The modified Big G was very fast, with blue flames coming from the rear of the car, like a black lightning streaking across the earth.

After a while, the leaves rustled and fell to the ground.

In the car, Xu Jingzhe closed her eyes to rest and asked in her mind: "Have you heard of Kunlun?"


"Are you going to pretend to be dead?"

"Hey, hey, bitch!"

Xu Jingzhe was so angry that her teeth itched and she really wanted to beat him up.

He opened his eyes, turned his head and glanced at the beard and said, "Brother Qi, do you know anything about Kunlun?"

Dodge opened his eyes, looked at the scenery quickly retreating out of the window and said, "I've heard about it, and I've been there once."

"How should I put it? It's very mysterious. It's really not something that people like us can get involved in."

"Desperate people go there, and outsiders really won't go in. Because... no one who goes into the outer perimeter has ever come out."

"Not to mention that there is an invisible and strange force inside that no one has broken through yet."

He paused again and opened his mouth to say something, but he shook his head with a wry smile and did not continue.

"Boss, we found a team three kilometers ahead. There are four people on the screen." Cockroach said while gnashing his teeth.

"Don't waste Xiao Wu's time, let's go to Kunlun to find someone first."

"When can I not rob Fuji? Why is his emotional intelligence so low?" Dodge complained.


Cockroach pulled the accelerator to the bottom, and the blue flames from behind the butt of the car spurted out several meters away, leaving these people behind in an instant.

Those people don't dare to take the initiative to provoke them. People who can drive cars in polluted areas are quite powerful.

Xu Jingzhe felt warm in her heart. At least for now, these people really wanted to save Wang Ning and the others.


Wang Ning and Bai Qing had been dragged to the ground by chains for two days. Their wounds worsened and began to rot and ooze pus.

Especially the back, which has been rubbing against the ground, has exposed a large area of ​​white bones.

The heart-pounding pain made the two of them struggle to survive, just when the blood was about to drain out. Bruce would stop, take out two small blue pills, and stuff them into their mouths.

After a while, fresh blood began to be produced in their bodies, and the pain intensified.

This inhuman torture not only wears away their willpower, but also consumes their physical potential.

If only ten days and a half had passed, even if Wang Ning and Bai Qing could survive, they would be almost useless.

The bearded man's instigation was effective, but it was a pity that those people were so incompetent that Bruce penetrated their heads with a steel needle without causing any confusion.

far away.

The three of them hid under the roots of a rotting tree, held their breath, and fell into a state of suspended animation.

Ten minutes later, the three of them slowly exhaled.

It's too difficult.

Bruce's flamboyant behavior caused more and more polluters and people in the chemical zone to gather nearby.

Some people guessed that the remaining three people must be near Bruce and have not gone far. A carpet-like search was launched, in the four directions of southeast, northwest, like a big net catching fish, with repeated screening back and forth.

"Xiaowu, please leave."

"You are still young. You have never held a man's hand, kissed a man, or slept with a man."

"Find Xiaoliu and go to bed with Xiaoliu for me. I'm too curious about his stuff."

There was no trace of blood on the deserted and pale face, even the lips were white. Her eyes were hollow and numb, only a ripple appeared in the depths of her pupils when she mentioned Xiao Liu.

"I, I won't go. You, you go to bed with Xiaoliu first, and then I, I will go." The little Loli sniffed, her favorite Lolita uniform was in a mess.

Just like her current body, with her immense strength and super endurance, she has endured too much on her own.

Otherwise, Big Beard would be dead by now.

"The boss and fourth brother..."

The little Loli couldn't talk anymore and wanted to cry loudly. She was afraid of attracting enemies, so she could only cover her mouth and keep sobbing.

The bearded man patted Leng Qing's shoulder, rubbed the little Loli's hair, and said with a smile: "Why are you crying? The second brother is going out to attract attention tonight, so you two take the opportunity to run away."

"Remember, the farther you go, the better. Leave a fire for us night hunters."

"Second brother..." Little Loli hugged the bearded man tightly and burst into tears.


Xu Jingzhe sat in the passenger seat and looked out the window. The deeper they went, the more people they met, and the heavier his heart became. He had hit rock bottom. can you escape.

At this moment, Dodge patted Xu Jingzhe on the shoulder and said: "Xiao Wu, I saw many teams from the chemical combination area. Are they also looking for your teammates?"

Xu Jingzhe turned his head and said with a heavy expression, "Yes."

"The pure liquid of lunar soil evolution fluid was stolen by our team."

"Chi..." Big G braked suddenly and skidded to a stop for dozens of meters.

The cockroach looked at Xu Jingzhe in surprise and said loudly: "What! Just you?"

"Fuck, then if we tie you up and send you and your team to Mosluk City, won't we get a reward?" Cockroach's eyes were shining and he spoke frankly.


Dodge gave him a slap on the back of the head and cursed, "Get the fuck on, full speed to the Holy Mountain."

"Although we do many things inconsistently, we have never acted against our true intentions, let alone our companions."

"I can guarantee this." The woman who had been silent until now spoke again with a nice voice.

Xu Jingzhe lowered his right hand from his lower back and nodded to Dodge.

"Brother Qi."


"There are so many people, aren't you afraid?"


"There are so many people who are stronger than our awesome team. Let alone anything else, a mutated person can destroy us."

"But, you're not going?"

"That's a real son of a bitch!" The bearded man rolled down the bulletproof glass, took a deep breath, and a mouthful of thick phlegm stuck to the tree.

This world is too messy, too messy.

However, there are always some people who, in this tattered world, mend things and take care of the growth of the younger generation they like.

Set an example and tell them that people should have conscience and commitment.

This is called inheritance!

Three days later.

Xu Jingzhe was awakened from his sleep. The G-Class in front could not pass, so he had to walk.

"Look, do you see that mountain tip, covered with snow all year round? That's the holy mountain Kunlun." Dodge said.

Xu Jingzhe looked over and was shocked. This mountain was like a pillar of creation, almost connecting the sky and the earth.

It is obviously a very high mountain, but you can see the top of the mountain at a glance, and clearly see the white snow on the top of the mountain, shining silver in the sun.

And below the top of the mountain, there is a misty white fog, shrouded by clouds and mist, and its true body cannot be seen, as if hidden in another dimension.

Very magical.

"How high is this holy mountain...? Why can I see the top of the mountain at a glance?" Xu Jingzhe asked in confusion.

Dodge shrugged, lit a cigar, put his hands together, bowed to Kunlun, and said: "It must be at least 20,000 meters high, because since the gods left, no one can enter the holy mountain, let alone why we can only see the top of the mountain. This question has not been solved so far."

"Let's go, we still have two days to walk to the outermost edge of the holy mountain, so hurry up."

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