
Chapter 105 - 105 - Random Gift Box

I wake up back in HavenFall next to Gobi's training field. A system message popped in from of me, the random gift from the GM.

[ Sorry for the inconvenience our server maintenance may have caused. In order to reward those that have been patient, we have decided to give everyone a random gift. ]

After I finished reading the message I click on the message and with a puff of white smoke a small white box with a golden ribbon tied around it appeared in the air. I grab hold of it quickly in case it was going to fall.

[ Random Gift Box

Inside contains an item or items of various rarity. Untie the ribbon and open the lid to obtain the item or items ]

This is it. 

Something of complete RNG. 

I am ready. 

My luck stat was made for this. 

I breathe in deeply. Slowly pulling the golden ribbon away as if it was something precious. My heart races faster than an F1 car and sweat could be seen rolling down the side of my cheek. I have to pull that ultra-rare item no matter what or else I would feel so bad with increasing my luck. 

The ribbon slowly unties.

It falls around the box and is only being held up by my hand.

It's time.

Another deep breath.

I pull the lid off the box and a golden shine appears.


The light slowly fades and I gulp down my saliva. I slowly peek inside and I see a small circular badge.


I felt somewhat disappointed. It wasn't a master sword or like a legendary herb or like a rare monster but a badge. It was mainly brown with a white curved area in the middle and 12 small brown rectangles in the middle over the white area. The 12 rectangles were separated into 2 groups of 6s with a small gap between the two groups. Sighing, I put my hand in the box and pick up the badge so I can see the traits.

[ Badge of the Zulus

Use in an open space to create an Ikanda. Make sure there are no obstructing objects when using the badge. ]

"An Ikanda…? What is that?"

For the first time, I wished I could search up in Google what the meaning of a word was in the game. I didn't know of the Zulus or the Ikanda but I'm guessing they were an ancient tribe that roamed the world a long, long time before I was born.

I look around to see where I could place down the badge and I decided to do it close to the training field, next to it to be exact. When I thought about placing the badge down, I got to see a blue square outline on the ground, symbolizing the placement of the building. If I turn to a place where there is something already there then the blue square turns red.  I turn around and move slightly until the blue square lines up with the barracks, making sure there is a small gap between the two buildings. 

Ready to use the badge, I place it on the ground but then a pop-up appears.

[ Are you sure about the placement? You can NOT change it afterward. ]


Once I said yes, the badge melts into the ground. A black line appears around the perimeter and slowly it fills in with black. Once completely filled, it becomes gel-like slowly congealing and morphing upwards. I could make out some horn-like structure from the shapes the gel was forming into and after a while the black gel bursts into black smoke completely covering the building. I step back while I wait for the smoke to disperse, I can Gobi and some of the goblins coming closer, curious about the black smoke.

"Leader Ian is this some sort of black magic?"

"No Gobi, nothing of that sort. It's a building and I'm waiting to see what it is."

"Well, it's starting to clear up."

The building looked very intimidating. It looked to be like the size of our clay houses with a brown clay-like structure and leather-like padding sewn together covering the sides as well as, a large wooden door at the front and right above it was two bull horns protruding outwards, large enough that it as long as the front wall. 

"It looks kind of scary, Leader Ian."

"It does…"

I walk towards it and as I was a step away from the door the system message pops up allowing me to see the description of the building.

[ Ikanda

A building where troops can be trained the ways of the Zulus. It is a unique building belonging to the Zulus. Troops trained in the Ikanda will gain special passive skills.

Buffalo Horns: +5 Agility, 25% Flank Attack Bonus Damage, 10% Defense against Ranged Attacks

Buffalo Chest: 10% Attack Bonus on Open Terrain, 25% Flank Attack Bonus Damage, 10% Defense against Ranged Attacks ( Requires Buffalo Horns )

Buffalo Loins: 10% Increase to Current Strength and Vitality, 25% Flank Attack Bonus Damage, 10% Defense against Ranged Attacks ( Requires Buffalo Loins )

A unit needs to undergo closed-door training in order to obtain the passive skill. It will depend on the unit's talent and effort and the amount of time taken to achieve results will vary. Once a skill is obtained the unit cannot go back to the Ikanda for 1 month. 

Current Space 0/1]


I shouted at the top of my lungs as I finished reading the description. The new building is amazing. Not only does it give flat stats but also scaling stats, both offensive and defensive. The only drawback is that the time frame between each unit would vary greatly. In some lucky cases the unit can come out in a day or maybe even less I don't know but in the worse case, it might take days, weeks, months maybe even years. Since there was no minimum or maximum number in the description then the time frame for each unit will be up to them when it comes to learning it. A positive outcome is that once the unit is finished the next unit can immediately go next. 

Now, who goes first? Should I have one of the goblins try it out? Or maybe David or Howard? Even the demi-humans could work. Who would get the most value out of this while also finishing it quickly? I rack my brain for a bit thinking about the different options until I heard Gobi's voice behind me. I had forgotten that some of the goblins were right behind me curious about the building

"Leader Ian, are you okay? Is something wrong?"

"Ah, sorry Gobi I was lost in my thoughts. This building allows people to walk in and train themselves however, the time inside depends on the person. It can be short and it can take a long time."

"Oh, so it's a training field but special?"

"Yep, exactly. I want to eventually have all our warriors try it and come out victorious, however, I'm not sure who to go first."

"Why not let Luke try?"

"No, I want him and his companions to rest and enjoy some peace and quiet."

"A goblin?"

"Do you think anyone is strong enough to come out quickly? Since you trained all the goblins I want your opinion on it."

"If you want my honest opinion then no. Even myself, I do not think we are worthy to try it. We are slow. We are weak. However, we can eliminate that weakness with our numbers. That is what we goblins are good at. If this place is something that only allows 1 person inside then I suggest one of the humans or demi-humans try it first and then come out with the knowledge of how to complete the challenges inside. In the meantime, I will continue to train everyone on a more one-on-one basis, rather than a team."

"If you say so. Who should be the one then?"

"Howard, David, Noah, Kingston. There are some strong demi-human individuals however, they lack a lot of the basics which is why they join me in training when they are not constructing."

"Maybe I should let Kingston…"

"That would be a wise choice, Leader Ian. He is strong by himself and is capable of making his own decisions."

"Alright, get someone to bring him here."

"Of course, Ginini go get Kingston. He is most likely down at the canyon near the kilns."

"Yes, Boss Gobi."

I watch as Ginini runs away in search of Kingston while Gobi brings the rest of the goblins away to continue training. I see that he is already implementing one-on-one training by making the goblins spar against each other with wooden swords and spears. After a while I see Ginini coming back with Kingston right behind him.

"Yo, you wanted to see me?"

"Yea. Ginini you can go back to training."

"Yes, Leader Ian."

"Kingston, this building allows a person to train and get a passive skill."

"WHAT THAT'S INSANE! A free skill?"

"Yep, but there is a catch."

"Hit me with it."

"The amount of time in there depends on the individual. I also do not know what you will experience inside. I thought I would let you try first out of all the NPCs since we can communicate outside of the game while you are inside in case you do not finish the training today."

"Wait, are you telling me this might take days?"

"I don't know. There is no time limit or duration in the description. Look for yourself."

Kingston walks forward a bit until he was a step away from the building and like me, he stands there reading the building description.

"Okay, I get what you mean by it might take like an hour or it might take days."

"Right? That's why I thought you should try. At least this way you can have help in case it does take a long time to complete it."

"The skills are insane too."

"Yep. How are your current stats? Tell me?"


Name: Kingston

Race: Human

Health Points (HP): 18/18

Mana Points (MP):  0/0

Strength: 12

Vitality: 9

Intelligence: 5 

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 5

Luck: 1"

"Oh, you have increased strength and vitality? How did that happen?"

"When I was part of Phil's group we found some ancient ruins. Opening it gave me some stats however, from what you told me about some of the NPC's stats I am super weak. I was only able to get by because of the armor and weapons you gave me."

"That is true. But after you complete the training I think you would get some stats. Maybe even some extra stats, who knows. How are you feeling?"

"I'll do it obviously. I'll also take the best equips I can get in order to increase my chances."

"Yea, I was going to get that for you. Let's go the Barracks and Armory is right here."

Kingston and I went into the Barracks and Armory to find the best equips we could get for Kingston. Equipping on the wooden helmet, stone chest plate, wooden arm and leg guards, as well as the golem stone spear and a stone shield.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready as I will every be dude."

"Okay, tell me how it goes if you don't finish it during today's time."

"Will do but watch me come out in 1 hour."

"Good luck!"

"Cya bro."

Kingston opens the door and I was able to grab a peek inside it before it closes behind him. However, all I saw was a dark empty room.

[ Ikanda 

A building where troops can be trained the ways of the Zulus. It is a unique building belonging to the Zulus. Troops trained in the Ikanda will gain special passive skills.

Current Space 1/1 ]

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