
Chapter 32 - 32 - Fear ( Luke Perspective )

I can still remember the disturbing and grotesque scene in that encampment. Screaming and yelling mixed with laughter and cheer. Puddles of deep crimson blood litter the ground, filled with bits and pieces of flesh. You can see parts of innards, ears, fingers and teeth floating about in the red sea. The smell of iron, urine and feces fills your nose and even if you vomit only acid and water come up. I was only there for 2 days and I had already seen so many women tortured, men slaughtered and monsters laughing at their achievements. Lucina was lucky. It was mere coincidence that she had not been chosen yet and Howard was lucky to even survive retaliating against those monsters. Old man Hus huddled away in the corner sheltering me from them but still, I can hear, I can see and I can smell everything.

Every day, someone died. Every day I prayed for a way out. For a way that these people I know can survive. Then one day it happened. A man not tall, not short, not muscular, not skinny just as average as they come. He came from outside the encampment and like a ghost weaved into our prison and convinced us to move. To rise up and escape and so we did. We followed him and we ran.

Now, he leads us. He takes care of us. He makes sure that we have everything we need to survive and now he asks me to help. Help him in his quest to create a safe haven for us.

I am with another man, Oscar, and a team of 6 goblins. I do not know how to lead them around, frankly, I do not care. I just want everyone to be safe and after we search around we return.

Oscar is in the front looking at tracks and trying to spot any potential dangers while the 6 goblins were following behind him whispering to each other. I can hear them talking about the forest. The emerald green leaves, the bronze trunks and the golden sunlight creeping through the canopy. They talk about the bizarre flora, touching them sometimes and sometimes being yelled at by Oscar. However, I remain at the back. Silently watching and listening.

I have spoken to Oscar a lot through the past few days and have gotten to know him well. He is a kind but scared individual. Despite this trait he wants to prove to himself, prove to his parents and prove to Ian that he can do it. He is constantly worried that his actions drag everyone down. To me, he had found a goal to pursue and that is more than enough. Likewise, I too had a goal. I want to be strong. To be faster than a wolf. To be stronger than an orc. To be smarter than a wizard. To be kind like Ian. I had a goal and I will do my best to achieve it.

Throughout most of the day, we follow Oscar slowly moving through the forest while hugging the left mountain. This mountain the gigantic, with its peak reaching for the clouds and luckily for HavenFall it was on our left making it a natural wall.

We follow the rocky surface, staying inside the edge of the forest. I take note of the change in environments as we walk further and further away from HavenFall. There were fewer trees and a thinner canopy. The ground became rocky and uneven and there was a slight elevation.

"Luke! It seems like the forest ends around here and we enter a more mountainous terrain. It took us about three/quarters of a day to reach here and since the sun is setting I think we should find somewhere to rest up for the night."

Oscar steps on a boulder and talks to me from the top as he looks around trying to find a place to rest up for the night. The 6 goblins looked around aimlessly copying Oscar but to no avail. I step closer to Oscar and looked towards the mountain.

"We should look for a cave along the mountainside or at least there will be some sort of overhang."

Oscar nods and calls the goblins over to follow him. Like a mother goose and her children, Oscar leads the way with the goblins following behind him closely. The mountain did not provide us with the shelter we expected and night had already fallen. Walking in the dark is dangerous but with little choice, we had to stop progressing. I made a small fire with some twigs and dead leaves scattered on the ground while the goblin and Oscar moved some of the bigger rocks together forming a wall. At least this way the wind coming from that direction would be blocked.

We stay close to each other staring at the flickering flames. The warmth from the fire escapes us drifting away in the wind. With not much left to do I slowly close my eyes and try to sleep.

After some time, I open my eyes. The small embers from the fire glow softly like a beating heart. To my right I see Oscar sleeping and next to him were the goblins all huddled up together. I stand up and stretch my back and arms letting out a small groan as I do. Nothing in front of me but darkness. I turn lethargically to check the surroundings behind me.


Two glowing yellow eyes with black slits in the middle. A round body and limbs as huge as a tree trunk. A log in its hands with armor reflecting the moonlight. Raging tattoos across its scarlet body. Its fangs as long as half its face emerging out of his mouth as it smiles almost reaching its eyes. Its eyes become upside-down crescent moons as it stands there looking at me.

My feet are frozen at the same time they feel like jelly. I could do nothing but stare at this creature as it stares back at me. Smiling like it just found a new toy. Seconds pasts and then minutes and what felt like hours. My forehead drips from cold sweat and I gulp nervously.

What do I do? What do I do? That question keeps running through my head. What do I do? What do I do?

It moves. With its right foot, it steps forward.


I scream internally, sound fails to escape my mouth. It's moving closer one step at a time but I can't do anything. I watch move towards me but then it clicks in my brain. Oscar is here too. It's not just me. If that thing comes closer it won't be just me in danger. I have to move. I have to do something. I have to tell Oscar to move. I have to inform the goblins to do something.

But I can't.

I watch as it moves towards me.

Until it towers over me.

I can smell its horrible breath as it exhales above me. I stare up at its eyes. Those crescent moon-shaped eyes look down on me. The tips of its mouth reaching towards its ears. Those fangs creeping closer to the top of its head. I can see the intricate tattoos on its body. Serpents, lions, fish and man.

It leans forwards looking at the rest of the scouting party quickly before turning back to me. Its face, right in front of me.

Close enough to touch me.

Then it opens its mouth. Slowly.

"Hello, there....boy."

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