
Chapter 307 307 - Different Views (Rebecca Perspective)

Standing up and flicking the hood of his robe off his head, Andud reveals to us his face, or lack of it. A smooth shiny white head, flames for eyes, and not a single tooth remain on his face. Glancing down, I realise it was the same for his fingers. Andud was a skeleton…

"AH! So, that's why you are called Andud, because you are undead." - David

"Yes, I know. A poor naming choice. I can only blame my previous master for that." - Andud

"You were once a human? Is that why you speak of our actions with such… Disgust?" - Rebecca

"It's not so much as disgust but more of disappointment. Despite, the many years, humans haven't changed their way of thinking. Maybe… It is for the best since this is the only method that has worked. Humans are weak, and what higher race would want to cooperate with a weaker race? None of them. They would rather enslave them." - Andud

"I think, your train of thought is wrong. There are many instances of demi-humans and monsters cooperating with humans." - Rebecca

Circling us slowly, Andud clicks his fingers together making a slow rhythmic beat.

"Demi-humans, yes. Monsters, yes. However, these aren't higher races. I think you have misunderstood something. I said Beastmen before, didn't I?" - Andud

"Yes…" - Rebecca

"Beastmen are different from demi-humans. Demi-humans retain a lot of human qualities, with only minor beast qualities. Maybe they had different ears or a tail. Or maybe they have claws or some part of their body has scales. However, it is the opposite with beastmen. They retain a lot of their beast qualities, with their human quality mainly to do with their posture and intellect.

Humans are smart, and beastmen took that intelligence and combined it with their superior combat strength. That is why beastmen are a threat to a lot of races since there are an ungodly number of different types of beastmen. The Horde for one is a beastmen himself. Although, I can't say which race he is from as I have no information about it." - Andud

"But still, there are races helping each other. Humans are helping others as well." - Rebecca

"Helping? Or enslaving them?" - Andud

"Enslaving…? No! Look, David and I are friends. We fight together on the same battlefield, we sleep together in the same village, and we eat together. We have elves, goblins, hobgoblins, and demi-humans all working together to create a better place." - Rebecca

"And how sure are you that that is happening everywhere? Maybe your friend wants to speak… Although, it does seem like a cat has caught his tongue." - Andud
Turning to Devel while raising my left eyebrow, he gives me a sorrowful glance before letting out a deep sigh. Leaning back in his seat, while resting the tip of his sword on the ground, looks away, gazing at Andud who had already lapped around us.

"Rebecca, it isn't like what you say in other places." - Devel

"What? What do you mean…? I heard on the forum that there were some… You know. BUT! There wasn't anything serious and other players have made like a-" - Rebecca

"Rebecca! It isn't all sunshine and rainbows out there. This ga-Place is more than it meets the eye. Freedom is what attracts players and there is a lot of freedom." - Devel

"Then…" - Rebecca

"Whatever you are thinking of, it probably has happened or worse. Most of the bigger companies do their best to restrict other players with contracts, but with how big this world is, there are bound to be things we can't keep track of. I for one have banned any sort of mistreatment in my own village but who knows for the rest of the population." - Devel

"What are you both talking about…? Do you know people who have mistreated others, Devel?" - David

"David, don't worry. I don't know anyone who has but I have heard of it happening. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to stopping these things from happening, so… It hasn't stopped." - Devel

"That's-That's outrageous. Why are people hurting others? Sure it can be a little scary at first. Gobi and Gibing were goblins who frightened me at the beginning but, they showed me that they were the same as us. Just doing their best to survive." - David

"David, I know how you feel. I haven't been in HavenFall for long, but I saw the harmonious atmosphere everyone portrayed. The love we have for each other was so great and heartwarming, and everyone was accepting of me and Evan when we first came." - Rebecca

"It is quite sad to see the dichotomy of humans. One side has seen a harmonious nature while the other has been exposed to the dirty and disgusting nature of humans. Which is why I gave up on that race. I am as you can see, an undead. Maybe not by choice but, it is what it is, and I have accepted that this was the better outcome." - Andud

"If that is what you believe, then why speak to us? Why educate us on your views? What is the point in this conversation?" - Devel

"Oh. There was no point in this conversation. I was just bored and the Teleportation Circle below the Castle happened to transfer me a couple of guests. Taking the opportunity I wanted to see your views and have a friendly discussion. I'm still a scholar after all." - Andud

"You say you are a scholar, what do you mean by that?" - Rebecca

"Hmm… Interesting question, and valid as well since you know nothing of me. How about I tell you a little about myself before we ultimately have to fight?" - Andud

"So, the conclusion will lead to us fighting?"- Devel

"Yes. You are the enemy and I follow my King's orders. This is just a small loophole, in which I am engaging in a verbal battle first. Anyways, let me talk about myself. I was a human, about… 10 years ago…? It has been quite a long time, forgive me for forgetting. During my time, humans were at the top of the food chain. We could go wherever we want to with little danger. During that time, I was a scholar for one of the Kings, much like now.

I researched history, monsters, and plants but the one area which I strive to understand the most was death. What happens after you die? What happens to your body and your soul? Does your soul leave this world? Or does it get reborn in another creature or plant? So many questions and these questions intrigued me, until the time I met my previous master, necromancer Rickard.

He served the underground cult, Parade Of Death, but that doesn't matter much. Following him for a couple of years, I understood a lot of the underlying natures of humanity. Before I was seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses, only seeing what I want to see and never really searching. As a scholar, I couldn't believe myself for only looking at the surface and so, I cast my humanity aside, to be able to see humanity from a different perspective.

Enlightening experience it was. I was able to see the disgusting nature of humans but I also saw the good. I understood that the higher the rank of a human, the more likely they would fall prey to their desires but the same could be said for the opposite. The lower they were, the more likely they too would fall prey but there was a small section, in between them where I saw the good in humans.

Following my master, I observed this group of humans. They interacted with a human girl, or maybe she wasn't so human. Even now I find it hard to believe she was human, but at the same time, I think she was. She was called Mumei, the guardian of civilization. Helping this small group of humans, she created a force to be reckoned with, attacking the current 4 Kings, in hope of winning this war.

As you can see failed, and ever since I have only heard of reports of her, never seeing her figure again. Now, I research and research trying to find her. Why you might ask? It is quite simple. I want to ask her a question. Why humans? Why help this race?" - Andud

"That's it? You would come to the Reaper's side and help kill so many humans and other races only for that-that question?" - Rebecca

"Yes. That question is something that has plagued me for 10 or so years. I want to know the answer to that question, before seeking a new task." - Andud

"I can't tell who is the real idiot. Us or him." - Devel

"Think what you want. Reality hasn't changed much since her appearance." - Andud

"Don't worry, this era of humans will change it. ELECTRICAL CHARGE!" - Devel

Bursting off his seat, Devel lunges at Andud who had his back turned to us.

"Bone wall. Summon Skeleton Soldiers." - Andud

Without even looking at Devel, a giant wall of bones blocks Devel's attack. The electricity sparks off Devel as he slashes at the wall, only to break some of the bones. At the same time, emerging from the ground, 5 white skeletons each with either a sword, an ax, or a spear attack him. Fending them off quickly, he retreats to us, as we ready ourselves for combat as well. Grasping the goblin knife in my hand, I look hesitantly at Devel.

"Are you sure we can handle him? I initially thought we could stall until someone we knew wandered into this place but…" - Rebecca

"I doubt something like that will happen. Don't worry. I'll handle Andud. David, protect Rebecca, just do your best to survive." - Devel

"Discussing a plan of attack while in front of the enemy? Bold move. Oh, well. I had fun. First time in a while I had a conversation with a human. Thank you for your time, and I hope you will die quickly. Summon Skeleton Mages. Summon Skeleton Giant." - Andud

"Retreat to one of the walls. I got this. Alright?" - Devel

"Just be careful. You aren't invincible." - Rebecca

"I can't lose here. He isn't even the final boss." - Devel

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