
Chapter 27 - 27 - Making Progress

After showing Gobi around HavenFall and introducing everyone to him we finally sat down around the fire and I explained about his job.

"Gobi, you are the first goblin to reside in HavenFall and while everyone is ok with you so far just be careful and slowly build up your reputation. People are generally cautious towards monsters and while I have spoken to everyone about it I am still worried. If you help them and stay on your best behavior everyone will eventually accept you wholeheartedly. Furthermore, every day there will be more goblins until there are 30 goblins in total. I want you to be the leader of the goblins."

"Why me?"

"Because you are the first goblin to come out of the Gobin Hut."

Gobi had a nervous expression as he hung his head down.

"I-I-I don't know If I can do it."

"You can. You already lead a goblin army before. Leading 30 goblins will be easy for you. Furthermore, I am here to help you."

"Wh-What do I do?"

I pat Gobi's shoulder and give him a reassuring smile.

"Let me tell you my plan."

After a long talk with Gobi I was finally able to explain to him the plan for HavenFall. Creating a trench in front of the wall, placing spikes in the trench and along the wall, making another wall to replace the fence and starting a farm. There were a lot of to-dos and having Gobi lead the goblins that will appear soon will help. I asked Gobi to be in charge of excavating the dirt near the wall and slowly forming a trench and replied that he will gladly do it as well as teach the goblins that will appear soon on their duties.

Old man Hus walked towards me after Gobi moved towards the wall with a shovel.

"Young lad, I was able to make the hoes for you as you requested. I also improved on the weapons and made a few more armor and shields."

"Thank you old man Hus. I got another project for you."

"Tell me lad. What do you want these old bones to make for you?"

I simile as I look at old man Hus.

"I want you to make a wheelbarrow."

Old man Hus had a confused look on his face after I told him what to create. I got a stick and started to draw out a rough image of a wheelbarrow.

"It's simple, I need an efficient way to transport lots of dirt and buckets and bowls are not that efficient. A wheelbarrow is a cart with 1 wheel at the front and 2 supporting legs and arms at the back. Do you think you can make it?"

Old man Hus scratches his chin as he thinks about the design.

"This circle thing here at the front you called this a wheel. What is it and how do I make it?'

It was my turn to be dumbfounded. This game's NPCs do not know about the wheel.

"Umm well, that is a problem. I assumed you knew about making wheels but since you can't do it...I know, let me help you. Let's find the material first in order to create everything."

In order to make a wheelbarrow I need wood however without sufficient tools to cut the wood into certain shapes and sizes the needs to be some improvisation. I walk towards Luke and Oscar who had just come back from foraging in the forest.

"Hey, you two can you help me search for some things in the forest. I need a lot of straight sticks and vines, the more the merrier. Also, I will need a solid piece of wood something big maybe a stump would be good that way we do not need to chop down the trees. Bring me all of that as soon as you can."

The boys nodded towards me and went off into the forest to search for the materials.

"How are we going to make the wheelbarrow lad?"

"For the wheel, I thought of using a stump. We just need to cut away the roots and smooth out the edges then we make a hole through the middle. We can make a hole by constantly drilling a sharp stone through the middle. The sticks are going to be the body of the wheelbarrow and the vines are what holds everything together."

"Interesting concept lad. I will be waiting for the boys to come back in order to create this wheelbarrow with you. For now, I will rest up in the house."

"Okay old man Hus."

I wave old man Hus goodbye and move towards Lucina and Robin who were starting to til the farm. The two girls swung the hoes into the ground pulling the dirt towards them before repeating the process one step backward.

"Are you alright with tilling the ground?"

My voice seemed to have startled Lucina as she jumps forward a bit tripping over the ditch she had just created.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, Lucina."

I quickly kneel down to help Lucina to her feet.

"It's fine sorry for jumping around. As for your initial question, I only have the idea of pulling the ground towards me then repeating it. I'm not sure if this is even correct. Robin said she would help but she has no idea as well."

"Hmm, I see you have marked out an area for the field. I think what you need to do is till one row and keep the dirt on the side then once you till the next row fill it with the first from the first row. You repeat this and once you get to the last row you use that dirt to fill the first row. Tilling the ground is used in order to move the soil from the bottom of the ground upwards. Also, I think it would be good to mix some of the soil from the forest since the vegetables that we foraged came from the forest. Maybe one of you would collect some dirt while the other tills one row and then you swap?"

"That's a great idea!"

Lucina's eyes lit up after I suggested a way to improve the field and Robin had a gentle simile on her face.

"Come follow me Robin for now let's go to the forest we should dig the soil that is closer to where the vegetables are found. Let me show you!"

Lucina grabs Robin's hand and they walk towards the forest happily chatting to each other.. I'm glad that everyone is happy and with this, it seems like HavenFall is slowly moving forward one step at a time.

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