
Chapter 113 - 113 - Prep For Treasure

"So, how does the map look like, Ian?"

"Well, it is kind of more of what we know so far about our surroundings. The map became integrated with the system after I picked it up. Let me bring it up."

I think of the map and a blue screen appears in front of me. A map of the surrounding area appeared, showing the waterfall, river, canyon and forest. At the same time, the map showed past the forest. It was a large stretch of plains before hitting a mountain range and like all treasure maps, there was a large cross in the mountain. 

"Can you see it?"

"What do you mean? What am I meant to see?"

"What? I brought up the map. It's right here in front of me. Can't you see it?"

"Nothing. I see nothing. Are you the only person that can see it?"

"Umm, I guess. You are the only other player near me, so I never got a chance to show anyone else."

"I guess, you are the only one that can see it."

"Yeah, well. I can describe it to you at least. From the map, I can see our current location. There is no marker however, it shows the waterfall and the river and a space between it and the forest. That gap is HavenFall, and we are in the bottom left of the map. Above is the mountains and to the right is the canyon, however it doesn't extend too far, mainly because it isn't the main point. We have the forest and that covers about 25% of the map before we get a large patch of grassland or plains. That takes up about 60% of the map and unfortunately there are no landmarks, just blank space pretty much. The top right is a mountain range and with it a large cross. X marks the spot, am I right?"

"Wait, so after the forest there is just land? Empty land?"

"We can assume that. However, what we find there might not be just empty land. I talked to Luke and Stellar about places they have been while they were away from HavenFall, and they did exit the forest. What they saw were goblin encampments, so they didn't go too far, but they did agree that it is all grassland, at least to the extent they could see."

"Won't that be good for us? There will be monsters that graze the land, right? Horses, cattle etc."

"Yea, and there won't be any cover as well. We might just get run over by monsters, too. That's why I am preparing right now for it."

"How so?"

"Old man Hus is creating more spears from the golem parts, as well as more scutum shields. Gobi is training everyone in the phalanx formation, after all, it is one of the ways we can defend against Calvary. Plus, it serves as a good defensive formation against normal monsters as well."

"Okay, well. For now, I'm just going to relax. Call me whenever you are ready to leave, Ian."


Kingston, stays on his seat while I left him in search for Owen and Frank. Knowing them, they are most likely down the river, either digging out the path or making the next bridge. I've been very impressed with how fast everything is building. 

A fortnight ago, only the first small part of the path towards the cave had been built, and I was still teaching Owen and Frank the method I had wanted to use in making the path. About 50% of the path had been built, as well as a wooden fence on the sides. Owen added the fence after he saw that some people accidentally slipped or fell, then crashing into the river, Owen being one of those people. 

They had also finished a bridge. It was just a simple straight wooden bridge about two people wide. Utilizing, small wooden planks placed horizontally along two long logs, we were able to create a very simple bridge. Making sure it doesn't collapse into the river, we stabilized the bridge by building a frame around it. We elevated the bridge two small steps off the ground, then fitted a wooden frame with larger wooden logs tied together as well as glued together. Luckily for us, the bridge didn't need to be very long or large, just enough to fit a person and a cart and enough to just travel across the river.

Travelling down the path and over the bridge, I saw Owen, Frank and a few other people digging the path.

"Owen! How is everyone? How are things going?"

"Ian! We are fine. Nothing too chaotic over here and no monsters have appeared. Luna and other wolves are further in front, making sure nothing comes this way."

"That's good. Anything interesting popped up?"

"Another ancient ruin. Here. We found it while we were digging into this spot, it was hidden between the canyon wall."

"Nice, I'll take that for now. How is the construction going?"

"Pretty good. We marked out the rest of the pathway, and we are digging it out at the moment while, Noah and the other boys are making more bricks."

"Perfect, keep at it, everyone! Some of you will be heading out on a scouting mission later, so be prepared, okay?"

I see everyone nod at me after I finished talking to them, so I start to head back. Along the way, I open the ancient ruin. During the past fortnight, I had discovered 8 ancient ruins. Some were hidden in the forest, while others hidden in the canyon. I was lucky that the scouts were able to find it and after finding the first one, I made them memorize what the ancient ruin looks like in case they come across more. I made it a habit of checking with Owen every day, in case they found something and while some days they find nothing other days I get rewarded. 

[You have found an Ancient Ruin]

[Your reward is: Stats

+5 Intelligence]

First time, for an intelligence upgrade and while I might not have a skill, eventually I will. I look at my stats to see the increase.

Name: Ian

Race: Human

Faith: 1789/10,000 ( Reach 10,000 to pick a Religion )

Happiness: 20  ( Happy ) 250/1000 ( Reach 1000 for a Golden Age )

Health Points (HP): 30/30 

Mana Points (MP): 5/5

Strength: 10

Vitality: 15

Intelligence: 10

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 15

Luck: 11

While my stats aren't up to par with other NPCs, I am glad I got an increase. Finding the ancient ruins have helped a lot in making me stronger and after hearing about the addition stat increase in the Ikanda I was keen to get stronger, so I won't be a burden during a fight. However, I will have to wait until Luke completes it first. I wanted to know what kind of effect the Ikanda would have on an NPC. 

I walk back to HavenFall and found Luke talking to Gobi at the training grounds.

"Gobi, I think there needs to be more spars between goblins and other races. That is the only way for them to be prepared when fighting other monsters that are large than them. Most monsters and races are larger than goblins."

"I know what you mean, sir Luke, but I just do not think they are ready. Gibing, Gyumi, Gopopo and Gewari are the only goblins that can face a human or demi-human. The rest lack strength, co-ordination and speed."

"I know, I know, but without any practice I feel they aren't getting better. Some of them have faced against a Jackalope, but even then most of them come back injured, and Lucina needs to see them as soon as possible."

"It is frustrating to see them unable to perform after they give so much effort to getting stronger."

"Hey Luke, Gobi. What seems to be the problem?"

"Hey Ian. Well, Gobi and I were just discussing on how to make the goblin stronger. Some have shown great promise, but the majority are weak."

"It is as sir Luke says, Leader Ian. I am disappointed in myself as well as my brethren."

"It's fine Gobi. I think they are doing fine. Have you noticed? The ones that come back from fighting a jackalope or even enemy orcs and goblins have gotten stronger. Albeit slightly, but they have grown. They just need more time and more exposure to battles. Gibing and the others got stronger faster due to them fighting with the golems."

"That's true Ian."

"Oh yea, Luke you can go into the Ikanda. Kingston has already exited"

"Great. Should I go into it now?"

"If you like."

"Okay, well then I'm heading in. Tell Sylvia that I'll be gone for a bit."

"Tell her yourself!"


I watch as Luke sprints off into the Ikanda and closes the door behind him. I didn't tell any of the NPCs what happens inside the Ikanda since I wanted a genuine experience and having my strongest NPC attempt it first will give me a good guideline in how other NPCs would do. 

"Gobi, maybe arrange for some spars between some stronger goblins and demi-humans. Some demi-humans are strong however, they aren't co-ordinated in a team environment as much as the goblins. So, I want you to do a team battle. Have 5 goblins versus 5 demi-humans and then afterwards have 10 goblins fight. It will train the goblins in fighting stronger opponents, as well as train the demi-humans in fighting larger groups."

"On it Leader Ian."

I let Gobi go about with his training and instead wondered about HavenFall observing the different groups. Lucina, Celine and a few other girls were tending to the farm as well as making more fur clothes. Robin as training some goblins, humans and demi-humans in archery. Lime and old man Hus were busy making weapons and shields. Melody and Ash were teaching the Rex, Ken, Kaede about writing while Stellar and Solar were listening off to the side. Noah and a few other demi-humans were busy putting new bricks into the kiln and taking them out. Howard and David were making new bricks and so much more. 

With that, it was time to think about who would go with me on a trip. Who do I want on the journey, and who do I want to stay back and protect HavenFall? After looking around and observing everyone, I know that there are a few people that have to stay back.

Lucina, old man Hus, Lime and a couple others have to stay back since their main roles aren't fighting. I also want some goblin and demi-humans to come along, since they need the fighting experience. Should I also bring along a few wolves? Including the wolves that Luke brought back, there are now 6 adult wolves and 4 cubs. I should take 3 of them along with me and maybe let Luna stay back since she is the strongest wolf. 

As the goblins, perhaps take 10 of them with a mix of both strong and weak goblins in order to train them up. I should also take along some archers, so possibly some people Robin were training. I would need some hard hitters as well, Noah, Howard, David, Kingston, Frank are options, but I can't take them all. I require someone to stay back and lead everyone while I am gone. 

Is Howard or Noah a better choice to stay back? Howard's personality naturally draws attention and since he has a kind heart, he is able to relate and help with everyone. Whereas Noah thinks more along the lines of improvement and constantly changing and adding new things. He is still a hard worker and people do appreciate him, however he lacks the charisma that Howard has, but wait. What if the both of them were together? 

If Howard is at the front helping everyone while Noah is next to him to give him a helping hand would that work out? They both are friendly and on good terms with one another, and the both of them are trusted aides. Alright, let's have the both of them lead HavenFall while I am gone, and instead I'll take along David and Frank, leaving Owen to lead the construction of the path and bridges.

I am definitely taking along Solar and Stellar. Both ladies are more useful than they say they are, with one being able to buff and heal while the other being akin to an assassin. I also want Luke and Sylvia to come along since the both of them are very strong individuals, but with Luke in the Ikanda I will have to leave him out and instead entrust him with protecting HavenFall while most of the stronger NPCs are with me.

I guess I more or less decided on who will travel with me, I just need to tell them the good news.

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