body.

Although they failed to do so, they also caused great trouble to Suzumiya Musashi.

The scales were larger than his whole body, smooth and hard, and the scales were neatly arranged and tightly fitted.

He could only barely keep his body moving, and it was difficult to use the opponent's power.

"Boom boom boom!"

The snake's body was winding and entwined.

Under the strangulation of the snakes, Suzumiya Musashi had to step hard, fly vertically on the scales, and after falling far to the ground, he hurriedly flashed on the ground, narrowly avoiding the collision of the snakes.


Suzumiya Musashi cursed inwardly.

At this moment, he actually missed the three-headed giant snake.

The opponent's scales were obviously not as hard and smooth as the snakes.

Moreover, the three heads could use each other's power to jump, allowing him to make continuous attacks.

Unlike the Ten Thousand Snakes, it is not easy to complete the attack even if you only have one slippery one.

"Human kid, don't run if you have the guts!"

The Ten Thousand Snakes roared and flew across the ground at a high speed. Wherever they passed, the ground was squeezed and deformed, leaving smooth corridors. Whenever they changed their shape and began to roll, the ground exploded and shattered.

Of course, Suzumiya Musashi would not take the provocation of the Ten Thousand Snakes to heart.

The whole person flashed on the ground at a high speed.

Moving on the ground is much more convenient than moving on the Ten Thousand Snakes.

While dodging the opponent's attack, he was thinking about how to deal with the opponent.

The opponent's huge body is too big an advantage for humans.

It is not realistic to want to exhaust the opponent's physical strength.

The increase in the body of the Thunder Release cannot allow him to maintain the damage advantage.

As for the Fire Release, it is okay to deal with humans, but it seems a little inadequate to deal with the Ten Thousand Snakes.

Unless you can attack the opponent's weakness.

Suzumiya Musashi kept flashing, looking at the bloody mouth of Manshe.

[If the ninjutsu attacks from here, the effect should be good, right? ]



A large area of ​​the terrain was changed, and the original appearance could no longer be seen.

Suzumiya Musashi kept fighting with Manshe, looking for an opportunity to jump onto Manshe, and then rushed to the top of the opponent's head.

As if sensing his intention to attack, Manshe turned his head, raised his giant tail, and whipped his back fiercely.


A loud noise.

Suzumiya Musashi jumped into the air before the snake's tail came, watching Manshe's giant tail whipping him fiercely.

I don't believe you don't feel pain!

"Is it fun to whip yourself? Big worm!"

Manshe let out a long hiss, feeling mocked.

Looking at Suzumiya Musashi leaping into the air, his pupils flashed with pride and cruelty.

[Where can you run this time! ]

The huge body quickly took up residence, and then made the ground tremble

With the huge force, the head of the snake shot out like a huge arrow.

Suzumiya Musashi approached the air quickly, and opened his huge mouth when he was about to collide.

The snake's eyes were extremely fierce.

With his hard teeth and strong stomach acid, the flea that bothered him would not live for more than ten seconds.

On the opposite side, Suzumiya Musashi looked extremely cautious.

When he saw the snake open its huge mouth, revealing its sharp teeth and blood-red mouth to him, a light flashed in his eyes.

"Here it comes!"

The handprint that had been ready for a long time was quickly completed.

"Fire Style: Giant Flame Cannon!"

The blazing flame condensed in an instant, presenting a giant pestle shape that was thick in front and thin in the back, and shot into the mouth of the snake.

The snake's vertical pupils shrank sharply.

It was too late to shut up.

In an instant, the look in the snake's eyes became even more fierce.

Facing the rapidly enlarging flames in front of him, he stopped dodging and kept his mouth open, accelerating again, trying to swallow Suzumiya Musashi.

It was just a flame, and this scale would at most hurt it. He would kill the other party even if he was hurt!


The flames splashed and exploded at the throat.

The severe pain turned Wanshe's vertical pupils into a vertical line.

Go to hell! Human!

He opened his mouth as wide as possible, hoping to let the flames that exploded inside vent. In his stomach, the few acids were ready to go, intending to swallow the other party into his mouth, destroy the other party, and extinguish the damage caused by the flames.

However, facing his plan, Suzumiya Musashi's eyes flashed.

He suddenly took out his own exclusive weight in his hand.

With the injection of chakra, the weight of the weight bar quickly reached a terrifying level.

Suzumiya Musashi threw it down violently!

The huge reaction force made him revive and rise rapidly!

In an instant, he flashed above the heads of the Ten Thousand Snakes!

Then he did the same thing and threw another weight into the air!

Under the dual blessing of the reaction force and gravity, the whole person fell at an astonishing speed.

The lightning chakra covered his entire body, and the heads of the Ten Thousand Snakes in front of him quickly enlarged!

In the moment before contact with the opponent, the legs that had been bent for a long time kicked down with explosive force!

[Shut up! ]


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