
Chapter 144 - We Fight (Luke Perspective)

I stand next to the goblins, directing them on how to use a spear. After I left the Ikanda and Gobi went inside, I have been taking care of the training. 2 goblins have come out of the Gobin Hut as well so it was my duty to make sure they can perform the scouting tasks to make we are safe. 

The training inside the Ikanda was long and hard, namely the last trial. I struggled inside on that part for most of my time, completing the first 2 trials after only a few attempts. According to Howard, it has been 3 days since Ian and the rest have left and most of my time I have been relaxing with the occasional yell or shout from Sylvia. I miss Ian, Stellar, Solar, and the rest but I don't mind this peace too.

"LUKE! LUKE!" - Melody

And just like that my relaxing, peaceful time ends…

I look to the side to see Melody running towards me. It was still early in the morning and the training routine had just started, yet it looked like Melody had done 10 laps around the perimeter of HavenFall.

"What's wrong? It's still so early in the morning." - Luke

"You need to go RIGHT NOW!" - Melody 

"Go? Go, where?" - Luke

"Ian and the rest. They… They need your help!" - Melody

"Melody, calm down. Tell me everything you know." - Luke

"I'm sure Howard has already told you about my skill right?" - Melody

"Yea, the one where you sometimes see things in your dreams" - Luke

"Right, last night I had another dream. The first one since they left. It was… It was so vivid. I'm so worried and scared." - Melody

"Melody, it will be fine, just tell me." - Luke

"Kingston, he-he-he kills David." - Melody

"What…?" - Luke

"I see him attacking David and stabbing him multiple times. His eyes were blood red and he was laughing and David was below him, covered in blood." - Melody

"Don't worry, I'm going to go and make sure nothing happens." - Luke

"But… I don't even know if you will be able to catch up. They have been gone for so long." - Melody

"Don't worry, no matter what I'll make it on time." - Luke

"Okay… Please, please make it on time." - Melody

"I'm going to old man Hus, find Sylvia and Luna for me. Everyone else here, go and complete your duties. Make sure there are enough people on patrol." - Luke

"Okay, I'll tell them to meet you at the barracks and armory okay?" - Melody

"Yep, thank you." - Luke

I run towards old man Hus's workshop, delegating nearby goblins their roles. I see Lime, Martelo, and Rycka at the front constructing a wheelbarrow. The three of them were laughing as they put together the final pieces.

"You guys! Where is old man Hus?" - Luke

"Inside. What's wrong?" - Lime

"I need to go to where Ian and the others are right now." - Luke

The three's expression change instantly into a serious expression the moment I mention I needed to go to Ian. Martelo and Rycka move the wheelbarrow to the side while Lime dusts the dirt off herself while signaling for me to come inside.

"Come." - Lime

I follow her inside and see old man Hus in the back, with only a small torch lighting up his surroundings. 

"Old man Hus, I-" - Luke

"I know, young Luke. If you are here there must be only one reason. Little missy Melody has seen something that affects the group that has departed a couple of days ago." - Hus

"Then you know. I need to go now. How are my weapons and armor? Are they ready?" - Luke

"I just finished, young Luke. Take a look, I used the stone golem armor as a base as well as the knowledge I learned from creating the scutum and the explosive orbs. I name the armor set Skala and the weapon Vomva Trident." - Hus

"Skala and Vomva Trident?" - Luke

Old man Hus moves to the side allowing me to look at his workstation. Helmet, chest plate, arm guards, leg guards, and the spear, all laid out next to each other. The helmet was similar to the wooden helmet, however, the difference between the two was that the stone helmet was crafted to have two thin layers of stone. The arm guards and leg guards were similar in this aspect as well and when I lift them up none of them were heavy. In fact, it felt as light as the wooden armor.

The chest plate was different from the previous chest plates, having two separate parts. One part looked the same as before with the addition of small spikes on the shoulder area and torso. The other part was a similar shape however, it looked like small stone strings were layered on top of one another, crisscrossing and overlapping each other to form the shape of a chest plate.

Finally, the spear. It had a long wooden body with the spearhead separating into 3. It looked like a fork that Ian made from clay. What's more, on the part that connects the sharp stone and the wooden body was a singular red orb, embedded into the stone. It shines a bright scarlet as the flames from the torch illuminate it.

"Wear the stone mail before placing the chest plate over it. Then equip the arm guards and leg guards and finally the helmet. The Vomva Trident is unique. I implemented the same red orb which can cast an explosive attack and reinforced the stone spearhead in order for it to withstand the explosion. The explosion itself isn't big however, it will still inflict a lot of damage. Be careful young Luke." - Hus

"This… This is amazing." - Luke

"I worked on it to give to Ian once he came back and this is the prototype which I was going to give to you to test out. Unfortunately, young Luke I'm not sure how it will perform in battle." - Hus

"It will be fine. Your weapons and armor haven't failed us yet." - Luke

"Thank you, young Luke. Now, go!" - Hus

I put on the armor and grab the trident, nodding my head towards old man Hus before I leave. Looking towards the gate, I see Sylvia in wooden armor as well as carrying a basket o her back, standing next to Luna. I wave towards her and run over.

"Sylvia!" - Luke

"You are so SLOW!" - Sylvia

"Sorry, sorry. Old man Hus gave me new equipment and I was kind of speechless." - Luke

"Well, you do look better. Are you ready?" - Sylvia

"Ready. Luna, I need you to lead the way. I'm not sure if you can track them since it has been a couple of days, however, do your best." - Luke

With a short howl from Luna, she starts to run off into the forest. I look at Sylvia and nod, following after Luna at top speed. 


"LUKE! Over there, I just saw part of the mountain fall down-" - Sylvia


"And I just heard a monster roar in that same direction." - Sylvia

"Yes, I heard it too. No need to point out the obvious" - Luke

"Then MOVE YOUR ASS!" - Sylvia

It has been 4 days since we left HavenFall and we have made it past the hilly grassland. During our trip in the hilly grassland, Luna caught the scent of Belle and the other wolves which made our progress a lot faster, and now we have caught up with the rest.

I run up the rocky slope following behind Sylvia as she sprints up. As we go higher I start to see a large crack in the mountainside and some voices in the distance. Luna stops short and lets out a long howl to the skies and within seconds 3 similar howls are heard.

"Sylvia! Belle and the other wolves said they are just a little bit further ahead." - Luke

"Okay, hurry up!" - Sylvia

Just a little bit more and I see a small crowd of people standing in front of a tall pile of rocks.

"HEY!" - Luke

I wave my hand and shout out to the people standing in front. I see Solar turn around and look at me. A smile spreads across her face as she waves back towards me. As I get closer, I notice that there was a hobgoblin mixed in the crowd. I instantly bring up my guard and point my trident towards the hobgoblin.

"WAIT! WAIT!" - Solar

A surprised Solar runs in front of me, waving her arms to stop me from attacking. 

"It's Gibing! Not an enemy." - Solar

"What?" - Luke

"Sir Luke! It's me Gibing." - Gibing

"Why are you different?" - Luke

"I evolved, sir." - Gibing

"Looking good there Gibing!" - Sylvia

"Okay… Solar what's the situation. I came here because Melody asked me to come. 4 days ago, she saw a vision where Kingston kills David, I need to know where the both of them are right now." - Luke

"Well… They are both on the other side." - Solar

"Alright, cast shield on me and Sylvia. The both of us are going over and finding out what is happening." - Luke

"Luke on the other side are two monsters that are bigger than anything you have seen before. Please just wait for them to come back." - Solar

"Solar, I can't. I'm here to help and don't worry I know what I'm doing. I got stronger since the last time you saw me." - Luke

"Don't worry Solar! I'll protect Luke." - Sylvia


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Please come back safe." - Solar

"Don't worry we will." - Luke

After feeling the effects of Solar's magic on me, I start to climb the crumbling hill of rocks. Sylvia is a more athletic person, climbs with more ease but stops suddenly at the top. Not far behind, I climb up and finally see the situation.

"Luke, I think we have a problem." - Sylvia

"Yea… Kingston..." - Luke

I feel my heart sink a little. The man I had met before they left for the journey was no longer there. Instead, it was a monster, waving a spear coated in blood. It shines a deep ruby-like color and glows, even more, each time it feeds on blood and flesh. The man laughs maniacally as he runs from one monster to another, smiling like that red ogre as he kills his prey.

"What do we do…?" - Sylvia

I grip my weapon tightly and let out a short sigh.

"We fight.. That's all we can do." - Luke

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