
Chapter 145 - Stop (Luke Perspective)

"Wait. Luke, look there is one monster up in the sky, and another which Kingston is attacking. I also don't see David anywhere." - Sylvia

"I know. Luna, search for David. Sylvia, you and me will deal with Kingston and the monster that is on the ground." - Luke

"What about the one that is flying?" - Sylvia

I look up into the sky. A flying monster, bigger than anything that I have seen before. It glows black as it is curled up in the sky, like a giant glowing black egg. Its huge head tucked into its chest, while its tail coils around its lower body. The legs press up against its belly and the wings surround its whole body. It floats in the sky, glowing black, and radiates an ominous energy.

"Nothing. We can't reach it, and for now it doesn't look like it is going to do anything." - Luke

"Ignore it?" - Sylvia

"Ignore it. Focus on the monster on the ground and Kingston. I think that monster attacks mainly with its head, feet and tail. Be careful of any attacks from its mouth, I'm not sure what kind of skills it might have." - Luke

"Got it. Solar, take my basket." - Sylvia

Taking out 4 small water sacks from her basket, Sylvia then tosses her basket down the hill and into Solar's arms.

"BE CAREFUL!" - Solar

"WE WILL!" - Sylvia

"Alright, Luna, look for David. Sylvia, on me." - Luke

Luna howls in response and leaps down the hill nimbly before running off to the right side. Sylvia and I climb down the hill, making sure to keep checking on the situation above and in front.

I was genuinely surprised with Kingston's ability. From what I could see, he was dealing significant damage to the monster, as there were many stab wounds on the monster's leg and belly. However, not enough damage has been done, as the monster is continuously move about, sweeping the ground with its tail and biting at Kingston occasionally. 

It's large mouth houses rows of sharp teeth, but no matter how much it tries, Kingston narrowly dodges each time, retaliating with laughter and blood. His attitude scares me as I see him laugh while stabbing the monster. What makes it worse, is the damage to his armor and body.

I see parts of the arm guard and leg guard, hanging onto his body for dear life, while his helmet is missing and the chest plate cracked and falling apart. Blood flows from various cuts across his body, and yet it is as if he doesn't feel it at all. He dances around the monster, attacking vulnerable spots over and over again without stopping, like a switch has been turned on in his head.

"How are we going to join this fight?" - Sylvia

"It would definitely be dangerous to be near Kingston when we get closer, but at the same time, I don't think you can handle that big monster by yourself." - Luke

"You don't believe in me? I can handle 2 of those, no sweat." - Sylvia

"Sylvia, don't get ahead of yourself. We can't separate the two, and we can't go near Kingston, so we are going to loop around and attack the monster from the back." - Luke

"Umm, stupid Luke, I don't think you have noticed, but that monster turns around a lot. Like a LOT. Kingston is constantly changing his position, how do you think we can attack 'from the back'." - Sylvia

"We head to the left first, making sure to avoid Kingston, but the moment the monster's back is turned towards us, we rush in. Looking at the damage Kingston has already done to the monster, its left leg is the most vulnerable place, as well as in the middle of its belly." - Luke

"It is more bloody, near the left leg." - Sylvia

"Attack its wound. I'm not sure if the stone spear will be able to penetrate the scales on the monster." - Luke

"On it. Let's move." - Sylvia

I nod to Sylvia, ready my trident, and start moving to the left. Climbing down the hill was easy, but moving along the ground felt difficult. I can feel a stare from the massive body above me, yet every time I look up, I just see a glowing black ball. It covers the sun with its body, blocking the rays of light and casting a huge shadow on the ground. The darkness makes my spine run cold.

I see the monster use its skill on Kingston, opening its mouth wide and roaring at the top of its lungs. The sound blasts along the ground, cracking it and kicking up a dirt storm, but miraculously, Kingston had moved out of the attack range. With a big smile on his face, he charges at the monster, leaping up high and stabbing its nose.

"Now!" - Luke

With the monster occupied with Kingston, it starts to toss it's head left and right, trying its best with its small arms to toss Kingston aside. Using this opportunity, Sylvia and I approach from behind, leaping over the incoming tail and running towards the wounded left leg. I make sure to check around me, just in case, and see Sylvia with a carefree expression as she runs slightly behind me.

She waves to me and points forward towards the leg. I look to the front and ready my trident, jumping up and thrusting my trident into the back of the leg. Below me, Sylvia aims for a long cut wound and proceeds to stab her spear into it, penetrating deep as I do the same above. Our spears enter the monster's flesh cleanly, stabbing in further and before and with a twist of my wrist, I pull out my trident, along with a fountain of blood.

I jump towards the side with Sylvia after she creates another series of holes next to her first stab, digging into the flesh of the monster. Reacting to the pain, the monster lifts its head upwards and roars loudly. I hear the loud cackling as Kingston slides down the monster's back and cuts near the tail with his spear.

I grab Sylvia's arm and pull her more to the left, towards the front of the monster, as Kingston comes closer. His focus still on the monster, however, I felt like he was getting dangerously close, but since he was so close I could hear him say a word as he stabs the monster's tail.

"Kill." - Kingston

He repeats the word with each stab and in between laughter. Compared to seeing him laughing, the moment the sound enters my ears, the hairs along the back of my neck stands tall. However, running from Kingston made us come loser to the monster and seeing new prey, it starts to attack us while swinging its tail left and right. 

The giant head reaches down, and its mouth opens wide. The smell of rotten meat emits from its gaping mouth, and bones of monsters are seen stuck between its teeth. With a burst of speed, I pull Sylvia and myself to safety, narrowly dodging the attack, but wasn't the end of it. The moves forward, opening its mouth again and trying to bite us. Sylvia knocks my hand away and backflips onto the monster's head, stabbing her spear into its left eye, however it cleverly defends by closing its eyelids. The stone spear is unable to penetrate through and Sylvia is flung to the side. 

I turn back after seeing Sylvia attempt her attack and did an attack of my own. With it closing its eye and tossing its head to the side to fling Sylvia, it left itself wide open to an attack. I jump up and aim my trident at the chin, but as I was about to hit the monster, another spear collides with mine. A deep red spear.

"Kill." - Kingston

Kingston's spear collided with mine as we both attack the same place, however, Kingston's strength was greater than my own, knocking me away.

I land safely on my own two feet while Kingston's spear penetrates through the chin and into the mouth. The monster screeches and rampages on the spot, but Kingston pulls out his spear and falls to the ground, landing on two feet.

I back away a couple of steps as I see Kingston become more agitated. His body emitting a faint red glow and his spear glowing brighter than ever. As if he was chanting a spell, he stands there continuously speaking the same word, gradually getting faster and louder.

"Kill… Kill… Kill… Kill… Kill… Kill.. Kill.. Kill.. Kill.. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. KILL. KILL. KILL. KILL. KILL. KILL. KILL. KILL. KILL. KILL. KKKKKKIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" - Kingston

The red glow surrounding his body intensifies, and the ground below him cracks as he launches himself at the monster. Injured from so many places, the monster pours all of its strength into one final roar. The loudest roar I have ever heard, so loud and so vigorous, that some rocks along the mountain shattered. I feel the blast hit me even though I have moved to the side and out of the way.

However, it was cut short. In the corner of my eye, I see Kingston's spear penetrate through the top of the monster's head, creating a hole the size of a human. Its body collapse to the ground, the eyes fall out of its sockets and its legs go slack. Standing on top of the monster, covered in blood, was Kingston.

A sigh of relief escapes my mouth, but it was too soon. I notice Kingston looking in my direction. Staring at me like the monster stared at us earlier. He steps forward slowly and I instinctively step backwards.

One step forward. One step back.

Until, Kingston charges at me. His spear at his side and mine in front of me. I try to think of a way out, but it was already too late, he is right next to me. His spear stabs towards me stomach, but I block it with the body of my trident, rolling the head of Kingston's spear off and then attacking is side with the butt of my trident.

"Kill." - Kingston


Without even replying to me, he stabs forward, aiming for my right shoulder. I dodge it but the skin of my teeth and leap backwards out of his range. 


"KILL.KILL.KILL." - Kingston

Lunge. Dodge.

Stab. Dodge.

Swipe. Block.

I do my best to keep up with Kingston's attacks, however with each attack he speeds up. At first, I was dodging and blocking perfectly, but as time went on, I start to miss time a dodge or a block leading to a pile of small scratches along my armor.

I retreat with each dodge, walking backwards or circling to the right and to the left. I focus all my energy on Kingston's spear as he continuously emits murderous energy, but all of a sudden he stops attacking me and runs to the right side. I follow his path to see Sylvia standing up, a little dazed. Blood coming down over her eye, making her unable to see Kingston charging at her.

"No…" - Luke

I step down hard and grit my teeth. My hair glows golden, and I feel my strength and agility rise. I feel my blood races throughout my body. Yellow sparks zap around my body. I appear in front of Sylvia and knock Kingston's spear to the ground, creating cracks on the ground and kicking up dirt.

"Kingston. I'm going to ask you one time. Stop." - Luke

"Kill!" - Kingston

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