
Chapter 142 - Distract The Dino (Kingston Perspective)

"Let's go back, we need to figure out what the monster near the crevice is and what we can do to stop it." - Kingston

After defeating all the Roche Serpents, we turn back towards the dinosaur. Fortunately for us, it was still preoccupied with the wall and was still ramming its body against it. Small rocks could be seen breaking off the side of the wall and falling onto the dinosaur's body, rolling off its scales and smashing into the ground. 

We stood on top of a small hill, looking over at the dinosaur. I look around observing the environment. To the right of the dinosaur is more flat land before eventually sloping up the mountain whereas the left side of the dinosaur is rockier and steeper.

"What do we… do?" - David

"Gopopo can you see if Solar and the others are okay?" - Kingston

"Even with Enhanced Sight, the monster is kicking up too much dirt to be able to see clearly through it. If Ian was here, he should be able to see with the Eye of the Roc." - Gopopo

"So we need to get closer to confirm if they are okay or not?" - Stellar

"It's too dangerous. That monster will flatten us in seconds and we can assume they are at least alive since the monster is still attacking that direction. If they were already killed and eaten then the monster would have moved away." - Frank

"I think that monster is only one of our problems. Near the cliff, I heard a low growling before Ian and I got separated." - Kingston

"So there is another monster below us?" - Gibing

"Maybe." - Kingston

"Focus! We need to make sure the rest are okay." - Stellar

"Okay, well the most obvious of things to do would be to distract the monster." - Kingston

"I'll do it. I'm fast, I should be okay." - Gewari

"Me too. If it is only 1 person attacking it, I don't think it will be distracted." - Gibing

"Gibing, you aren't that fast." - Gyumi

"Then what do you suggest? I don't want to sit around waiting." - Gibing

"No, I know what we need to do. We are going to split up. Stellar, Gyumi, Gewari and Gopopo as well as some of the faster goblins will be one team. Everyone else will be on the other team. Stellar's team will run towards the monster first, attacking from a distance before running away. When you do run away run towards the right side. 

Everyone in my group we are going to run towards the left. We are going to use the rocks as cover as we traverse along that mountainside and then coming down the mountain towards the crevice."  - Kingston

Stellar looks at me with a confused look.

"Are you sure about this plan?" - Stellar

I look around only to see the doubting faces of everyone. I know deep down the plan wasn't concrete and there were a lot of variables. I know that there is a chance that the NPCs here won't listen to me because they are loyal to Ian. However, there isn't much I can do in this situation. 

"If I'm being honest, then I'm not sure about the plan but I can't think of anything else right now. Every second we waste here we potentially risk losing some of our friends. The plan may not be easy, I never said it was going to be but at least we are going to try something." - Kingston

I look at everyone with a determined face. Making my hand into a fist and punch it outwards towards the group.

"We can do this! It's just one big scary lizard. That monster is nothing compared to that spider queen we faced before." - Kingston

A short speech, unlike Ian's however, carrying the same energy. I see their worried faces lift one by one and even a smile appearing on some of them. While they too know that it will be dangerous to commit to this fight, there wasn't much choice. Every grips their weapons tightly and looks towards me, ready to fight.

"Alright, let's go! Stellar's group forward! Everyone else, follow me!" - Kingston

I shout my commands and start running towards the left. The whole group split into two, one smaller and more agile group running towards the dinosaur and another larger group running towards the rocky terrain. 

Running on uneven surfaces slows us down, however, the large rocks scattered in this area also served as a hiding spot and an observation spot. Every step upwards and around a rock, I look down watching Stellar and the rest approach the dinosaur. 

The group behind me tries their best to catch up, however, all of us were wearing the woven baskets on our backs, weighing us down. When one falls, another helps them up and the time it takes for us to get up the mountain until we reach a flatter area to run across increases. 

By the time we reach a small plateau covered in red dirt and sand, Stellar's group had reached the dinosaur. I run across the plateau, focused on the action near the dinosaur's feet. 

Gyumi's horns shine blue as electricity gathers above her head. Releasing them towards the body of the dinosaur as she nimbly dodges the dinosaur's tail. Following her attack was a small volley of arrows from the goblins, however, the tough scales on the dinosaur make both Gyumi's and the goblin's attack feel like a mosquito attack. 

Without even turning to see the new enemies near it, it continues to ram its head into the crevice, forcing itself inside it a bit with each attack. I run towards the end of the plateau, overlooking the battle directly from the left as the rest of the people and goblins in my group slowly reach me. 

While I was waiting I kept looking at the battle at the crevice. Stellar and Gewari both climb on top of the dinosaur's tail, running on top of the scales until they reach the back. As they run up halfway, the dinosaur finally notices them. It turns its large head around and its yellow eyes glare at Stellar and Gewari. 

It shakes its whole body attempting to toss the pair off but instead they both jump up and turn invisible, reappearing closer to the dinosaur's head. Stellar's knives aim for the left eye, while Gewari attacks the right eye. Both, unfortunately, fail as the dinosaur closes its eyes. The scales on its eyelids protect it from the stone knives and the girls fall towards the ground, safely landing by rolling as they touch the ground.

Despite doing no damage to the dinosaur, they were able to draw its attention. A loud roar echoes from the dinosaur's mouth as its nostrils flare, producing a small cloud of smoke. The girls run towards the left with Gewari and the goblins running parallel to them. 

The dinosaur's large body slowly turns towards the group, its feet creating indents in the ground. Stellar's group dashes away from the monster as quickly as they can and the moment I see the dinosaur leave the crevice I call out to everyone around me.

"LET'S GO!" - Kingston

Running down the slope at top speed, dodging random rocks jutting out of the ground, and sliding a little on the slippery sand. We make our way down the mountainside as quickly as possible as the monster picks up speed as it charges at Stellar's group. 

Reaching the bottom of the mountainside as quickly as possible and running towards the crevice, I look around to see no one here. Rocks were covering the ground, forming small hills and the sides of the crevice were destroyed. Were we wrong? Did the monster already kill everyone here?


Being the first of the group to arrive, I call out loudly hoping for a response. However, nothing. Panic rises inside me as David, Frank, Yor, and Gibing join in, calling out to see if anyone is there. In moments of me panicking about the disappearance of the group, we hear a howl in the distance and a golden head popping up over a rocky hill. 

"BELLE! Where are the others?" - Kingston

Responding to us with a howl, she turns her body around, jumping off the hill. I look at the others and wave with my hand for them to follow after Belle. David and I were the last to go as I take another peek at Stellar's group. I see the dinosaur in the distance ramming its head against the other mountainside. I can only assume, Stellar's group found a small pathway where they could avoid the dinosaur. 

With Yor jumping over the hill it was only David and me left on this side of the crevice. David walks in front of me and I am about to follow him closely behind but the moment I am about to take the first step, the hairs on the back of my neck stand tall. I grab David and pull him to the side, jumping and pulling the confused man to the ground. 

Right after I perform the act, the place where we were both standing gets hit by a barrage of small rocks. The rocks were steaming and glowing red, and just to the left of me, a loud sound could be heard as the ground shakes violently. Something had landed next to us. 

I gulp my saliva down and stand up, turning towards it. With wings as large as cars and a body as large as a 6 story apartment block was another monster. Its body resembles that of a T-Rex, in fact, it looks almost the same as the T-Rex that we had just seen, with the only addition being the wings. Large brown scaly wings flap behind its back as the monster glares at us, emitting a low growl.

"Is that the monster you heard when you were near the cliff?" - David

David stands up next to me, clutching his ax tightly in one hand.

"I wish it wasn't that but I think it is… Why couldn't it just choose between a dragon and a dinosaur?" - Kingston

"It's big." - David

"Yea and we are small. Very small." - Kingston

"Are we going to fight it?" - David

"Do you think we have much choice?" - Kingston

"No… I just hope no one comes back for us. Only we need to die, they don't." - David

I grip my spear tightly as I look at the monster. Small flames lick the sides of its mouth as its yellow eyes stare daggers into our bodies. It opens its mouth wide and another barrage of small flaming rocks is sent towards us. I dodge to the left while David dodges to the right, bringing out his shield and ax and positioning himself for any sort of action. I look at him and see a determined face, so unlike how he was before. I smile to myself, thinking back at the memories. I twirl my spear around my hand, gripping it tightly as I let out a breath.

"David! Stay alive! No matter what happens!" - Kingston

"You too!" - David

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