
201 Chapter 201

"I met you about 10 minutes ago I think…" - Ian

I reply without thinking as I look into her confused eyes. She looks up at Friend, who swoops down. Releasing her grip on me, she drops me to the ground whilst landing softly before me, having Friend transform back into his paper bag form. Rolling on the ground to soften my fall, I get back up, carefully sizing up Mumei, after all, she doesn't seem to remember me according to the system.

"So, speak. Hoo are you?" - Mumei

"My name is Ian. I was fighting Zabik and his army of undead before you came here. You helped me defeat him, and now you don't seem to remember me." - Ian

"Hmm…Friend is what he is saying the truth?" - Mumei

Turning towards Friend, Mumei consults the floating paper bag. Twirling in the air and ejecting some aquamarine light, Friend responds back to Mumei who nods her head and after a bit of conversing, she looks towards me.

"Okay, Friend tells me you are telling the truth so for now, I'll believe you, but I don't have much time. I don't remember you so, I don't remember how I acted with you or what we did. All I know is that I needed to defeat Zabik before he caused another up-and-coming Civilization to fall, AGAIN!" - Mumei

"This has happened already? I know the both of you talked about meeting each other in the north but what happened?" - Ian

"It wasn't in the North, it was a few years ago when a hooman village had just started to become bigger. They were gathering more hoomans and becoming stronger and stronger which made me happy but then Zabik and his army of zombies came. Before I could come and help he had already killed 60% of the population and let the zombies infect the rest. By the time I reach the village, it was too late with only a few families making it out.

I couldn't do much for them other than provide direction to a clean source of water with some food nearby as I am restricted from interfering too much with hoomans. I may be the Guardian of Civilization, but I am more than just the hooman's protector. Furthermore, I also protect the elves and the demi-hoomans but unfortunately, I am only 1 person. May tragedies have happened because I was too far away…" - Mumei

"So, the Reaper's army has been destroying a lot of different villages over the years?" - Ian

"Yes, but it isn't just them. The Horde, Kronos, and Cornelia are all savages hoo kill everything along their path. There is no peace with the 4 of them and only destruction will follow." - Mumei

"This might sound controversial but aren't they also creating a type of Civilization as well? By creating a place for their own followers to live are they not part of their own Civilization?" - Ian
"They are and they aren't. It is a difficult place however, I have spoken about this to the Gods and they have agreed that the 4 kings do more harm than good as a Civilization. During the time they have reigned supreme, thousands of villages and thousands of budding Civilizations have been destroyed. I keep all that knowledge of the ones that have been lost, however, I too lose so much knowledge at a price.

The more that I remember, the more that I forget, so in the end, the people I have met along the way are nothing but shadows. I only remember their culture and their time. However, no matter how much I try to forget, I will never forget about my enemies. Zabik was only one of them and I'm not even sure he died today." - Mumei

"What do you mean? I clearly saw you kill him while he burst into purple smoke." - Ian

"How much do you know about the Reaper's army? In fact how much do you know about the enemies you are facing right now? The ones coming from the portal of chaos." - Mumei

"I would like to say I know a lot, but I know next to nothing. Other than enemies come out of the pillar of light and for some reason, it is different today compared to yesterday." - Ian

Holding her hand low as she shakes it side to side, she lets out a deep sigh before placing a hand on her waist.

"Zabik is not a singular entity. He is like a hive, there are so many of him, everywhere in the Reaper's army. Every small group of monsters has a Zabik but each of them is not the same. They are birthed from a mother, which I have called Mother Zabik, but I'm sure there is a proper name. Mother Zabik gives birth to Zabik in the Chaotic Realm, a place where the Reaper goes to and fro.

A small dimension that consists of nothing but death. However, the Reaper was able to great life there which was Mother Zabik. In return, Mother Zabik helps the Reaper by giving him an army of monsters. Whether it is skeletons, zombies, or demons, she will birth a creature that would lead them for the Reaper." - Mumei

"I see, does that include the other generals under the command of the Reaper? Are they the children of Mother Zabik?" - Ian

"That, I'm not certain however I wouldn't be surprised. I'm sure there are monsters or entities that have sought out the Reaper for power and have stayed under him but for all I know, Zabik is a menace that needs to be stopped as many times as possible. Especially with the many growing Civilizations in the past half a year." - Mumei

"Right, there would be a lot of humans who have started to create a village and gathered people together to fight against the different King's armies." - Ian

"Yes, I have seen some of them grow and some of them fall by their own means and I did not mean to interfere with yours today. It might have been your destiny to fall to Zabik, but I changed it when I came here. Maybe you were meant to die…." - Mumei

"Wow, okay. I don't want to die. How about you tell me more about the other King's and why they have been stopping you?" - Ian

"Hmm, the Horde has been a crazy killer since the time he wasn't a King. Defeating strong foes one after the other, I initially thought he was going to create a Civilization that benefits the world, getting rid of evil and protecting the weak. However…." - Mumei

"However…?" - Ian

"I seem to have forgotten, but that is okay, maybe you can find out about it yourself one day. As for Kronos… He was a mad scientist of sorts. Constantly tried to go against the laws of nature, but I guess he did do it… His inventions and creations have been a real pain to fight since most of them don't have any sort of emotion and are just killing machines…

Then we have Cordelia. I thought she was nice at first since she took my berries, but then I found out she was hiding the glowing berries underwater. She then proceeded to attack me. Now I don't like her, she is mean." - Mumei

"Ah, I see. Is there anything else you want to tell me?" - Ian

"Tell hoo? You? Hoo are you?" - Mumei

I blink in confusion as the Mumei I was just talking to forgets about me mid-conversation, but before I could say anything, Friend floats in front of Mumei's face and twirls around. A childish giggle comes right after as Mumei grabs Friend and brings him to the side.

"Well, I don't know hoo you are but here take this. I need to go now. Goodbye!" - Mumei

Transforming into a bird once again, Friend flies Mumei out of the cavern after she drops a small brown cloth pouch tied together with a dark brown string. Untying the pouch, I open it up to see a small bundle of red berries, the same one which healed me significantly right before the battle with Zabik.

[ Mumei's Treasured Berries

Heal 25% Max HP

Can stack. No cool down.

Due to her obsession with berries, the Gods had gifted her an infinite amount of berries and while she isn't a creation of the gods, they love her as much as everything else. Each berry is red with soft skin and sweet nectar-like juices. ]

There were a total of 10 berries and since each could heal 25% of my maximum HP, these berries would be able to kill me twice before I died. Putting away the pouch, I look around to see the ground littered with loot from the zombies that died to Mumei's attack. However, it was dark, and the loot was everywhere.

Instead, I went back to the cavern entrance and slowly proceeded up the cave until I came out. Greeted by a worried Melody and the others I slowly explained what had happened to me in the cavern. Gobi sent some goblins to acquire a few wheelbarrows before we all went down to the cavern to collect the loot.

The whole time my mind was still racing, thinking about the information Mumei had given me before she left. It was unfortunate that she was forgetful, but I can only guess that was how the game producers wanted to create her. That way some information would be given to the player, but a lot of small details would be hidden. Collecting the loot took a bit of time but once we were finished the sun had just risen. Another night finished and another night awaits…

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