
Chapter 306 306 - Andud (Rebecca Perspective)

After following Nina's advice, at the last second, I grab onto Devel only for both of us to float off the ground and disappear upward within the next. Moving from the outside world to this new location, I carefully scan the environment. Devel was on the ground next to me, still groggy from the teleportation and it seems like David was with us as well, in a similar condition as Devel.

Looking around I notice we were in some sort of square room, with 4 blueish-white torches lit in each corner. The torches lit up most of the room as they shone brightly, illuminating a humanoid figure wrapped in a black robe with green runes glowing slightly, standing off to the corner. Noticing the strangeness of the situation, I didn't want to alarm the figure and instead crouch near Devel and David, putting a finger to my lips.

"No need to do that. I know you three are awake."

Snapping our heads to the figure, Devel unsheaths his sword, placing it in front of us while he pushes me behind him. David stands next to me, with only his armor left, he hits his knuckles together, glaring at the humanoid figure.

"Calm down. No need to fight straightaway. My name is Andud, I am a humble scholar who works for my king, the Reaper." - Andud

"What do you want? Speak, before I slice you in half." - Devel

"An aggressive one aren't you? Do note that you are in the Reaper's Castle. You are in enemy territory, and you are threatening an enemy scholar without knowing their capabilities. Quite frankly, that is a very poor decision but nonetheless, there wasn't much to be expected from such an idiotic bunch. Humans think of themselves as one of the smartest in the food chain, maybe close to the top only to not understand that there are so many creatures, so much more intelligent.

Humans mistake adaptability for intelligence. Just becasue they can adapt to different and new environments or sudden changes in their situation, that doesn't mean they are one of the top species. Your kind, multiple as quickly as goblins and orcs, littering every biome with your seed, but your lifespan is not even a tenth of the higher and more powerful species.

I just want to have a nice and orderly conversation with some of my king's guests. Nothing more and nothing less. So, please. Sit." - Andud

Waving his hand in the air collecting a small black fog, Andud flicks his wrists to us, making the fog travel near us. Tensing at the situation, Devel readies himself to fight at a moment's notice, but I quickly grab onto his shoulder, making him hesitate as he glances over. The fog merely sits in front of us, before dispersing after a few moments, revealing a small black circular table and 3 black chairs with a slight backrest, made out of bones.

Still covered in his robe, Andud motions for us to sit once more, pointing to the table and chairs. While Devel and David, were hesitating, I quickly assessed the situation, before squeezing through both of them, and making my way to the table. Grabbing my hand, as I walk past him, Devel gives me a look of worry, as I'm sure he is wary of the figure that was talking to us.

"Wait. Let's not rush into things." - Devel
"I'm not rushing and if we stay like this, there is a high chance, that he will just attack us. At least, if he is willing to talk, then we have time to think of more options." - Rebecca

"Becca, I'm not sure if we should just sit down." - David

"And if we don't what are we going to do?" - Rebecca

Sliding away from Devel, I walk over to the closest chair. Touching the black bones, I feel how smooth they were, with not even a bump despite it being made from several bones, as if they all merged into one. Carefully, I sit down, placing my hands on my lap as I glance at Andud, trying to gauge the situation. David follows after me, taking a sit on my left, while the still undecided Devel, reluctantly sits on my right.

Clapping his hands together, as he wanders the edge of the light, Andud chuckles slightly. Waving his hand in the air, another black fog is created, as it concentrates just on the barrier of the light. Dispersing after a few moments, a large armchair made out of bones could be seen, as Andud, sits down, resting his head on his hand.

"So, Andud, what would you like to ask us? It seems you are quite curious about us, to ask us to sit down and have a chat." - Devel

"Impatient aren't you? Well, I might as well humor you, since there isn't much else to do. I would to ask you, what do you think of the current situation? Now, I'm not talking about your current situation but the situation of this whole place, the whole of this continent." - Andud

"I'm not entirely sure of the continent's situation, since there are only so many ways to communicate across the lands. Travel is hard since there are no maps, and monsters constantly plague every direction. However, from the little information that I know, the continent is separated into 5 territories, with 4 of them being territories of a King." - Devel

"The last territory is akin to a no-mans land, where all the kings potentially fight within that area or leave that area alone." - Rebecca

"You in order words, don't know much. Sigh, humans still haven't learned to cooperate have they? There are many of you in each time period but not one of you is able to band together to fight the greater cause. Pathetic really. Even cubs know to stick with the pack. Do you even know about the history of your people? Do elders tell you what has happened in the past, make sure history is not repeated?" - Andud

"Elders? History? No, tell us. Our uhh… Settlement, is comprised of the younger generation. We do not know of our history, but you do? What do you know about humanity's past for you to speak like this?" - Rebecca

"While we are both humans, we were living in completely different environments. Only by chance did we meet, so I'm curious as well, how we are tied together by past events." - Devel

"Hmm… This is interesting. I'm surprised you know nothing. The girl seems like the smarter of the three of you, yet even she knows nothing of the past. Then, let me give you a small history lesson. Tell me, do you think this continent was always under the rule of the 4 Kings? Or do you think there was someone that ruled this land before them?" - Andud

Glancing at the only NPC between us, both Devel and I look at David. Receiving our gaze, he proceeds to shake his head, as he too didn't know the answer to that question.

"I don't know anything. As a slave, we were only taught how to complete a task." - David

"Andud, we have no idea the answer to your question, but let me take an educated guess. Assuming that the land is currently under the rule of the 4 Kings, then most likely it only happened within the more recent years, maybe 5 to 10. Prior to that, I assume it was more of a wasteland, anyone was free to commit to any sort of action, with no ruling party above them to stop them." - Devel

Snapping his fingers together, Andud conjures a bone cup, from which he drinks a green liquid from.

"Correct answer. The Kings have only been in this situation for 5 years. Before their rule, there were multiple smaller kingdoms, each trying to wrestle for power until ultimately falling to the 4 Kings. Originally, humans were at the forefront of the wars, due to their affinity with the elements as well as martial arts. They could become anything they wanted, whereas all other races were restricted.

Beastmen were unlikely to become attuned to the elements, whereas elves had lower strengths. Dragons were unable to populate as quickly as other races and even though they were mighty, if they were hunted by groups of other races, they would fall quite easily. Humans were able to capitalize on their large numbers and their various strengths to attempt to conquer these lands but the 4 leading parties banded together to stop them." - Andud

"The 4 kings?" - Rebecca

"Yes, they made an agreement and did their best to eliminate smaller threats first, creating a name for themselves before making a small part of the continent theirs. Together, they attacked human settlements in waves, and unable to adapt quickly enough to the changing battles, humans eventually fell. They would one day be attacked by golems, only for the next to be attacked by a horde of skeletons. The day after that, aquatic creatures would venture out of the water, attacking in quick bursts.

Humans while the master of adaptation, were unable to adapt to such orderly warfare and since they didn't cooperate with each other at the start, they were unable to fight back. You see, why they were at war with the other species, they were also at war with themselves. Attacking each other for resources, and people. They were the only race that would enslave their own kind, which from my viewpoint is still a smart decision, as they are just so many of them.

Regardless, the human nations eventually died out, and replacing them were the Kings, each taking a portion of the continent as their own, leaving a small gray area in the center. Since then, there have been small skirmishes between them, as resources on this land are finite, but nothing big enough for them to eliminate each other. However, now they have a new problem. The sudden rise in humans.

You are their problem. You, humans, have suddenly come out of the hole you have been hiding in and have been frantically attacking everything everywhere. The start was more tamed, but now, look at you… Attacking the Reaper's Castle. One of the King's home. There is not much else for me to say, other than how stupid this situation is for you. What in you god-forsaken minds made you think attacking the Castle was a good idea?" - Andud

"Before we reply, I would like to ask something." - Devel

"Speak." - Andud

"Who are you to be asking these questions? Why are you so curious about our endeavors to the point that you would allow us to sit down and have a chat? We are deep in enemy territory, and each second could be dangerous for us. So why?" - Devel

"Becasue… I was one of you." - Andud

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