Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 68: A Favor Owes the Dirty Transformer

After drinking a bottle of white wine, Hengyang burped, and looked at Xu Jingzhe with a gleam in his eyes and said, "Boy, what's your name?"

"95..." Xu Jingzhe thought about it. Zhang Manyue told him not to tell his name before the contamination core was condensed, but now it has been condensed, so he said truthfully: "Xu Jingzhe."

"Yanwu Xu, the Jingzhe of the Jingzhe solar term."

Hengyang nodded and said, "Good name."

"Come with me, you have been targeted by the Japanese ninjas, and they...can't protect you."

Dodge sighed secretly in his heart, what was coming still came.

As a contamination changer, Hengyang put down his airs and ate and drank with them, it must be for Xu Jingzhe.

However, Xiaowu is a member of the Niubi Honghong team.

Even if the contamination changer likes him, it won't work.

"Brother Hengyang, Xiaowu is the sniper of our team." Dodge said with a stiff face.

Hengyang glanced at Dodge and said, "Do you know what it means to be targeted by Japanese ninjas? Can you protect this kid?"

Dodge smiled bitterly. Hengyang was telling the truth.

However, who would be willing to give up such a good seedling?

The two looked at Xu Jingzhe at the same time, waiting for Xu Jingzhe's answer.

Xu Jingzhe clasped his fists towards Dodge and thanked him sincerely, "Without Brother Hengyang's help, we would never be able to eat meat and drink here."

"But, Brother Wang Ning and Brother Qi have saved my life. Without them, I would not be alive today."


Hengyang nodded, not only was he not dissatisfied, but the admiration in his eyes was even stronger.

If you think of finding a big tree to take shelter because of an assassination, no matter how good your talent and potential are, you may not go far.

Strong people grow up through repeated trials.

"Cough cough cough..."

Just then, Leng Qing covered her towering chest and coughed violently, interrupting the conversation of several people.

Xu Jingzhe hurried over, helped Leng Qing up, leaned on his arms, and said with heartache: "Third sister, are you okay?"

"Cough... Xiaoliu, San, Third sister is not dead yet."

"How are the boss and the others?"

Leng Qing was weak and powerless, and her head rested on Xu Jingzhe's not-so-broad shoulders, feeling very relieved.

"The boss and the others...are not very good. The eldest brother and the fourth brother have overdrawn their vitality too seriously, and the life-extending medicine has run out. I don't know how long they can last."

Leng Qing opened her lifeless eyes and stared at the shaking fire in a daze.

"But I will definitely cure you!" Xu Jingzhe's voice was not loud, but very firm.

"Thank you, Xiaoliu, it's great to have you." Leng Qing closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

The hematopoietic agent, energy liquid and wound repair liquid bought by the Niubihonghong team have all been used up. There are only two ways to get it. One is to go to a big city and exchange it for contaminated cores. The other is to buy it directly from merchants in the chemical zone.

Just to buy these things, contaminated cores of more than ten or even twenty years are needed, and there are quite a few of them.

"Let me take a look." Hengyang came over.

He checked the injuries of several people and frowned. Pointing at Wang Ning and Bai Qing, he said: "I'm afraid these two people are useless. Even with hematopoiesis and some expensive medicines now, they can't live more than half a year."

"This bearded man and the woman in your arms can still be saved. As long as the contaminated core is in place, they can live."

Xu Jingzhe looked heavy and said: "Brother Hengyang, don't you have any way?"

Hengyang scratched his head, thought for a while and said: "Yes, there is, but it's the same as not saying it. None of us can do it."

"Please tell me."

Do you have to listen? ""


"Then how many favors do you owe me, kid!"

"Brother Hengyang says as many as you want. As long as I'm not dead and you're willing to wait, I'll pay you back one by one."

"Hahaha..." Hengyang laughed so boldly that the trees around him shook and leaves fell all over the ground. He said, "You should know that you owe favors to the dirty mutants, not to the dogs. I'm willing to save you once, so that counts as one."

"But I'm helping you find the way and saving these four people, so that's four."

Xu Jingzhe looked at Hengyang with clear and bright eyes, and nodded heavily with his lips pursed.

"You've heard of the lunar soil evolution liquid, right? You have to find the pure lunar soil evolution liquid, how much is it... Let me think." Hengyang's eyes were deep, and he slapped his thigh and said, "It's enough for two baths. Put two people in and soak them. It will probably take a month to raise them."

"Damn, so much!!" The cockroach was shocked when he heard it, and he couldn't help but say it out.

Hengyang glanced at the cockroach, and the cockroach immediately lowered its head and covered its mouth, its heart daring not to beat in fear.

Dodge and the others were also shocked, it would be better not to say this.

The chemical zone has strict regulations, and the lunar soil evolution liquid is not allowed to be traded to the polluted zone. Whoever sells it to the polluter will be killed without mercy! What's more, there are two baths of pure lunar soil evolution liquid.

Even a big family may not be able to take it out.

Even if it can be taken out, who would not train promising family children for others to use?

Moreover, 80% of the pure lunar soil evolution liquid is for the advance expedition team, and the expedition team shoulders the fate of the entire human race.

Injecting it into the dormant chamber and assisting with energy stones can keep the team members' bodies in peak condition and hibernate through a long and lonely journey.

Expanding territory in the universe is not like fighting on the ground, and failure is an immeasurable loss.

The total amount of resources on the blue planet is so much, and the less it is, the less it will be.

Xu Jingzhe looked at the moon in the sky, his eyes were full of helplessness. It was too difficult, as if he was carrying two mountains on his back.

This was harder than climbing to the sky.

"Is there no other way?" Xu Jingzhe asked uncomfortably.

Hengyang shrugged and said, "This is the only way to save the lives of both of us."

After a long silence, he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and said, "Then I will go to the chemical synthesis area. No matter what, I will get the pure liquid of lunar soil evolution liquid!"

"Don't make fun of me, old man." Hengyang smiled and said.

"You are an illegal resident, don't you know? Without an ID card, you can't leave the contaminated area. How can you go to the chemical synthesis area?"

"Step back, even if you sneak out, how can you pass the inspection at the high-speed rail station or the airport? Step back again, if you pass the inspection, how can you buy a ticket to take the high-speed rail, plane, or airship to the chemical synthesis area?"

"You can't walk all the way there, you won't be able to get there for decades."

Xu Jingzhe was numb, and looked at Dodge, who nodded silently, indicating that Hengyang was right.

At the age of sixteen, he had a coming-of-age ceremony. His overall quality was below average, and he was thrown into a polluted area as garbage. In the archives, he was a black household with only a digital code.

Xu Jingzhe's digital code was 9527.

However, what he didn't know was that his string of numbers had been erased by the system.

No such person exists.

Therefore, when Xu Jingzhe first appeared in Mosleke City, the five sons of Adam could not find his identity.

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