It's a waste of time to see the mountains and run to death. I thought Kunlun was right in front of me, but it took me another three days to reach the outermost edge.

The so-called outermost edge was lush with vegetation, similar to the primeval forest.

Each tree was several hundred meters high, with lush branches and leaves, moss on the bark, and old vines entwined. Dozens of people held hands to hug it.

"There is no signal in this place."

"I think it's impossible to find a few people hiding there." The cockroach complained: "Xiao Wu, you see, a random tree can hide seven or eight people."

"That's right, we haven't met anyone here, are we coming too fast?" The frog responded.

Xu Jingzhe frowned, he also felt something was wrong.

But he could only bite the bullet and walk in.

At worst, he would walk around the outer edge of Kunlun.

Not finding anyone is often the best result.

Dodge asked them to stop, and climbed up an ancient tree hundreds of meters high. After a few steps, he was as agile as a monkey and disappeared in the dense forest leaves in a blink of an eye.

A few seconds later, he came down from another ancient tree.

"Let's go. No matter what, we have to make Xiaowu feel at ease." Dodge said.

The few people walked for hundreds of miles, and the road ahead became more and more difficult. The branches as thick as arms were entangled, like a natural barrier.

The rotten and withered leaves were like the softest carpet when stepped on, making a slight cracking sound. Occasionally, a few mottled lights sprinkled from the heavy leaves and fell on the hair tips of several people, adding a little vitality.


Dodge stopped, and the whole person was like a cat with its fur standing up, staring at the front.

The cockroach accidentally bumped into Dodge's back because of his eyes. He rubbed his tall nose and said, "Boss, what's wrong?"

"Shh... look ahead." The frog said in a low voice.

Several people looked at it together, and were greatly shocked.

A giant python, with a head as big as a G-Class, and a high bulge in the middle, as if it was about to grow horns. The scales were eerie, and I don't know how long they were, wrapped around an ancient tree, and the bright red snake tongue was five or six meters long, spitting out from time to time, making a hissing sound.

Its scarlet eyes were like lanterns, looking down at the few people from a high altitude.

"Fuck... This is going to be a spirit!" The cockroach said, his legs trembling.


At this moment, there was a thunderclap, and a flash of lightning flashed across the sky.

The giant python's body was tense, as if facing a great enemy.

And because of the high tension, the few people couldn't help but tremble, especially the cockroach, who was timid and almost sat on the ground.

"This python has a tendency to turn into a dragon, and may be undergoing a tribulation."

"It's unfortunate for us to have entered its territory. In its eyes, we are the ones who are blocking it from undergoing a tribulation, and it will definitely fight to the death with us." Dodge explained, making a gesture to retreat.

"On Blue Star...are there really creatures like dragons?" Xu Jingzhe asked in a trembling voice.

This python has a huge impact on his worldview! If it has horns on its head and claws on its abdomen, it will be almost like a real dragon.

"Then how did the twelve zodiac animals come from? The wisdom of our ancestors has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and many things are still difficult to understand with the current level of scientific development."

"Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist!"

Several people moved back tacitly, and the giant python slid down from the ancient tree, silky and unusual.

"Run!" Dodge shouted, carrying Xu Jingzhe on his shoulders, holding his AWM in the other hand.

He is the weakest here, and he can't run fast. He will be buried in the snake's belly in a few minutes.

Several people jumped up and down, bursting out all their strength, shuttling through the woods.

"Run separately!"


The giant python rushed forward, and the huge rocks were cracked, and the broken stones flew everywhere. Several pieces brushed against Dodge and embedded in the ancient trees.

Xu Jingzhe's stomach was churning, and he was holding back the intention to vomit.

Dodge ran desperately, he was like a lone boat floating on the sea, his body was out of his control.

"Qi, Brother Qi, put me down, I will run by myself." Xu Jingzhe uttered a sentence with difficulty.

"What are you thinking, this giant python has been psychic, it has spirituality. We are deadly enemies with it now, don't think that you are a mosquito in its eyes, it won't eat you!"

"No matter how small the fly's legs are, we will fight to the death!"


The earth shook, and the giant python was more powerful than a large bulldozer. Wherever it passed, the grass and trees broke, and the rocks collapsed. Nothing could stop it.

The dense and difficult primeval forest was forcibly pressed into a wide road by it.

The big tree that was broken into several pieces swept across with great force. Dodge was unable to dodge and was hit hard on the back.

The two were like birds with broken wings, rolling in the air, smashing several waist-thick branches, and hitting the big tree again.

Xu Jingzhe's eyes went dark and he fainted directly.

Dodge had a strong physique, leaving a human-shaped mark on the big tree, and his dazed head recovered in a few seconds.

He glanced at Xu Jingzhe who fell on the grass and gritted his teeth.

He took a deep breath, and his chest gradually became clapping, and visible air flow rushed into his mouth.


The lion roared, shaking the earth, and the huge body of the giant python trembled. It gave up Xu Jingzhe who was about to be in its mouth and rushed towards Dodge.

"Boy, life and death are determined by fate. Brother Qi can only help you to this point. Whether you can survive depends on yourself."

"Survive and come to me to get your sniper rifle!"

Dodge muttered, and moved faster, using branches and vines to block the python's sight and quickly move away.



"It hurts..."

Xu Jingzhe woke up, and there was darkness in front of his eyes, without any light. He felt that his body was going to be useless, and he didn't know how many bones were broken, and his whole body was in pain.

Especially his internal organs, which seemed to have deviated from their original positions, and they were blocked and difficult to breathe.

"Qi... Brother Qi." He opened his mouth and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Qi... Brother..."

Five minutes later, Xu Jingzhe was sure that Dodge was not around him, and he kept smiling bitterly.

"Hey, is the boss here?" Xu Jingzhe asked in his mind.

Again, there was no response.

"Stop it, I feel like I'm going to die."

"Brother, I was wrong, I will never scold you again."

The system still didn't respond at all.

Now, he was completely desperate.

Could it be that because Kunlun was the place where gods once lived, even the most advanced system on the Blue Star was suppressed and crashed?

He tried to get up several times, but failed.

His bones were indeed broken, and his legs could not exert force. When he moved, the broken bones pierced into the flesh, and the blood stained his whole body.

"Could it be... that I will die here like this, become a pile of bones, and eventually disappear under the power of time?"

Xu Jingzhe was unwilling to give up. With amazing perseverance, he endured the severe pain. His ribs penetrated his body on both sides, and he finally turned over and lay on the ground.



He bit his lips and tried to stay awake, but because of excessive blood loss, his eyes began to blur.

"Can't sleep, Xu Jingzhe."

"Ye Zi is waiting for you."

"The eldest brother is waiting for you, the second brother is waiting for you, the third sister is waiting for you..."

"Can't sleep, can't sleep..."

"Ye Zi is waiting for you..."

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