Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 433 It’s done, no worries (1/2)

Chapter 433 It's done, no worries

For the thousands of people who already exist, and the future development of the Dark Night Legion, Xu Jingzhe had to rush to the Qin family's base at dawn.

Looking at the mutated carnivorous vultures circling low in the sky, they came in groups, making bursts of shrill and strange cries, and then swooped down from the sky to devour the rotten blood. The vultures that ate the blood became more blood red, and they screamed at Xu Jingzhe, indicating their sovereignty.

This city no longer has any upright buildings, all collapsed into raised earth mounds.

The dust was flying, very desolate, as if they had come to a desolate and abandoned place in the wilderness.

In the distance, a group of mutated hyenas were running around. When they saw someone coming, they dispersed instantly, ran away far away, and looked around.

From a distance, Xu Jingzhe saw temporary bases, flashing the unique cold light of metal, which was particularly abrupt on this desolate land.

In order to prevent the sudden large-scale invasion of polluters, each base was built together to facilitate unified and coordinated operations.

A circle of electric fences was pulled around the periphery, and soldiers in protective clothing were patrolling in groups of three or two. There were also hundreds of drones the size of plates patrolling in the sky at all times to ensure that there was no blind spot for polluters to suddenly break into the base.

Xu Jingzhe didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he hid his figure and entered the huge base. In the base, the areas of each family were clearly divided, such as Huangfu, Zhuge, Han, etc. The stronger the family, the larger the base.

Entering the base and finding the location of the Qin family, Xu Jingzhe was embarrassed.

The entire base requires a pass, and he didn't have one. Without the system, he couldn't enter at all. Xu Jingzhe thought about it and showed up directly. Anyway, this is the jurisdiction of the Qin family, and other families don't know.

Sure enough, as soon as Xu Jingzhe showed up, a shrill alarm sounded at the Qin family base, and the tightly closed alloy door opened instantly, and a group of soldiers with nuclear bombs and real guns appeared, surrounding him with cold faces.

Xu Jingzhe also sensibly raised his hands with a gentle smile on his face.

Qin Keqing, who was frowning in the office, heard the call, turned on the TV, and saw the scene outside. After a moment of hesitation, he asked someone to bring Xu Jingzhe in.

The tempered glass door of the office opened automatically, and Xu Jingzhe saw a woman with big waves facing away from him. She was wearing a professional suit, big waves, and red high heels, and she had a strong aura.

This time, Xu Jingzhe was dumbfounded. No, not Qin Shuang? !

Qin Keqing crossed her arms, her chest was particularly bulging, she pushed her frameless glasses, and opened her red lips slightly: "Xu Jingzhe."

"Who are you?" Xu Jingzhe stood there, a little embarrassed.

He came for Qin Shuang, but he didn't expect that he didn't even know the person who came, let alone meet her once.

Qin Keqing took the initiative to extend her slender jade hand and walked towards Xu Jingzhe: "Qin Keqing, once the second person in charge of the Nuwa City Alliance."

Xu Jingzhe suddenly realized that it was no wonder that this woman had such a strong aura. It was naturally cultivated after being in a high position for a long time.

The two shook hands, Qin Keqing asked Xu Jingzhe to sit down, and took the initiative to pour him a cup of water: "If I remember correctly, you should have led some soldiers from my Qin family to fight in the front, right?"

"What's wrong, why haven't you returned to the base once in half a year?"

"Are they all you are embarrassed to come back?"

Qin Keqing asked three questions in a row, slightly dissatisfied. When she took over the base here, she heard a lot of complaints from the Qin family about Xu Jingzhe.

Xu Jingzhe looked at her beautiful eyes calmly and smiled: "Don't you know, Miss Keqing, that the 1,000 people I took away were ordinary soldiers?"

"Among them, the strongest ones could not reach the level of a two-year polluter."

Qin Keqing's face froze, but Qin Ye clearly said that the thousands of people Xu Jingzhe brought were at least as strong as ten-year polluters.

It's just that Xu Jingzhe was greedy for merit and rushed into the depths without caring about the lives of the Qin family's children. After several battles, almost all of them died, so he didn't have the face to return to the Qin family base.

Could it be that Qin Ye dared to lie to her? !

Looking at each other, Qin Keqing saw honesty in Xu Jingzhe's eyes.

Instantly understood that Qin Ye had lied to her. Come to think of it, Qin Ye was sure that the 1,000 people who went out of the Qin family were dead, and Xu Jingzhe would not come to the Qin family base, so he could say whatever he wanted.

What's more, Xu Jingzhe was an outsider, and the pressure on the Qin family was also because of him.

So, no one in the Qin family stood up to speak for Xu Jingzhe.

She awkwardly smoothed a strand of hair on her forehead and smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I'm not targeting you, I'm thinking of those 1,000 people..."

"It doesn't matter." Xu Jingzhe saw that Qin Keqing didn't seem to be pretending, but he didn't have anything to say to Qin Keqing, so he immediately made an excuse: "Actually, I came to the Qin family's temporary base and thought it was Qin Shuang, so I came to see an old friend."

"Since Qin Shuang is not here, I'll go back."

As he said that, he was about to get up.

"What's the hurry?" Qin Keqing is not an ordinary person. She knows a lot about Xu Jingzhe, and she knows a little about the things between him and Qin Shuang. Since Xu Jingzhe took the initiative to find Qin Shuang, it proves that there must be something wrong.

"In fact, Shuang'er and I have a good relationship. Although she is older than her, she will tell me many of her secrets." Qin Keqing said slowly, her breath was as fragrant as orchid, which made Xu Jingzhe feel good.

"I haven't seen you for half a year, and you suddenly show up. There must be something that needs Shuang'er's help. You are the right person to find me. I can fully represent the Qin family on the battlefield in Pangu City."

Xu Jingzhe thought for a while and decided to give it a try.

He took a sip of tea and said, "I promised the Qin family before to help the Qin family take the lead, and I did it. I led thousands of people to protect them with my two friends, and tried to protect their lives."

"It's a pity." Xu Jingzhe shook his head sadly: "It's a pity that every time after a war, when a request for help is sent to your base, there is no food, water, or medicine at the designated location."

"We raised our heads in the ruins and looked at the metal boxes under the slowly descending parachutes. There were at least hundreds of them. Unfortunately, none of the metal boxes belonged to us."

"And I can only watch them die one by one in front of my eyes, unable to do anything."

"So, do you think it's necessary for me to come back?"

It wasn't that Xu Jingzhe didn't want to become comrades with the Qin family, he was just afraid that someone would stab him in the back while he was charging on the battlefield.

"Now that I'm with you, you can rest assured." Qin Keqing's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Xu Jingzhe shook his head and refused: "The general will be out, and military orders will not be followed."

"The battlefield is changing rapidly. You can't do what we want with your own hands. If someone deliberately causes trouble, you can't avoid it."

"I did encounter a big difficulty in the city. I heard that a woman came to the Qin family base. I thought it was Qin Shuang, so I came to see her. But I can see that your status is also very high, so I told the truth."

The amount of food, water and medicine Xu Jingzhe needs is not small, so there is no need to hide it.

"My friends and I gathered the underappreciated members of various families who were injured in the war and established the Dark Night Army, hoping to build our own power. Now the number is small and large, with thousands of people."

"Thousands of people are hiding in the city, and the amount of food, water and medicine is not small. Therefore, I want to make a deal with the Qin family, using more than fifteen years of contaminated nuclear power in Suzhou City in exchange for a piece of Qin family's hilltop."

"The Qin family wants to ensure that people from the Dark Night Legion can open up wasteland, farm, and raise livestock. After processing, they can continuously provide it to the battlefield."

"Also, if possible, we are willing to spend more high-level contaminated cores in exchange for the Qin family's research and development resources, research and development of potions, suits with strong defense, etc."

Qin Keqing took a deep look at Xu Jingzhe, and there was shock deep in his eyes. Even though tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people died in each battle, he actually managed to kill thousands of people without saying a word.

It doesn't matter that there are thousands of people. What matters is that they can still survive and come to the Qin family for help.

In a daze, she seemed to see another family rising.

All big families are not all related by blood. Only a handful of people close to the center of power are the blood of the family, and most of the rest are recruited.

"Do you know how difficult this is? Especially in troubled times, how can you ensure resources and safety without relying on a large family as a background?" Qin Keqing asked with emotion.

Xu Jingzhe smiled, polite but unfamiliar: "Thank you for your concern."

Qin Keqing knew that she had made a mistake. This was not something she should be concerned about. What she wanted to think about now was whether to agree to Xu Jingzhe's request.

She frowned slightly, and she didn't know when a metal pen appeared in her hand. She rotated it between her index finger and middle finger, drawing metal flowers in the air.

Five minutes passed. Qin Keqing shook his head and refused: "Just contaminating the nuclear power is not enough to impress the Qin family."

She paused and smiled politely at Xu Jingzhe: "When I negotiate with you, I am not representing an individual and cannot be emotionally involved. So the relationship between you and Shuang'er is of no use to me."

"Then, I can only stand from the Qin family's point of view. The pollution verification is not enough. Of course, there will be back and forth when talking about things. If you can offer a higher price, I will naturally be happy to cooperate with you."

"After all, with your ability, you have a promising future!"

Xu Jingzhe took a sip of tea and his mind was racing. He really couldn't understand the woman in front of him.

A woman's thoughts are the hardest to guess, and he can't guess them either.

"When I meet someone from your Qin family on the battlefield, I will try my best to save him, no matter who it is." Xu Jingzhe said solemnly. The two of them already represent the forces behind each other, so every word must be cautious.

"Okay, but it's not enough." Qin Keqing pressed forward step by step.

"The war will not stop. As time goes by, elites from any family will appear on the battlefield. In other words, Miss Keqing may appear on the battlefield one day. If you are in crisis, I will After saving you, is your life worthless?" Xu Jingzhe said.

Qin Keqing smiled slightly: "You are right, the war will not stop and will continue forever. No one can turn the tide and stop this battle with the power of heaven."

"However, when I go to the battlefield, there must be no retreat for Pangu City. One step back will lead to Nuwa City."

"At that time, should I wait for you to rescue me? What do you think the chances are? How will you find me in a battlefield with millions of people?"

Xu Jingzhe was speechless for a moment.

Qin Keqing was right, he was just a promise, which was equivalent to making a big pie. You know, Qin Keqing was the second in command before, and he was the best at drawing big cakes.

That's why she hasn't been in love at the age of 40, and she hasn't even held a man's hand. Sweet words can't move her.

"If it doesn't work, then forget it." Xu Jingzhe sighed, knowing that there would be no result today. He could only think of another way, to find the Wan family or the Han family.

Although the Han family was divided into two, Han Shuangjiang had real power, and she was confident in her words.

The only drawback was that the Han family was too far away from the battlefield!

Qin Keqing forced Xu Jingzhe into a desperate situation, and then she was satisfied. She smiled like a cunning little fox: "In fact, you don't have a trump card to negotiate with me."

"What?" Xu Jingzhe was puzzled, he still had a trump card?

Could it be...ancient fighting skills? !

Impossible, that is absolutely impossible. Ancient fighting skills are very rare, and they are the foundation of a family. Tang Ruyi and Jiang Ye have lived and died with him many times, and they have never said that they would teach Xu Jingzhe ancient fighting skills.

"Yes, I need a promise from you." Qin Keqing stood up and came to the huge French window. Her office was on the third floor, and she could just see the temporary dormitories in the distance, as well as the temporary bases of other families shining with metallic luster in the distance.

"The longer the war lasts, the more resources are consumed. Although the Qin family is a first-class family, it is still far behind those top first-class families. If it continues like this, the Qin family will be dragged down and its strength will inevitably decline."

"So, when your Dark Night Legion grows up, if the Qin family encounters a major crisis, I hope you can stand firmly on the side of the Qin family and help the Qin family overcome the disaster!"

Qin Keqing's position will make her look high, think more, and have a long-term vision. She knew that if the war continued, there would definitely be a first-class family disappearing from Blue Star, and she didn't want it to be the Qin family.

So, she came to the front line to find a way to make friends with the major families. When necessary, lend a hand to help. From the moment Xu Jingzhe said that he had established the Dark Night Legion, Qin Keqing had been thinking about this.

The investment at this time is nothing for the Qin family. But! She is helping in need rather than adding icing on the cake, Xu Jingzhe will definitely remember her kindness.

Xu Jingzhe is not stupid, he knew Qin Keqing's idea at once. He agreed without hesitation. A lean camel is bigger than a horse. The Qin family can't stop it, so he naturally doesn't believe that his Dark Night Army can call the wind and rain.

"Okay, I promise you." Xu Jingzhe said again: "But I want to add a little."

"What?!" Qin Keqing smiled meaningfully.

She is looking forward to Xu Jingzhe's increase!

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