
Chapter 115 - 115 - Checking Equipment

The night passes and morning rises. With the sun peeking over the horizon I open my eyes. A small yawn escapes me but that does not stop me. I can hear the soft chattering outside already. Light footsteps can be heard and the moment I walk outside I can see everyone moving about. The ones who I told yesterday night to come with me are already setting up things we need. We needed food, water, and equipment. 

Both food and water are being filled at this moment with the help of Lucina, sorting out what food we needed to bring. Most of the food was vegetables and fruit that were commonly found in the forest with some dried fish as well. I could also see some people filling up water sacks as we have no way of knowing if we would have water along the way. After thinking about it overnight, I decided that we might need even more water sacks. 

The water sacks were made to hold up to 10 Litres of water, of course, it was all approximation since we have no method of correctly measuring weight but prior to the creation process, I had looked at examples in stores and held some that were filled to the brim. Taking that knowledge, I told and experimented with Lucina and Rei until they were able to make a water sack from the fur of the jackalope that could hold approximately 10L. The final product was a white ball of fluff with the top scrunched and tied with thin vines. It might leak if the top is turned upside down but otherwise, it did its job and carried water. 

I had Lucina and Rei make more of them while I went to old man Hus and figured out the equipment logistics with him.

"Lad, how many arrows do you think you will need on this small trip of yours?"

"I'm not sure. Normally, the scouts carry 20 arrows per quiver and they bring 2 quivers every time they go out. There are 10 goblins who can use a bow as well as 6 more people that will most likely carry a bow as well. Simple maths tells me 640 arrows but that is an unrealistic number at the moment."

"That is very unrealistic. Lad, I can prepare for you 300 before you set out. So rather than carry 2 quivers just make them carry 1."

"Done. You already have most of the arrows already don't you old man Hus?"

"Of course. I am constantly replenishing my supply. Missy Robin uses up a lot of arrows while she teaches and most of them break in some way so I need to always be on top of things. Young Lime here is really great at making arrows, very fast too but I usually let the other 2 handle the small tasks. Young Martelo, young Rycka! Come here."

"Here, sir."

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing wrong, young Rycka. I just need you to help out this one with all the weaponry and armor."

"Ah yes. Leader Ian, nice to see you so early. Martelo and I will help bring out what you need as well as prepare any more that you might want."

"Thank you Rycka."

I follow Rycka and Martelo to the barracks and armory. The two were old man Hus's apprentices that came after Lime. Originally, they were spearmen for Phil however, after staying here they wanted to do more creating rather than fighting. I have seen the pair going into the forest to collect wood for old man Hus as well as making pottery. I did not realize that they were the ones making the arrows since I haven't seen them make any weapons or shields or armor. I assumed it was Lime and old man Hus. 

"Leader Ian, do you know what you need?"

"I have a rough understanding, Martelo. However, I might revise it depending on what we currently have in stock. I know that everyday old man Hus constantly makes weapons, however, I also know that some of them aren't his best works."

"That's true. Sir is busy making weapons but sometimes either the material used is of lower quality or he tried to create using different materials or tries a different method and in turn, it ends up a failed product."

"Not just that, Martelo. Sir has been trying to figure out the best way to create stronger weapons while using the materials we have on hand. With just sticks and stones what else can we do?"

"I know, Rycka."

"The both of you seem very close."

"Ah, we got closer after we discovered we had an interest in making weapons. Martelo in particular isn't very fond of fighting however, he enjoys making things."

"You too Rycka. I always see you trying to make the spearheads like how Sir does it."

"You see that? Damn, I have to find a different spot now. Well, for now here we are leader Ian. What do you want us to bring out first?"

I stand in the doorway while looking at all our shields and weapons. They were packed together, with one shield leaning against another along the far side of the wall while spears and clubs were in clay pots. In the middle of the room were multiple clay pots filled with weapon loot, particularly goblin and orc weapons.

"How many shields do we have?"

"We have about 20 scutum shields, 25 stone shields, 10 wooden shields, and 5 experimental ones."

"What do you mean by experimental, Martelo?"

"It's the ones that Sir tried to do differently. These are the 5 that survived, the rest broke or was cracked so we destroyed them and used them either firewood or placed them in the pile of broken clay to be used for the road. "

"Bring them out for me, as well as 6 scutum shields, 4 stone shields, and 2 wooden shields."

"Yes, leader!"

Martelo and Rycka went inside to get out the shields, slowly piling them next to the door frame. After the known shields were brought out, I start to see the newer ones, the experimental shields. Since it was made by old man Hus I could already see the stats.

[ Stone and Wood Scutum

Defense: 30

A shield created by layering wooden planks on top and behind a stone slab. Create for taking a hit however, if the stone breaks the shield will crumble

Made by Hus and Lime ]

[ Oval Scutum

Defense: 20

A smaller and lighter version of the scutum. Using an oval frame can cover the upper body, however, lacks protection in the lower body.

Made by Hus and Lime ]

[ Golem Stone Wall 

Defense: 40

A shield created by layering 3 golem stones on top of one another. Extremely heavy and bulky.

Made by Hus and Lime ]

[ Little Scutum (Circle)

Defense: 15

A small light circular shield created by layering wooden planks on top of one another. 

Made by Lime ]

[ Little Scutum (Square)

Defense: 15

A small light square shield created by layering wooden planks on top of one another. 

Made by Lime ]

"Lime made some of these herself?"

"YEAH! Miss Lime has been working hard. Using the same concept for the scutum shield she made smaller versions. However, she said she wasn't satisfied with them so she didn't tell anyone other than sir and us."

"Well, Martelo I think she did great. The shield is the same size as the wooden shield we have but is more durable. While it is heavier than the wooden shield, it isn't a major increase in weight and is still manageable. I would love for her to make more but if she says she doesn't want to make more I won't force her. I will, however, take both of these shields. The little scutum will be used by Ken and Kaede. Okay, Rycka can you bring out 20 short spears and 16 golem spears. As well as, 5 golem ax and 30 golem knives. Bring out 10 bows as well as all the arrows"

"Yes leader, do you want them in pots or just laid out?"

"Pots. Sort them out as well will you?"

"Of course!"

[ Golem Stone Short Spear 

Attack: 13

Using the body of a slain general golem to create a stronger spearhead. It has a lower chance to break when struck against other objects. Due to its shorter range, it has a lower attack compared to its longer counterpart.

Made by Hus ] 

[ Golem Stone Ax 

Attack: 18

Using the body of a slain general golem to create a stronger head. It has a lower chance to break when struck against other objects.

Made by Hus ] 

[ Golem Stone Knife 

Attack: 11

Using the body of a slain general golem to create a stronger head. It has a lower chance to break when struck against other objects. 

Made by Hus ] 

After old man Hus made the golem spears and seeing the effectiveness of them, he had made different weapons using the same method. It wasn't too hard to adjust the length of weapons or chip away parts of the stone to fit the type of weapon and within the fortnight he had already created an arsenal of weapons. 

There were a lot of weapons compared to the number of people that will be going on the journey with me. I know that the weapons that old man Hus has made are amazing and the material used lowers the chance of it breaking, however, it is better to be safe than sorry. Having more weapons as a backup will be vital in some scenarios but I also have to make sure that we are not carrying too much or else we will end up as slow as snails.

Frank, Yor and some of the humans and demi-humans will most likely use the spears as weapons with short spears as a backup. David and Kingston being heavy hitters will use the ax, alongside the two wolf demi-humans, Ken and Kaede. Kingston will primarily be using his personal weapon but having an ax will be his backup. Solar is a mage and Stellar will also be using knives. The rest of the goblins will be using knives and bows. 

Since they are faster having them as assassins in the field will be more useful than a frontal assault. Their small bodies will also allow them to hide in spots that enemies will not think to check to allow them to snipe from a more advantageous position.

"This everything leader?"

"Not yet, Martelo. We need armor as well."

"What do you need?"

"We should travel light since we are carrying a lot of weapons, food, and water. I want the wooden armor. All of it, helmets, chest plates, arm guards, leg guards, and belts. Enough for all 30 members and have another set for them as a spare. Do you have enough?"

"The arm and leg guards we don't have enough but it shouldn't take too long to make the all. If Rycka and I work on it as well as Lime then we should get them done today as well as the arrows." 

"Good, get them all for me."

"Yes, leader. Is that all?"

"Yea, I don't think we need anything."

After making sure we will have everything prepared, I went to help construct the road. There wasn't much left to do, I can only wait for the equipment to be prepared. 

As I was walking down the path Melody stops me.

"Ian, is it possible that I can come along as well?"

"How come, Melody? You know you aren't a fighter."

"I know but for some reason the past few nights I have been getting these visions…"


"Yea…I see you and everyone on the trip dying."

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