
Chapter 141 - Roche Serpents (Kingston Perspective)

The main group was still a while away from the ones that left first and in the distance, we were able to see the towering dinosaur. It lets out a roar towards the crevice and even though it wasn't directed at us, the wind created from its roar blasts against us, lifting some of the smaller goblins off their feet for a bit.

Comparing it to a building, the dinosaur was as tall as a 4 story apartment with a large scaly body. The scales were mainly brown with a hint of red and its tail drags along the ground picking up dirt as it moves back and forth.  Its back legs were as thick as a tree with sharp yellowish-white toes.

The monster paces around the crevice, bashing its head against the mountainside and clawing with its small arms. Looking hopeless, David silently speaks his mind.

"What is that monster?" - David

"If I'm right and I know I'm right, that is a tyrannosaurus rex or T-rex. An apex predator. A large reptile. A KILLING machine." - Kingston

"So, don't fight." - Frank

"Do not fight." - Kingston

"Solar and the others are most likely in the crevice. There is no reason for the monster to be continuously attacking a wall other than the fact that prey is in that direction." - Stellar

"Yes and the moment we get close to it, we will become prey. Look at us Stellar, rock snakes are coming from behind us and we are a relatively big group. That dinosaur will immediately attack us the moment we get close." - Kingston

Stellar walks over to me and grabs my armor, picking me up and glaring directly into my eyes.

"Then what do you suggest? I am NOT gonna leave Solar, Celine, Yor, the kids, and the wolves to fend for their lives against a monster that is the size of a hill." - Stellar

"I'm not thinking about leaving them. I'm thinking about how to save ourselves. They are safe so long the mountain doesn't break. The crevice might collapse but at least that way the only thing we lose is an escape route. We would be separated but the monster cannot go and attack them." - Kingston

Gibing places a hand on Stellar's shoulder, holding her back slightly.

"Stellar, Kingston is right. Usually, Ian would have a plan but from what happened early we need to figure this out ourselves. The big monster isn't a threat to us right now. The rock snakes are a threat." - Gibing

"Their core is their weakness and it seems as they spin faster the fewer rocks attached to them." - Frank

I brush Stellar's hand off me and look back into her eyes.

"We will save them, don't worry. For now, let's focus on one side of the battle first. How is that?" - Kingston

"Fine." - Stellar

"Good. Looking at what we can do, the only ones capable of smashing the biggest boulders are David and Gibing. Frank, Stellar and I can do follow-up attacks to further break it. Which leaves everyone else. Attack the tails of the monster. Remove the small rocks and any medium-sized boulder if possible. Use knives to pry them open, use spears and shove them in the gaps. There are 6 of them so do your best to distract the others that the main team isn't attacking." - Kingston

"I'm going to attack the one on the far right. It's the closest to us and it's also the one we attack before." - Gibing.

"Alright, David, Frank, Stellar follow Gibing. The rest spread out and do your best!" - Kingston

Gibing charges towards the rightmost rock snake, brandishing his ax and then letting the handle rest on his shoulder. As he reaches the monster, he leaps into the air, lifting his ax high. However, compared to the last time he attempted this, the monster had seen the attack before. As Gibing jumps, the monster slams its tail on the ground, creating momentum for the head to fling itself upwards at the same time.

The defenseless Gibing gets hit midair and is sent flying towards us. David rushes in front, grabbing onto Gibing, breaking his fall by falling backward slowly. Leaving the two to recover, I run forward with Frank on my left and Stellar on my right. As the head of the monster falls I activate Sand Armor. The red dirt below me creeps up surrounding my armor in a red layer and before the monster lands on the ground, I thrust my spear towards it.

I use gravity as well as the force behind the spear to penetrate the already cracked surface shattering the boulder into small rocks. Almost immediately, the small rocks start to levitate and rotate around the now exposed grey orb.

Frank dashes from behind me, stabbing forward before the rotating rocks gain momentum. The tip of his spear passes the layer of rocks hitting the orb but just barely. It scrapes the side creating a thin white line. I see Frank curse underneath his breath as he dodges to the side as the rotating rings of rocks come closer to him. 

However, his attack wasn't in vain. Stellar comes from the other side with her knives, stabbing past the rings and attacking the grey orb. Likewise, her attack is thwarted by the rotating rings of rocks. The damage she caused was akin to Frank but I saw the light. I know how to attack the grey orb while defending against the rings.


"Got it!" - Stellar, Frank

I get my spear and run towards the floating grey orb. In response, it attacks with the rings, sending rocks of various sizes and shapes towards me. I block using my spear or my arm guards and if I could I would dodge the rocks. As I come closer, I notice out of the corner of my eye, another rock snake charging towards me. Near it, were 3 goblins and 2 shieldbearers that were just knocked to the side.

The monster was charging towards me now, but I couldn't turn away from the grey orb as I was just too close. I take another step forward, reaching rings and gritting my teeth.

Do I dodge backward and lose all my ground?

Do I just have to tank the attack on my side?

Frank and Stellar were both on my left, running close to me watching my movements and my decision.

"KINGSTON! Don't worry. We got this." - David

"Focus on the enemy in front of you!" - Gibing

Slamming into the rock snake that was charging into me was David and right behind him, crashing into the monster was Gibing.

I smile at the two's decision and decide to commit to my choice. I bring my shield up close to my body as I jump into the rotating rocks. Rocks slam into my shield, my body armor, and into the places that weren't protected. Blunt objects and sharp objects together start smashing into my body like I was a punching bag.

"NOW!" - Kingston

Without a second thought, Frank and Stellar run-up passing me and attacking the grey orb with their respective weapons. I was blocking the rocks with my body, creating a gap where the two were able to blitz past. The continuous strikes eventually shatter the grey orb and the levitating rocks lost their momentum, falling into the ground.

The whole left side of my body was numb and I could see parts of it turning purple while other parts were bleeding. However, that was just the first one. I check my status as I straighten my back.

Name: Kingston

Race: Human

Health Points (HP): 5/28

Mana Points (MP):  1/5

Strength: 12

Vitality: 14

Intelligence: 10 

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 20

Luck: 1

Skill: Sand Armor (Active), Endless Rage (Active), Cleave (Active), Charge (Active), Buffalo Horns (Passive)

Equipment: Spear of Light (Unactivated),  Golem Stone Knife, Stone Chest Plate, Wooden Helmet, Wooden Arm Guards, Wooden Leg Guards, Little Scutum ( Square )

I took out from the basket on my back, another small water bag. The second of the three potions I had with me. I down the cold soup and let it do its magic, healing me. Despite using Sand Armor and protecting my body as much as I could with my armor, I still took a lot of damage.

"Are you okay, Kingston?" - Stellar

I took in a deep breath before replying.

"I'm fine. I needed to use one of Lucina's potions but other than that, I'm fine. We need to help out David and Gibing. They are-" - Kingston

"There is no need. I think they were able to defeat one." - Frank

"Huh?" - Kingston

I look over towards the monster that David and Gibing were fighting. The head of the monster had already been smashed and the grey orb had come out. The revolving rock rings get defeated by the same technique I had used and with one swift, powerful strike from Gibing the grey orb is shattered.

"David is just… Better I guess…?" - Kingston

"Don't worry. You tried." - Stellar

Having defeated 2 of the 6 monsters with the same strategy, we continue to do the same with the rest. Having the goblins, the shieldbearers, and even Gopopo or Gewari to lure the monsters towards David or Gibing, who breaks the rocks in seconds and proceeds to tank the shrapnel. Frank, Stellar, and I finish off the grey orb while the rest keeps the other monsters clear before repeating the same steps on the next monster. Before long we defeated all the rock snakes and I acquired the loot. 

[ Roche Serpent Golem Core 

A small grey core is used to create Roche Serpents Golems. Roche Serpents were ancient monsters consisting of pure rocks. They fed on rocks and slowly become bigger and longer the more rocks they consume. Combine this core with a magic circle to create a small Roche Serpent Golem. ]

"It is a golem. Kronos is involved, be careful everyone.. We don't know what else is out there." - Kingston

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