
200 Chapter 200

"Guardian of Civilization…? Legendary being?" - Ian

"Oh hi! Whoa, you look pretty banged up now that I look at you closely. Want some berries? " - Mumei

"Huh? Berries?" - Ian

"Yea. Berries, they are good." - Mumei

Retracting her hand, she pops open the pouch on her waist, taking out a small handful of red berries. However, before I could reach out and grab them, Zabrik roars initiating the fight as the zombies turn their heads towards us. Their eyes glow brightly as the pillar of light behind them, emanates a brighter glow casting long shadows on the zombies. Mumei tosses the berries at me as she turns to face the growing horde of zombies.

"Eat the berries, it will heal you enough that you won't die by an attack but I can't protect you from the infection." - Mumei

Shoving the berries into my mouth, I bite into them squishing the soft balls in my mouth like a sweet nectar-like liquid coats the inside of my mouth. Watching my HP, I see it instantly rise to 75% of my HP., an extremely effective potion and I could tell that she has so much more but who is she and what connection does she have with Zabrik

"For you to have come all the way here. WHY?" - Zabrik

"No reason, Zabrik. You just seem to destroy civilization wherever you go so… It's kind of part of the job, y'know what I mean?" - Mumei

"NONSENSE! You were all the way in the North, yesterday. Fighting against the Horde's forces." - Zabrik

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but you know what today is? Today is the present and I'm your gift!" - Mumei

"Just die, you disgusting worm!" - Zabrik

"Friend. I'm going to need your help again." - Mumei

"Me?" - Ian

"Not you." - Mumei

Appearing in the air above her left shoulder in a burst of aquamarine light was a small sienna paper bag, with two perfectly cut-out teal circles as the eyes. It flutters and floats in the air next to Mumei, brushing its body against her cheek.

"This is my friend. I call him Friend, since I never want to forget his name." - Mumei

"I see. Miss Guardian of Civilization, do you need my help?" - Ian

"Just call me Mumei, and yes I do. I can't defeat all the zombies myself while also having to deal with Zabik. It was already troublesome enough dealing with just Zabik." - Mumei

"Alright, leave the zombies to me. You just focus on the boss." - Ian
Gripping my trident tightly, I ready myself as the zombies approach closer. Some of my skills were still on cooldown, but I could use the less MP-hungry skills in succession.

"Then, for you hoo is an ambassador for the growing civilization of the hoomans, I grant thee some blessings to aid thy battle." - Mumei

The paper bag, Friend, softly glows white as it floats around me, dusting off the white glows onto me.

[ You have been blessed by the Legendary being, Mumei, the Guardian of Civilization. ]

[ While Mumei still remembers you, +100% stats while in the same room or space as Mumei.]

[ While Mumei still remembers you, All attacks do damage according to the weakness of the monster. ]

[ While Mumei still remembers you, gain skill: A Friend in Need ]

A Friend in Need (Active) 99% remaining HP and 100% remaining MP - Utlitsing all your HP and MP, call Mumei over to your side to help you. The more HP and MP you have when activating the skill the more it will enhance Mumei's stats. Every 10% HP or MP utilised, Mumei gains +20% stats.

"Don't worry hooman. I'm on your side. Now, then. FRIEND! It's time to fight! IRA! " - Mumei

Standing tall, Mumei's cloak flutters as golden hieroglyphs appear on the edge of her cloak, around the corner. A dark red aura envelops Mumei, whilst Friend, turns from sienna brown into jet black, replacing its once teal eyes with a deep ruby color.

The aura slowly concentrates around the pair of feathers tying her hair together and as the zombies quickly approach her, a grin appears on her face. Like she was looking down on the monsters coming towards her, a sinister chuckle escapes her mouth as the red aura bursts away from her eliminating any zombie within the radius.

The feathers on her head now glow a crimson red as her eyes change from golden brown to ruby red, matching Friend. Unsheathing her knife, she silently licks the flat side of the blade with her head held high, disappearing the moment her tongue reaches the tip of the knife and reappears in front of Zabik.

"Pitiful aren't you?" - Mumei

"No! DIE!" - Zabik

Lanching his whole body forward as bones start to grow in between every muscle on his body, each as sharp as knives. Becoming a bone pincushion, Zabik attempts to slam his whole body on Mumei but as if the whole situation didn't phase her, she simply blocked the attempt with the tip of her knife.

"So pathetic." - Mumei

Bursting the bone spike armor, Zabrik returns to high-intensity close combat, punching where necessary or kicking.

"Should a being such as yourself really do something like this?" - Zabik

"The Reaper started this when he activated the door allowing chaos to come to this plane. I wouldn't have needed to interfere with hoomans but now I have no choice. " - Mumei

"You don't know what you are even dealing with, clueless being. You will forget about our conversations within the next couple of days. HAHAHAHA!" - Zabik

"I may forget some things but this I won't." - Mumei

"Then, try to stop me." - Zabik

"With pleasure…" - Mumei

Observing their conversation as I continue to kill zombie after zombie, was a sight to behold. So much information was exposed in the short conversations between the two NPCs. A door that leads to chaos coming to this world, Mumei being forgetful, and the significance of the Reaper's actions. Quickly, I move closer to the battle happening currently between the two NPCs, slashing down zombies that appear along the way and creating a line of explosions as I approach the battlefield.

"Wrath of the Tornado!" - Mumei

Clapping her hands together, a black mist slowly forms below her, swirling around faster and faster as each second passes until 10 seconds later, there was a tornado tall enough to reach the ceiling and then branch outward. Red lightning sparks along with the black wind, as I stand there watching the phenomenon.

Growing in displeasure, Zabik, dashes into the tornado as countless black blades of wind cuts into his body. However, puffing his muscles out, the blood flow stops and the cuts became surface wounds. I could feel myself being sucked in as the tornado expands in size and starts to move towards the direction of the cavern entrance.

Screeches and shrieks continue to echo in the tornado, as I watch it from afar, eliminating the zombies that are attempting to cause something to Mumei. Eventually, an amplified screech caused the tornado to disperse, revealing a heavily injured Zabik while Mumei remained untouched.  Furthermore, she reverted back to her previous form with the pair of features as hair ties.

Taking this opportunity, due to how close I am to the monster, I activate Charge dashing from behind. My attack isn't as quick or silent as an assassin's, however, I had my own style of fighting. Striking my trident into Zabik's back, creating an explosion that shook the cave. Following up, I did a quick series of stabs as well as  Cleave to finish the deal.

My stats have been raised by Mumei which created stronger explosions and with the additional weakness damage, I assumed my attacks were good. However, the result said otherwise. Black burn marks cover the monster's back, however, they start to heal the moment I stopped attacking.

Cursing under my breath and gritting my teeth I proceed to retreat slightly, allowing Mumei to attack while Zabik was distracted by my attack. Mumei's knife enters the monster's stomach, dodging past the already preexisting bones.  Her knife enters easily, drawing deep brownish-red blood, but it immediately recovered the moment the knife exits the body.

Zabik's regeneration has higher than anything else I have seen or experienced, with Mumei unable to deal the final blow. Until the second hieroglyph starts to glow.

"LUXURIA!" - Mumei

A rose-pink aura envelopes Mumei, with small red rose petals floating around her as Friend turns into a barbie pink color with amethyst eyes. Intoxicated in the Mumei's appearance, I found myself stopping all action.

[ You have been inflicted with the Charm Debuff. Duration 00:01:00 ]

Unable to move my body, other than stare at Mumei, created a whirlpool of emotions inside of me. One side of me wanted to cheer and love her but the other side was telling me that it was all an illusion. Glancing around, I see the zombies in a similar state of inactivity whilst Zabik was holding his head shaking it side to see as Mumei approaches him, stepping one foot at a time as if it was a catwalk.

Her demeanor had hanged from the pure innocent next-door-neighbor girl to a mature female that knows what she wants and how to get it. The knife in her hand glows pink as the aura slowly gathers around it and seductively, she lets a few words escape her mouth.

"Temptation." - Mumei

A bubble gum pink ring surrounds the knife as Mumei slowly stabs it into Zabik's chest. The ring forces itself into the Zabik exploding outward and splattering his body everywhere except a small ring around Mumei as Friend created an oval shield, to protect its friend. The debuff wears off and the zombies reengage in a frenzied attack, however, Mumei easily handles the situation with another skill of hers.

"To Love is to Burn." - Mumei

A small red heart pops out of the knife as the pink aura escapes Mumei. The heart slowly floats in the air for a few seconds as Mumei approaches me quickly, grabbing my arm. Friend transforms into a large owl, gripping onto Mumei's shoulders as the two of us ascend to the ceiling of the cavern. The heart pulsates slowly, emitting a soft pink ring, crossing every zombie on the ground, and in the next second, they all catch on fire and burn in pink flames.

"So, hoo are you?" - Mumei

[ Blessings have worn off. Mumei has forgotten you. ]

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