
Chapter 54 - 54 - Getting Ready

5 days. It has been 5 days since I was at the Ax-Orc encampment. During this time I have been busy getting to know the new residents of HavenFall.

Frank turned out to be an out-going person. Constantly moving around seeing if anyone needed help. One day he would be helping Howard construct the new house the next day he would be with Lucina tending to the fields. Having him constantly help out with everyone has lifted their spirits and allowed everyone to get closer. After looking at his stats I can see that he is very balanced which allows him to be able to complete a lot of different tasks. Surprisingly, he already had a skill and when I asked him about it he dodged the question. Looking at the skill though, it would be a defensive skill most likely boosting his defense in battle.

Name: Frank

Race: Human

Health Points (HP): 14/14

Mana Points (MP): 2/2

Strength: 8

Vitality: 7


Dexterity: 7

Agility: 8

Luck: 1

Skill: Bronze Skin ( Passive )

[ Bronze Skin ( Passive ) - The user's skin is as hard as bronze. Increase defense 5%]

Moving on to Celine, I found out after interacting with her that she is an animal lover. At first, she was afraid of the wolves but once she overcame her fears I don't think I have ever seen her by herself. Especially when the wolf den summoned a new wolf. After 5 days had passed from when I placed the wolf den in the cave, a small wolf pup appeared. Celine happened to be the first person it saw and after much love from Celine, the wolf pup has never left her side.

Name: Celine

Race: Human

Health Points (HP): 10/10

Mana Points (MP): 5/5

Strength: 4

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 10

Dexterity: 4

Agility: 4

Luck: 1

Skill: Animal Lover ( Passive )

[ Animal Lover ( Passive ) - Allows animals of all kinds to feel safe and secure next to the user. Aggressive animals will slowly become more passive as the user interacts with the animal ]

Even Lime surprised me after she woke up. She was the youngest resident of HavenFall but that didn't stop her from helping out. Being light on her feet, she helped old man Hus gather any material he needed as well as forage for food in the outskirts of the forest. Through her help gathering, food had become a lot easier especially since the population had increased. I also found out she was incredibly quick skilled with her hands as well. After, old man Hus showed her how to make clay cups she was able to create a very intricate cup design. It had a snake-like body as the handle and the body of the cup was shaped like a flower bud. She called it the Flower Snake and deemed it as her cup.

Name: Lime

Race: Human

Health Points (HP): 10/10

Mana Points (MP): 5/5

Strength: 5

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 10

Dexterity: 10

Agility: 10

Luck: 1

Skill: Dash ( Active ) - 2 MP

[ Dash ( Active ) - Allow the user to move forward at high speed for a very brief time ]

Noah had been getting along well with Owen. Both of them had been fishing and setting up traps down the river in order to catch fish. At the same time, they dug out a small hole on the side of the river, connecting it back with a small stream. They made the hole a place for the fish they catch to grow. Placing the smaller fish in the pond and then feeding them crushed fruits and vegetables. After much talk, they decided to create the pond in order for the fish to grow and then get big enough to breed and they lay eggs in order to create more fish. I think these NPC's have found a very primitive way to farm fish and only time will tell if they are successful.

Name: Noah

Race: Human

Health Points (HP): 16/16

Mana Points (MP): 0/0

Strength: 10

Vitality: 8

Intelligence: 5

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 7

Luck: 1

Lastly is Melody. I spoke with her the most since she has come to HavenFall. From her, I got to understand the common living standards of humans. Due to our weak strength but high population, humans were regarded as slaves or even livestock. Any human city or village has long since been wiped from the territories of the Kings and any stray humans were captured and sent to whether manpower was needed. Most humans were born and bred in encampments living the lives to be sold to other encampments or used as a tool until death. Recently there have been reports from other encampments that humans are rebelling and escaping the clutches of the encampment leader. That would relate to the players releasing humans or attacking the monsters.

Other than interacting with me, Melody was learning archery with Robin and the goblins. The goblins were learning archery because Gobi mentioned to me that we had very little range troops. While learning how to master archery is hard after 5 days of constant training they were just barely passable. Hitting a still target is more than enough for now.

Melody was trying her best to learn new skills such as swing swords, archery, construction and foraging. Watching her take in all these new skills was fun at it also sparked my own interest in learning how to properly fight. Having Howard teach David, Melody, the goblins and me was a wise choice.

Name: Melody

Race: Human

Health Points (HP): 10/10

Mana Points (MP): 0/0

Strength: 7

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 8

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 7

Luck: 1

The rest of the days went by with David, Howard and me building 2 new houses. One made out of long branches and piles of leaves and the other made out of mud. The additional houses were able to comfortably accommodate all the new residents as well as allow the original residents more room to sleep. Bed, pillows and blankets were made out of wood fiber and vines. Lucina and Celine slowly weaved them together making enough for everyone after a couple of days. Furthermore, during this time old man Hus increased the armory. Creating more spears, arrows and armor for the upcoming battle.

The only adult wolf has been keeping an eye on the encampment watching from afar and only coming back for food. Since the encampment isn't going to us then we must bring the battle to them.

On the sixth day after midday was time for us to attack. Everyone except old man Hus, Lime, Lucina and Celine armed themselves. The troops for this battel consisted of 7 goblins, 3 wolves ( 1 adult and 2 pups ) and 9 humans.

We were ready to fight.

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