
Chapter 114 - 114 - Quick Announcement

I wait until dinner before discussing and announcing my plan. The day goes by smoothly, with the only incident being Sylvia getting upset because Luke didn't say anything when he left. Eventually, she calmed down after beating up a few demi-humans and goblins in a spar, but at least those NPCs experienced what it is like to verse an angry person. I also saw Solar's healing abilities in action again and after getting to know her more I was finally able to observe her stats. 

Name: Ǝɿiɒloƨ (Solar) 

Race: Elf

Health Points (HP): 30/30 

Mana Points (MP): 35/35

Strength: 10

Vitality: 15

Intelligence: 40

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 17

Luck: 5

Skill: Shield of the Sun (Active) - 2MP, Haste of the Sun (Active) - 3MP, Touch of the Sun (Active) - 5MP, Ball of Light (Active)- 2MP, Blessing of the Sun (Passive)

Shield of the Sun (Active) - Upon chanting the elven spell correctly, bless the target with a shield that can either absorb 50 damage or wear off after 10 minutes. Cooldown 30 minutes.

Haste of the Sun (Active) - Upon chanting the elven spell correctly, bless the target, +10 agility. The effect wears off after 10 minutes. Cooldown 30 minutes.

Touch of the Sun (Active) - Upon chanting the elven spell correctly, heal the target by 50% with a maximum of 30 HP. Cooldown 10 minutes.

Ball of Light (Active)  - Conjure a ball of light to defeat your foes. (5-10) Attack Damage + 5% Intelligence. Increase 10% damage when used against undead or dark monsters. Cooldown 1 minute

Blessing of the Sun (Passive) - The sun god has blessed this individual. 10% healing and shielding cast by this individual or used on this individual. 10% additional damage dealt by this individual during the day. 

SOLAR IS INSANE! What are these skills? Both passive and actives, and she has a total of 5 of them. Damn. Where are my skills? 

I do notice that her name is spelled both in elven and in English, indicating that she has some stuff still hidden from us, but at the same time, I understand. There is no need for her to use her elven name since we weren't elves. Looking at her stats, I got curious about the rest of Luke's companions' stats. However, I need to get closer to the rest of them before the system allows me to view their stats.

Ever since the Loyalty Point system had been taken away, I had wondered if I would be able to view all the NPCs that I could find, but it seems like that is not the case. While the visual system is not there, I still need to bond with the NPC to an extent before the system allows me to view their stats. Having talked to Solar a lot as she is always tending to the scouts' wounds, I was able to understand more about her character and in turn, I was finally about to view her stats.

After viewing Solar's stats, I went away to help old man Hus and eventually, the sun sets and night falls upon HavenFall. A bright orange flame dances in the moonlight, illuminating its surroundings. It gives warmth to those around while providing a beacon to those far away. The burning flame signal's that it is time for dinner and slowly from every corner of HavenFall its residents stroll towards the table and chairs. 

A fragrant aroma of soup carried by the wind envelopes the surrounding area, drawing everyone in closer. Chatter and laughter can be heard from all around the fire. I went to the front and with my back to the fire I shout at the top of my lungs

"Everyone, I have an announcement!"

The chattering slows until eventually everyone quietens.

"HavenFall has been progressing well these past few weeks. Everyone is working hard and everyone is doing their best. However, it is time to go to the next stage. I have found a treasure map in the ancient ruin. It doesn't show too much, just the general area around us but on the map, there is a large grassland between the edge of the forest and our next destination, the mountains on the other side."

"How far is it from here?"

"Good question, Howard. I don't really know. From what Luke, Stellar and Solar have told me. Getting through the forest, if we were to go directly through without any detours, then it would take us 3-4 days. Using that as a guide, it would then take us another 12-15 days to cross the grassland before we reach the foot of the mountain but too is just one part of the journey. I have no idea how long it will take for us to even find the treasure."

"When and who is going, Leader Ian?"

"I'm getting to that Gobi. The obvious people who aren't coming with us are Lucina, old man Hus, Lime, Melody, Owen, Sylvia, Rex, Lily, Rose, Spike, Val and Meg. These 11 people will 100% be staying back. Is there anyone that does not want to come?"

I slowly turn around, walking around the fire keeping an eye on everyone's reaction.


"Robin? Why is that?"

"I would prefer to stay here and help train anyone that does not go in archery. I also do not think I have what it takes to go on the journey."

"Okay. I understand. Is there anyone else? No?"

I do one quick look around to see no responses so I move on.

"Then, I would like to tell you that I have 2 people in mind to look after HavenFall while I am gone. Howard and Noah. Both of them will be joint leaders. Decisions will be made through both of them and if there is a stalemate then Gobi will decide. "

"Wait, Ian. I thought I would go along."

"I thought about it Howard but I need someone strong staying back to defend HavenFall from any threats. I don't know how long I will be gone and if I take only the strong with me then there won't be a home to come back to."


"No buts. I decided and that is what is going to happen."


"Good. I will now announce who will be partaking in this journey. Stellar, Solar, David, Frank, Kingston, Ken, Kaede, Celine, Yor, Gibing, Gyumi, Gopopo and Gewari. Gobi, I want you to choose 6 more goblins, 3 more humans and 3 more demi-humans who are adept with using the phalanx formation and the scutum shields. I also want 5 goblin archers as well. A total of 30 of us will be with me as we travel from HavenFall to our destination. Everyone else will be here. There are still a lot of things to do and by the time I get home, I expect a lot of things to be finished. Are there any questions?"

2 small hands perk up from behind David.

"Why…Kaede…I going?"

"I know the both of you are young and small however, you are stronger than you think. Gobi has seen your improvements in the training you have done. I want to give you two a chance to grow even more."


"Maybe not now but soon you will be, just give it time."


"Ian, I'm confused about me going as well."

"Celine, there is actually a very important reason for you coming along. I am also planning to bring along some wolves, so you will be the main translator. However, along the way, there might be other animals and monsters that you might be able to communicate with and if you can there be a chance to get them to join us."

"Okay, I get it but I'm not that useful in a fight."

"I have prepared for that don't worry. Are there any other questions?"

With no one saying anything I confirm everything once again and made sure that everyone that was going to wake up at dawn to prepare. I went to Lucina afterward, asking her to fill 10 baskets with food as well as prepare 10 water sacks made out of the jackalope fur. The water sacks were already made and just needed to be filled. 

I walk with Celine afterward, going to the wolf den to tell Belle, Dawn and Razor to come along with us tomorrow morning. Razor was named by Celine and was the first wolf that spawned from the wolf den. I was unable to see its stats until it was fully grown and now that I was here I took a quick peek at Belle's, Dawn's, and Razor's stats. Luna, Hugo and Wheat were near the cave tonight so I was unable to see their stats. 

Name: Belle

Race: Beast (Wolf)

Health Points (HP): 50/50 

Mana Points (MP): 15/15

Strength: 25

Vitality: 25

Intelligence: 20

Dexterity: 12

Agility: 40

Luck: 1

Skill: Moonlight Renewal (Active) - 2 MP, Pounce (Active) - 1 MP

Name: Dawn

Race: Beast (Wolf)

Health Points (HP): 80/80 

Mana Points (MP): 5/5

Strength: 30

Vitality: 40

Intelligence: 10

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 20

Luck: 3

Skill: Moonlight Renewal (Active) - 2 MP, Pounce (Active) - 1 MP

Name: Razor

Race: Beast (Wolf)

Health Points (HP): 40/40 

Mana Points (MP): 25/25

Strength: 20

Vitality: 20

Intelligence: 30

Dexterity: 15

Agility: 20

Luck: 5

Skill: Moonlight Renewal (active) - 2 MP, Pounce (Active) - 1 MP, Double Slash (Active) - 4 MP

Double Slash (Active) - Attack twice in quick succession. The second attack will deal 50% increased damage if it lands.

There was some slight variance between the 3 wolves which I was surprised about. I assumed they were going to be the same stats and the same skills but just from the stats I could tell that Belle was more agility-focused, Dawn was more strength-focused and Razor was more intelligence-focus

After Celine told the wolves about the plan she told me they were happy to accompany me meaning I only needed to wait until morning, get the equipment for everyone from the barracks and armory and then set out on the journey!

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