The sword tip, with its cold light, pointed directly at Xu Jingzhe's chest, and there was no way to avoid it.

At this critical moment, Xu Jingzhe used his supernatural power again, and the space was paused.

The long sword was paused, and it was difficult to move forward. Xu Jingzhe's remaining strength could only make him turn sideways within two seconds.

The short two seconds were ignored by many people, and passed in a breath.

The blade of the long sword passed by, from left to right, a deep and long cut, and blood was immediately dripping.

The faint shadow was obviously incredible. She was completely unable to move just now, and the fatal blow failed.

When she wanted to turn back to make up the knife, a person with a monstrous murderous intention was approaching. The powerful energy fluctuations made her dare not delay for a second. A white smoke rose, and she looked back and glanced hurriedly, and the shadow disappeared in the air.

Xu Jingzhe collapsed to the ground and saw that face, wearing a black mask, with eyes as beautiful as apricot flowers.

"Xiao Wu!" Dodge shouted loudly, like a lion's roar, and rushed over quickly, ignoring the energy pressure of the polluter.

The cockroaches and frogs did not retreat at all, with admiration on their faces.

The two kills just now would have killed them twice.

The polluter was not coming for Xu Jingzhe, so he didn't care about Dodge and his men. He rushed forward, his palm became several meters large, and he slapped the front fiercely, but got nothing.

He stood there, his face gloomy, and he didn't say a word.

Dodge helped Xu Jingzhe up, checked the wound, and was relieved to make sure that there was nothing serious.

Xu Jingzhe grinned and frowned, saying, "Brother Qi, be gentle, I'm not important, look at my boss and the others."

Dodge said to the cockroaches and frogs who had just arrived, "You two go take care of them, we'll leave now."

The large army of Mosleke City is about to arrive. Without the polluter leading the polluters, generally no one dares to compete with the large army.

After saying that, he helped Xu Jingzhe up and was about to leave.

However, many polluters came slowly, with a faint tendency to surround them. They were very smart and didn't get too close, fearing that they would be the first to stand out.

Dodge's eyes were cold and he might roar at any time.

He laughed loudly, "People are dead, and there are still so many dogs around?"

"If you dare to come up, our Niubihonghong team will take them all. If you don't dare, get out of my way!"

Many polluters paused. They had heard a little about the Niubihonghong team, and they were all ruthless.

"What's wrong with Niubihonghong? Take the reward for yourself?" Someone was secretly stirring up trouble.

"That's right, there are so many of us, and some of them have mutated bodies. What's there to be afraid of!"

The voice was left and right, and it was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman, which was agitating people.


At this moment, the polluter who had been holding his hands behind his back moved, and instantly came to the man's side and slapped him on the head.

Suddenly, the body was torn into pieces.

"I hate this kind of people the most." Hengyang looked down on him, and then continued: "I, Hengyang, protect these people. If you don't agree... follow me."

The rest of the people looked at each other and didn't dare to say anything.

The polluted changer has spoken, who dares to act rashly?

The old man is dissatisfied with his life!

"Let's go." Hengyang glanced at Xu Jingzhe and said.

Looking at the figures of several people walking away, someone suddenly slapped his head and exclaimed: "I remembered who that super handsome guy is!"

"The young genius who used a sniper to destroy the first-level armor with his own strength, it must be him!"

"Fuck, how come you remember it when you said it. When attacking Moslek City, I was watching the battle from a distance."

"No wonder Hengyang wants to protect him, this person will definitely become a rising star in the polluted area in the future."

Xu Jingzhe's identity was recognized, and many people suddenly felt that it was right to kill the red-haired handsome guy and avoid the final kill.

However, there are also some people who are worried. They also aspire to become polluted changes.


The resources in the polluted area are limited, and there will inevitably be a big fight at that time.


Five hours later, the remaining four of Adam's five sons arrived at the battlefield.

Bruce's body had disappeared, and was picked up by someone with ulterior motives.

After a while, the person hiding in the dark appeared.

"A polluter appeared, named Hengyang, and helped the gang of thieves."

"We dare not follow, and don't know where they are now." The man said.

Caesar looked gloomy and asked, "Where is Bruce's body?"

"It was taken away by two polluters of about 20 years. I dare not go forward."

"Let's go and take the body back."

"Hengyang will be handed over to the higher-ups for processing. We can't deal with it."


At night, the moonlight was like water, and the mountain breeze was slightly warm, rippling a pool of deep water.

The expensive treatment drugs that Dodge and the others brought were used on several people, temporarily stabilizing the lives of the four people. Xu Jingzhe thanked them constantly.

This time, without Dodge and the others, I'm afraid... Wang Ning and the other four would all die.

On the fire, there were spiders as big as basins and goats as big as calves roasting, especially goats. They were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the aroma of meat filled the air.

Xu Jingzhe released his supernatural power twice, and his body was hollowed out. He had already eaten half of the goat meat by himself, and Hengyang's eyes were wide open.

Because the mutator was there, the cockroach was silent for the first time, eating the spider legs silently.

He was afraid that if he said something wrong by accident, he would die.

Dodge couldn't stop Hengyang either.

"" Dodge glanced at Hengyang and made sure that he had no dissatisfaction before continuing: "The person who took action was...from the chemical combination area? How did he get close to Xiaowu without being discovered? ”

Hengyang ate the roasted leg of lamb, not caring about his own image, and said, "Well, the top-level lackey in the chemical union area, the Japanese ninja, specializes in assassinating the geniuses who rise in the polluted area."

"I was assassinated as a sprinter back then. I managed to survive and only got three yellow circles."

"Japanese country?" Dao Qi was puzzled.

He turned around and looked at several people. They all shook their heads. They had never heard of it.

"This involves some of the secrets of Daolan Star. Many secrets from a hundred years ago have been erased. You don't know what's normal."

Hengyang was in a good mood after eating the roasted leg of lamb. He admired Xu Jingzhe and continued: "It's okay to tell you part of it, but this is what Big Brother told me."

"A hundred years ago, human beings were not that strong. Everyone had the same name as the people in the Seed District. There were no four cities of Adam, Eve, Pangu and Nuwa. There were many countries scattered on the Blue Star."

"Russia, the United States, China, Bangzi Country, etc., there are hundreds of countries."

"However, because the Japanese country is an island country, it covers a small area and is located in an earthquake zone. Every time an earthquake occurs, the Japanese country suffers countless casualties."

"In order to continue the blood of their country, Japan built an experimental city on the seabed and carried out a crazy experiment in the name of discharging nuclear wastewater into the sea."

"The plan of nuclear radiation and bacteria to cultivate super offspring was unexpected and successful."

"The super offspring they have cultivated are too powerful and are not afraid of swords and guns. They will occupy other small countries for resources."

"Countries had no choice but to use nuclear weapons. This was a trigger for nuclear war a hundred years ago."

Hengyang paused and said: "The main target of the first war was the Japanese nation. However, the mutated Japanese people were too powerful, and a small number of them survived and have been using the name of the Japanese nation."

"Later he was taken in by the United States and became a lackey."

"There are so many things in this, some of which I don't know. I only know this much."

After Hengyang finished speaking, he glanced at the high-alcohol liquor in Dodge's hand. Dodge understood it and handed it over politely like a little sheep.

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