
Chapter 33 - 33 - RUN! ( Oscar Perspective )

It was a cold night on this mountainside but still, I was happy. I felt like going out and finding new things so when I come back mum, dad and even Ian will praise me. I am lucky that Luke is coming along too. He is a great guy. Although he does not speak much, his actions tell a hundred words. It was like that time when we were going to fight the goblins in the encampment. Ian had initially told us we would both hide on a ledge and then appear when he was in trouble but Luke told Ian that I should stay back. He knew I was too scared to fight. He knew that I could not do it. I felt relief that I did not go to fight those goblins then but in the back of my mind I felt guilty. Since then whenever I went out to the forest with Luke I would ask him to help me train myself. Playing a serious game of tag and running through the forest. It helped me in my instantaneous decision making, where to place my feet, where to turn, how to cover my tracks. Luke helped me get better.

Now, we were all in a bind. I heard Luke stand up but decided to be quiet hoping to fall asleep again. The goblins were resting peacefully, one of them was even snoring but I noticed Luke did not move. I would have heard the sound of rocks being kicked or dust flying away in the wind but I heard nothing. I choose to keep my eyes closed I felt like I was just paranoid.


"Hello, there...boy."

That deep rugged tone sent shivers down my spine. I open my left eye ever so slowly. I see something huge next to Luke. Something twice his size bending down. A red monster covered in tattoos and wearing reflective armor. It held a log in one of his hands dangling it near its waist right above my head. My mouth became dry, my hands started to sweat and I could see Luke with a distressed expression. He was looking at the monster, staring into it. I could see Luke swallow and as he shakily opens his mouth. The monster moves his free and onto Luke's shoulder.

Luke's eyes widen and he stops his mouth half-open. I grit my teeth and stare at the scene. Scared. Scared. Scared. I have not changed. I am still scared. Those days running around with Luke training my speed and my determination all went with the wind. I am scared. I am so scared.

All of a sudden the monster's face appear in front of me. It moved its head from next to Luke right in front of me. I can see its pores, the small fine hair on its face, the fangs as big as my head, eyes like the crescent moon and its creepy grin.

My scream stayed in my throat refusing to come out. My eyes stay fixated on its eyes. Sweat drip down the side of my face.

It squints its eyes even further as it looks at me.

"Are you...afraid?"

Its smile grew even larger. It starts to stand up straight slowly. My mind is blank. I do not know what to do. What do I do? What can I do?


I hear Luke scream at the top of his lungs. In the corner of my eye, I see him swing his knife at the neck of the monster. The goblins wake up, confused and distraught. They notice the enemy and scream. Scrambling for anything to toss at the fiend while looking like clowns. I could not move. I was worse than the goblins that were aimlessly moving around. I sat there frozen in place.


I hear Luke scream again. This time I turn towards him. I see the knife break the moment it touched the monster's neck. The monster's face still wearing the creepy smile. It stood up straight and looked down on us. It starts to chuckle. My skin crawls and my throat becomes dry. It feels like someone is gripping my stomach. My hands go back behind me reaching further away while I push my feet slowly. I back off bit by bit. My eyes were wide and my breathing was unstable.


Luke's scream pierces through my brain. My body starts to move before my mind. I turn around and scramble on the ground. My hands and knees desperately pushing my body forward until I stand up. I start to run. Towards the forest. Towards HavenFall. Away from that monster. Away from...Luke.

I step away, a few steps only to turn back. I regret turning back. The joy, laughter from its face vanished. Instead, anger. Its eyes were wide. There was no smile. The log gripped above its head. The goblins were stabbing the monster's feet with broken knives and rocks. Luke stood there motionless gripping his necklace.


He jumps backward while a golden wolf leaps forward towards the monster. Shooting forward like lightning and bearing its fangs at the monster's neck. Luke turns around without waiting to see the result and sprints down the mountain towards the forest.


Luke sprints past me grabbing onto my arm. I run. I run with him. Right behind him. I do not stop. Behind me, I hear the howling of the golden wolf and the screams of the goblins.

We enter the forest. Our domain for the past weeks. We knew most of the forest's layout. Where exposed roots are, where there are low branches, dead logs and random pits. We run further and further away.


Like a bolt of red lightning, it appears in front of us crashing into the trees. Its eyes shine yellow and a roar escapes its mouth.


Luke pushes me to the right while tossing his knife at the monster's face. The knife is easily repelled by the 2 large fangs. Luke runs fast towards the direction of the wolf den but as if lady luck had forsaken him he trips. His feet catch an exposed tree root and he falls straight on his face.

The monster's angry expression returns to the playful grin. He laughs again and slowly trods towards Luke.

Luke is going to die. Luke is going to die. LUKE IS GOING TO DIE.


I run towards the monster smashing a random tree branch across his face. Of course, I do no damage at most all I do is irritate and annoy him. But that is enough.


I yell at the top of my lungs and toss anything my hands can grab at the monster while running weaving through the dense forest.


Its eyes filled with bloodlust and anger. It screams and charges towards me.


I run desperately. Jumping behind thick trees as it catches up to me. I could not even tell which way I was going anymore. I just had to run. Further, further away. Dodge everything that comes towards me.

Just survive.

"Huh....? Why is the ground above me?"

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