
Chapter 26 - 26 - Gobi

"WHAT? Yo-"

Before Sabrina could yell any louder Evan covered her mouth.

"Quiet you dumb witch. Can't you tell he doesn't want other people to know wh- ARGH!"

Sabrina bit Evan's hand hard and pushed him away. Then proceeds to walk towards me, getting right up to my face.

"So. What did you want to talk to us about?"

"I want to propose an alliance between the 3 of us. I did not trust the other people in the room since they have nothing to show that they can deliver. However, I trust the 2 of you since you are in the top 10 as well. Now don't get me wrong I'm saying this to put down the other people here. They were all great people but Settlement is a huge game."

After recovering from the bite Evan joins in the conversation.

"Ian, I get what you are talking about but isn't more people better?"

"Not necessarily better. Having more people will allow for a better flow of information about the game but trust is harder. In other games, you only need to trust them to show up for a guild war or donate there were very minimal things needed to do but in Settlement you need to trust them with your location once the world develops to a point where we can travel long distances. Imagine you tell someone here the exact location and they use this information to gain more benefits. The people here are just people on the internet. They have no connection to you."

I explain to the pair my views of the gathering and future views of the game.

"I don't like how you approached the situation. Evan and I were here to help people not deceive them."

"Sabrina, I was here to get information from other people. I already post a lot in the forum to help people as well as showcase a little about the game other others who might be struggling but ultimately I don't get much information back from them. The players here did give me some insights into the rest of the game as well as approximate locations for where they are situated. Don't hit me for saying this but I got them to come so I could find out if there are people near me."

Sabrina turns to Evan and clenches her fist.

"WHAT? I thought we were here to help."

"We are helping them by giving them information about how we succeeded but I am worried that someone is near me and they attack me. We haven't had any incidents of PVP yet in the game but I don't want to be the first."

Sabrina swings her fists in the air in frustration and then turns back to me.

"Sit down. Let's talk more about things and YES I agree with the alliance."

"I agree to by the way. Let's work together Ian."

Evan brings his hand out waiting for a handshake while Sabrina walks towards the couch. I grab Evan's hand and give him a firm handshake.

"Let's work together."


After a long chat with Evan and Sabrina, I finally start to head home. I get on the train and collect my thoughts. I told them about my experiences with the goblin encampment and the golden wolf. I mention the Ancient Ruin and for them to keep an eye out for anything golden. I also tell them my location and what equipment I have managed to acquire. Afterward, they told me about some of their equipment which they were able to obtain. Evan had found a bow called Wind of the Forest which used air instead of arrows and Sabrina uses a Staff called Flames Embrace. They did not mention this equipment because it was their trump card but since I revealed about the Ancient Ruin they returned the favor. I was also able to find out more precisely their surrounding environments.

Evan is in a vast forest with trees as tall as skyscrapers and wide as houses while Sabrina is in the plains with only minimal trees and bushes. From Sabrina's location, she can see a mountain range on the horizon as well as a forest near the mountain range. Evan had not searched his surroundings as much since it could be dangerous. He had been attacked by various monsters outside of the events. Even I haven't seen too much around HavenFall however with the addition of the goblins soon I will be able to start scouting after securing the defense of HavenFall.

Once I got back home I made some dinner and went into the game at midnight. I went to help out with the mudhouse for the goblin and was able to finish it right in time as I hear some rustling from the Golbin Hut. The immovable curtain was spread to the side and a small green goblin walks out.

The goblin was different from the goblins which we had faced before. It had a gentler face and walked out of the hut hesitantly with small steps. It had its hands together and looking around confused until we locked eyes. Terrified it walked back a couple of steps and fell on its bottom.

"Are you alright? My name is Ian. You are?"

"I-I-I'm sorry!"

The goblin turns covers its face with its hand.

"Wait. Why are you so afraid of me?"

"D-D-Do y-y-ou not re-m-m-meber me? Y-y-you defeated me b-b-before?"

"Are you the hobgoblin????"

The goblin nods his head slowly.

"I see. Well, now I am not your enemy but your friend. Will you help me?"

The goblin had a scared and confused look on its face as it looks at me.

"Y-y-you will n-n-not kill me?"

"I won't kill you. Look behind me, this house is yours for now."

"You really will not kill me right?"

"No, I won't. Now, what is your name?"

The goblin stands up and shakes his head.

"I do not have a name."

"Hmm, then I will call you Gobi.. Welcome to HavenFall."

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