Chapter 434 Two Years

Xu Jingzhe stood up, walked to Qin Keqing's side, stood side by side with her, looked at the neat and uniform buildings of Yuanchi, and said quietly: "There will definitely be more and more people in the Dark Night Legion, and then the Qin family's hilltops will definitely be not enough."

"I need two, three or...more."

"If possible, I would like to take over the Wang family's former secret experimental base, which will become the base of the Dark Night Army."

Qin Keqing slowly turned his head and looked at Xu Jingzhe, who had handsome features: "You have such a big appetite."

"As the war in Pangu City becomes more and more chaotic, the only way out for the major families in Pangu City is Nuwa City. At this time, all the major families are still rational. If Pangu City is really captured by more than half, and Nuwa City If we haven't reached a good deal, do you think... the Qin family can give you such a large territory? "

"Territory is resources, and territory is money!"

"If you ask for such a large piece of land and give it to any first-class family in Pangu City, they will give you a hundred times, or even a thousand times more."

Xu Jingzhe seemed to have a countermeasure in advance, still looking outside, he stretched out his finger: "Look, do you understand?"

Qin Keqing frowned slightly, and her swan-like white neck looked very elegant and noble.

"At that time, next to the Qin family may be the Zhuge family, or the Baili family..." Xu Jingzhe stopped.

Qin Keqing looked horrified. For the first time in the 'confrontation' of words, he was at a disadvantage.

"No matter how developed and powerful I am, I can still be regarded as a little wolf, a little leopard that has not yet been weaned."

"What about them? They are stronger than the Qin family. Your Qin family has an adult tiger or a lion as your are really brave. Are you afraid that one day a lion, a tiger or a leopard will eat you in one bite?!"

"Now they can indeed give you a hundred times a thousand times more than I can give you. Are they really from your Qin family?"

Cold sweat broke out on Qin Keqing's forehead.

It's not impossible! We all know whether the weak are easy to bully or the strong are easy to bully.

Let the first-class families in Pangu City challenge Adam City and Eve City, and even ten of them would not dare to do so. More and more powerful families are pouring into Nuwa City. Will they really coexist peacefully as promised at the beginning?

Rules are made by the strong for the weak.

"The Qin family and I are neighbors, but we are true allies. It seems that your Qin family has lost a lot due to small things. In the long run, you will make a fortune. Of course, the premise is that the Dark Night Army can grow."

"It depends on what your Qin family thinks."

There was a long silence, and Qin Keqing said nothing. The future development of events will definitely be more serious than she imagined. Although she sits high and can see far, her limitation lies in trusting the contract.

When you are desperate, a contract means nothing!

"The real battle has not yet begun..." Xu Jingzhe paused: "Nuwa City is Pangu City's last hope. This is the brilliance of Jörmungandr."

"If a person has hope, he will not despair. Both jade and stone will perish, right?" Xu Jingzhe turned her face sideways and looked at Qin Keqing with a smile.

Qin Keqing shuddered.

"Zhao, according to what you said..." Qin Keqing swallowed the dryness in his throat: "Is it possible that Nuwa City could become the site of the Three War?"

"The city of Adam, the city of Eve, and the city of Pangu that has no retreat?"

"As long as Adam City and Eve City add fuel to the flames, the internal fighting between Pangu City and Nuwa City will become more and more serious, until...all the big families are destroyed together, and Adam City and Eve are in vain."

Xu Jingzhe nodded and corrected Qin Keqing: "It's also possible that it's the place of the Fourth War. Don't forget the polluters."

"Now there is no so-called Pangu City. When it comes to Adam City, there are no boundaries. It does not mean that the polluters have no interest in Nuwa City."

Like falling into an ice cellar.

Qin Keqing seemed to have had all the strength drained from her body. She staggered back and sat down on a chair. Her long black hair was like a waterfall that suddenly appeared, attracting attention.

"I believe that with the vision of the Qin family leader, he has already seen this clearly and clearly. However, this is a dead end and there is no solution at present."

"Because no big family is willing to be the first 'experiment' and the first to stand up and attack Adam City!" Xu Jingzhe was very sure.

"No." Qin Keqing bit her red lips and showed some flattery in her dejected state: "If a few top families unite, regardless of life and death..."

Her voice gradually became softer. This was the most complicated and critical point. Who would take advantage of others in vain?

Xu Jingzhe sat back and drank the warm tea in the cup: "The Qin family's choice of me is the best choice at the moment."

"At least, no matter what happens to Nuwa City in the end, I will definitely not stab the Qin family in the back."

Qin Keqing raised his eyes slightly and looked at Xu Jingzhe blankly. After a long time, he sighed: "I can't be the master of the Wang family's secret experimental base. I need to discuss it with the family owner. I can give you a few semi-primitive forests first. That would be good. to protect you from the wind and rain.”

"Okay, it's settled." Xu Jingzhe breathed a sigh of relief.

The main reason why he chose the Wang family's secret experimental base was that it already had mature instruments and facilities. As long as he found relevant talents, it could be put into operation quickly.

The Dark Night Legion will have no worries at all.

After the matter was settled, Qin Keqing suppressed her thoughts and took out a glass of red wine. The wine-red liquid slowly flowed down the wall of the cup, giving off an intoxicating luster.

She handed the crystal goblet to Xu Jingzhe: "cheers."


The crisp sound, accompanied by the faint aroma of grapes and wood, quietly explodes on the tip of the tongue. Xu Jingzhe said that the wild boar couldn't eat the fine chaff and drank it all in one gulp. Qin Keqing took it in his mouth and tasted it carefully, feeling the taste.

"Is it really impossible to marry Shuang'er?" Qin Keqing said suddenly.

Xu Jingzhe almost choked on a sip of red wine. What is impossible is that it has always been impossible.

"I, I'm leaving. After a few days of fighting, I will arrange for some people to come back with your Qin family. I believe this matter will be very simple for you."

Qin Keqing smiled, like a little rooster who had just returned from a victorious battle, extremely charming.

underground base.

Xu Jingzhe told Jiang Ye and Tang Ruyi the good news, and they finally felt relieved. Without worries, they can quickly develop the Dark Night Legion. Strength is the best capital.

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Whenever and wherever, there is capital for negotiation.

"But..." Xu Jingzhe looked at Tang Ruyi: "As a neighbor with the Qin family, if there is no one there who can suppress or stand up to the Qin family's provocation, I'm afraid it won't work."

The meaning of this is obvious, one of the three of them must go to the scene.

For now, Tang Ruyi is the best choice. Jiang Ye is now getting excited. According to the original plan, 20,000 people will form different branches according to their own abilities. When the scale is reached, they will kill everyone on the battlefield.

"Old Tang, how about you go?" Jiang Ye spread his hands and looked proud.

Tang Ruyi was expressionless.

"Yes, Ruyi. Among the three of us, you are the most suitable candidate. There are dozens of half-step converts, but you can't beat the head of the Qin family. When we go to the Qin family, the Qin family neither dares to cause trouble nor Not too defensive.”

"Able to coexist peacefully."

"I agree, I agree with both hands." Tang Ruyi added.

"If I go now, what if the Qin family agrees to give you the Wang family's secret experimental base? Is there a second me?" Tang Ruyi did not refute, but asked a practical question.

The Dark Night Army has just started, there is no big boss in charge, and there are no geniuses to join them, so they are very short of manpower.

The Wang family's experimental base is important, as is logistical supplies.

"This..." Xu Jingzhe muttered, looking at Jiang Ye for help.

Jiang Ye had a drooped face and was thinking hard.

"So... I decided to call Uncle Da here and ask him to hide his strength and watch over there for me. With him here, I can rest assured." The corners of Tang Ruyi's lips curled up slightly, and he stopped being serious.

" kid, did you do this on purpose? Fortunately, I really thought about it seriously." Jiang Ye jumped up first, pinched Tang Ruyi's neck, and yelled.

"Xiao Xu, come on, let's strangle him to death together."

Xu Jingzhe was also overjoyed. After staying together for so long, this was the first time Tang Ruyi joked. The three of them made a fuss in the small office, laughing and joking...

The war broke out again.

The major families in Pangu City and Nuwa City intended to reduce their numbers, so they still focused on hand-to-hand combat, with waves of people rushing forward to defend their homes at the risk of their lives.

As everyone knows, this home is no longer the 'home' they thought of.

Human life is worthless, and killing is always the theme song of the battlefield. The vultures were circling high and screaming, adding a bit of sadness.

This city...

From a distance, it looked like a blood sacrifice. A large hazy red light rose from the city and dyed most of the sky red. It was not red light, but blood energy. Too many people had died. This land seemed to have been soaked in blood. It was more like a ghost town than a ghost town.

Tang Ruyi took advantage of the chaos and left the city to find Uncle Da. Xu Jingzhe still went out to 'pick up people', and the number of Dark Night Legions was rapidly expanding.

This battle lasted for two years. The polluters gained the upper hand. Tens of billions of polluters and ordinary people died. The temporary bases of the coalition forces in Pangu City and Nuwa City retreated again and again, retreating to a building called The city of Cangshui.

Cangshui is the territory of the Baili family. In the entire system of the Baili family, it is a second-class city. However, Cangshui has long been abandoned by the Baili family, and the core staff have returned to the main family.

Cangshui temporary base, the temporary heads of various major families are meeting in the base. Everyone looked unhappy because they had just received the news that Jormungandr, who had only five years to live, had his lifespan increased.

The former Adam City, now Washington team has developed a Mars evolution fluid with no side effects. The expedition team exploring on Mars sent back a very important element to make up for the lack of Mars evolutionary fluid.

On Mars, there are a total of four expedition teams, one for each of the four major cities. They have not come back and are still searching and studying on Mars.

"Are we in China just passively being beaten like this?!" A middle-aged man slammed the table with an angry look on his face.

Pangu City and Nuwa City also changed their names to Huaxia.

"If you don't want to be beaten passively, you Ouyang family can take the initiative. No one will stop you." A middle-aged man from Huangfu's family mocked.

Ouyang Xu stared at Huangfu Ran coldly and clenched his fists. In fact, the two families had no grudges. Later, in the negotiation of the site selection of Nuwa City, both families chose a place.

Naturally, the Ouyang family, who was the last in the first-class, was bullied. Even so, the Ouyang family did not let the Huangfu family have an easy time. They spent twice as much resources in vain to get it done.

The nuclear radiation in the former Pangu City became more and more serious. The major families had basically negotiated and began to gradually move the important materials in the family to the new home.

However, during the two and a half years of negotiations and migration, many unpleasant things happened in the middle, which led to conflicts among many families and they were not as harmonious as before.

Han Shuangjiang sat next to Qin Keqing with his arms folded, and the two whispered from time to time.

"Now is not the time to be angry." Zhuge Zheng was trying to smooth things over. He was the oldest and the strongest, and was the temporary supreme commander recognized by the major families.

Although the Zhuge family was close to Pangu City at that time, the fire burned their own family, and they also regretted their original decision. However, due to the strength of the Zhuge family, no one said it openly.

"The scientific research team in Washington is too powerful, and we can never keep up. For now, we should stick together, draw the top elites from the major families, form a research and development team, and strive to develop the Martian evolution fluid as soon as possible."

"Research, research, what the hell, which family is not short of manpower now." Wan Dan refuted Zhuge Zheng disdainfully.

Zhuge Zheng looked at Wan Dan and cleared his throat: "Wan Dan, please pay attention to the occasion."

"I emphasize again, this is a meeting room, a place for discussion, not a place for you to lose your temper!" Zhuge Zheng frowned and untied the tie around his neck with one hand: "If you still ignore the rules set before, don't blame me for not giving you face!"

Zhuge Zheng lost his temper, and many people looked embarrassed and pouted, but didn't say anything.

"There is a message from the Qin family, please analyze it yourself." Qin Keqing opened her red lips and looked at everyone generously.

The Qin family's embarrassing situation is similar to that of the Ouyang family. They are both the last of the first-class families. Every time a meeting starts, she can hardly get a word in. But this news is really important. It was sent by Xu Jingzhe, so she naturally has to say it.

"Oh, does Representative Qin have anything to say?" Zhuge Zheng looked at Qin Keqing and couldn't help but soften his voice.

"A reliable news, the five sons of Adam and the five princesses of Eve were released. They mixed in with the polluters and have already built their own forces. This group of forces came for nothing but to hunt down the elites of the major families on the battlefield!"

"They are going to start to attack our young generation!"

Qin Keqing's voice was not loud, but everyone present heard it clearly. Suddenly, there was an uproar in the meeting room!

All the major families were anxious!

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