
Chapter 143 - This. Is. Fun (Kingston Perspective)

"DAVID! Run towards the right and attack the legs, I'll take the left side!" - Kingston

Looking at the new monster,  I see that despite it attacking us with a skill, it takes time before it can perform another action. I signal David to attack the other side while I dash towards the left as fast as I can. I make sure to keep an eye on the head of the monster as well as the wings, assuming that the head and the wings were going to be the biggest threat.

I reach the monster's right leg quickly and looking at the monster's feet close up, my heart sinks. The scales cover every part of the body, with no gaps in between. I clench my teeth and try my best, pouring in as much power as I could into my attack. I thrust my spear at the feet, however, the tip of my spear creates sparks against the scales, not even leaving a mark on the dinosaur's armor. At the same time, I heard a loud bang as David smashes his ax into the dinosaur's left leg. 

The dinosaur slowly lifts its right foot, bringing it down on me. Seeing the slow movement, I run backward, getting out of the attack range, however, I didn't expect the force of it just stepping to cause the ground to shake so much. I lose my balance and fall onto the ground, landing on my back. Dirt, sand, and small pebbles get blown in all directions, covering the air around me, making it hard to see but I notice the monster's head turning towards me before I lost vision. 

I roll along the ground towards the right anticipating an attack from the monster and I was right. I roll out of the small dust cloud and see the monster attack the space with the barrage of flaming hot rocks. In the distance, I see David, attempting another attack on the monster's leg, slamming his ax against the scales but to his and my dismay, the ax breaks. The shards of stone scatter around the monster's leg and David'd expression sinks.


Snapping back to reality, he starts to run towards the mountainside behind him. The monster ignores me and turns towards the fleeing David. It lets out a deafening roar towards David, the wind created from its roar blasts against David's back launching him forward but because of the sudden push, David loses his balance, falling on his face.

I run back towards the monster's foot, stabbing and swiping at the monster's feet to distract it. With my lack of MP, I could only use one more attacking skill before I run out but seeing David falling and the monster being interesting in him, I activate my skill.

"CLEAVE!" - Kingston

I swing my spear as hard as I can aiming for the space where two different scales connect but it ends up the same as before, creating sparks as the two materials scrape against each other. I did no damage against the monster yet again but was it enough to distract the monster?

No… It wasn't. The dinosaur ignores me and starts to move its large boy towards David. Each step creates shockwaves along the ground and my heart beats faster as I see it approach David. My brain went into overdrive, thinking of a way to stop the monster. 


I don't even know if he can hear me over the booming steps but I see him slowly getting himself up. He takes out the two last healing water sacks and tosses the rest of the basket. Looking behind him, he sees the monster's foot covering the sun above him. Dodging towards the left he narrowly escapes being stepped on however, the monster had different plans. It launches another barrage of flaming rocks at David. 

David rips open a water sack and places it in his mouth while he crouches down and lifts his shield above him. While the shield wasn't his original double layered stone shield, he still had a scutum shield he took off one of the shieldbearers. The attack hits David's shield and the area around him, picking up dust and dirt, creating a cloud of dust around David.

I clench my teeth, looking at the scene but choosing to believe in David's ability to protect himself. I look around and see that the dinosaur's tail was near me. Copying Stellar and Gewari, I run towards the tail, climbing on top and using the small scales that follow along the dinosaur's spine and tail to stabilize myself as I run along the dinosaur's back. 

I didn't notice how difficult it was running up a monster's back and felt quite impressed with the way Stellar and Gewari moved on the other dinosaur's back.

Wait… What's going on with the other dinosaur?

I look behind me and what do you know, I see a dinosaur charging towards us. Its mouth was wide open with its big head swinging side to side. I thought the booming sounds of footsteps were coming from the dinosaur I was standing on, but no it was from both. 

I grit my teeth and run faster up the dinosaur, reaching its neck. I peer down to see David, gulping down the last water sack, as he tosses the broken shield away. I rummage through the basket to find my last water sack, grabbing it and yelling out to David.

"DAVID! CATCH!" - Kingston

I toss the sack in front of him while tossing the basket in a different direction. I see him catch the water sack while still running away from the dinosaur's footsteps but as it was about to step on David, the first dinosaur rams into the back. Its teeth sink into the winged dinosaur behind. 

The attack knocks the winged dinosaur onto its side. A failed attempt of flying away caused it to accidentally, blow David to the side. Desperately, I hold onto a protruding scale on the nape of the winged dinosaur. The two dinosaurs collapse on one another landing heavily on the ground. 

I pick myself up and run towards the head of the winged dinosaur but before I could even take a step the two dinosaurs attack each other with their own skill. The winged dinosaur turns its head and fires a barrage of flaming rocks, while the other dinosaur sends out a booming shockwave as it roars. The rocks explode in midair and the shockwave travels towards the winged dinosaur and me. 

Seeing the both of them attack each other, my first instinct was to find a place to protect myself from the attack, and what better place than using the winged dinosaur's body. I jump off the dinosaur, just in time as the two attacks collide with each other. A deafening booming sound could be heard behind me and unfortunately, I didn't escape the damage. 

Even though I wasn't directly in front of the shockwave, the soundwaves bounce off the scales ricocheting onto me. I feel my eardrums burst and the liquids inside my body vigorously shake. The moment my feet land on the ground, I vomit up everything in my stomach. My ears rang from the damage. 

I can't hear anything.

Not even the sound of myself vomiting.

I feel something running down the side of my face. I wipe the saliva off my mouth and touch the area with my other hand. Bringing my hand away from that area and back to a place I could see, I notice it is blood. 

A deep maroon color.

My vision gets blurry the longer I stare at the blood on my hands. I close my eyes and rub them with the back of my hand, only to open them and see the world in red. A bright scarlet red world, with my spear floating in front of me. It shines brightly, with the color of rubies.

I gulp down and reach out to grab the spear.

[ Endless Rage Activated ] 

[ Spear of Light Activated ]


Blood red words appear all around me, filling up everything I could see with the word 'KILL'. I smile as I turn around. Looking up at the towering dinosaurs as they engage in a fight against each other. My heart pounds against my chest rapidly the longer I look at them. 

Scales tore off with each hit of their tails. Flesh and blood splatter the ground with each bite. Even flying doesn't give it any advantages as the other dinosaur shoots it down a roar.

My feet slowly walk towards the closest monster. The words around me collectively move, surrounding the monster's body, giving it a blood-red armor of words. I look closer at the words to see, one of them shine bright. The same ruby color as my spear.

I start moving faster and faster. 

My grin grew wider and wider.

Each step brought me closer and closer to the ruby-colored words 'Kill'.

My mouth moves but I can no longer hear it.

My body speeds up faster and I thrust forward with my spear. The two shining lights connect with each other with the words bursting into pieces. I see my spear entering the monster's flesh digging deep into it. 

I feel like I am laughing, yet no sound enters my ear. My mouth moves up and down, as I continuously stab into the monster's leg. Each stab dug flesh out more and more, blood covering my body and the ground around me. Reacting to my attacks for the first time, the winged dinosaur rapidly steps around but lets it guard down against the other dinosaur, allowing it to be bitten on the neck. 

The 'Kill' armor shatters and I jump away. The winged dinosaur's body starts to glow black. It knocks the dinosaur away with its wing and uses the opportunity to fly upwards. Its body glows a deeper black as it flies above the ground. My eyes now focus on the dinosaur that couldn't move and the dinosaur's body slowly gets covered in words.

I charge at the monster faster and faster. I feel my body become light and as I reach the dinosaur, I jump up, stabbing its body with my spear, shattering the shining word, ' Kill'. I see another up higher. I jump off the body, forcing myself upwards towards the next 'Kill', climbing up higher and higher until I reach the dinosaur's back.

I feel the dinosaur shaking and rocking its body but my feet stays planted on its back. I run along the back, stabbing wherever I see a bright 'Kill' shining.

I can feel my heart racing faster and faster.

My smile reaching closer and closer to my ears.




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