
Chapter 55 - 55 - Push Forward!

Name: Ian

Race: Human

Faith: 59/100 ( Reach 100 to pick a Pantheon )

Happiness: 0 ( Neutral )

Health Points (HP): 10/10

Mana Points (MP): 0/0

Strength: 5

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 5

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 5

Luck: 10

Equipment: Lucky Goblin Totem Necklace, Improved Stone Spear, Stone Chest Plate, Stone Knife, Stone Shield

I grip my spear and shield tightly, taking deep long breaths. I calm my nervous heart down and look behind me. Our formation was not exactly the best but it had to make do since the river takes up most of the space in the canyon.

The entrance of the encampment is on the left side of the river, inside a cave big enough to fit two orcs side by side. On the other side of the river was the place Noah was stuck at with the ledge. The area was mainly used to mine a certain bronze-like material but since none of the people that were enslaved there knew about the material I couldn't be certain.

The plan is to attack at night and have the goblins near the ledge side with bows attack any orcs/goblins that might be patrolling the area. Since they have night vision it will be easier for them to potentially snipe a few enemies before the fight.

Next to them will be the wolves, since the goblins are weaker than everyone else I placed our best attackers with them to protect them. Even the pups can fight the goblins one on one.

On the side with the cave will be the rest of us. Howard and David will be at the front with a stone shield, chest plate and ax and right behind them will be me. I will help direct the battle and with the equipment old man Hus made I felt comfortable even if I am in the front lines.

Right behind me will be Owen, Noah and Frank. I made the three of them use spears like myself since they would be able to attack from a longer range. Stabbing and probing an enemy with the tip of the spear is more than enough. It can potentially do damage or in the worst case just cause a distraction for the enemy.

Robin and Melody will be using a bow. Attacking from a distance is the role of archers and with Robin's excellent archery I felt safe with her at the rear.

We were ready for the attack.

I could feel the tension in the air. It felt different compared to every other fight that has happened. Maybe it's because this time I am on the offensive rather than the defensive. The first time I am initiating a fight rather than reacting to a fight.

My palms are sweating and I can feel my heart slowly beat faster. I take deep breaths again.

"Ian, we should stop here and wait for the sun to set."

Howard stops me midstep. I didn't even realize how close we were to the encampment. With only one more bend I would have arrived.

"Yeah, good thinking Howard. Let's eat something light and rest our bodies. I'll have the wolf stand guard."

With that, we sat down on the ground huddled around each other. The chilling winds blow against our bodies. Being inside the canyon at night would only get colder and I could see my breath forming mist each time I breathed out. We placed the shields in the direction of the wind to redirect the wind as much as possible and then stayed close to each other to preserve as much heat as possible. Taking out some fruits to munch on we waited for the sun to set and night to roll in.


Darkness all around us, without a moon or star in the night sky. I didn't notice it before but it seems like this game has moon cycles as well and tonight happens to be a new moon. I lean my head against the canyon wall and stare at the sky. Quiet whispers between the residents and the running river fill my ears.

In the corner of my eye, I see the adult wolf's ears stand up. She slowly gets off the ground and emits a low growl. I tap Howard and David's bodies and signal everyone to be quiet. We all quietly stand up and hold our weapons doing our best to stay as quiet as possible. The somewhat peaceful atmosphere shatters and is replaced with tension. I nod to everyone and Howard sneaks forward to get a look at the situation.

I follow him and crouch down looking around the bend as well. Two goblins chatting with each other were approaching us. They had left the encampment and with a knife, in their hands, they were walking towards us unsuspected of any danger.

I pull Howard back and signal the wolf to move back closer to the goblins that were on that side of the river. As quietly as I can I whisper to Howard our plan.

"The moment they show themselves around the corner we kill them."

With a nod, he acknowledges the plan as now we wait.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds pass by but each second feels longer than the last. My heart is racing and my breathing is quickening. I grip my spear tightly and look in front of me. Both Howard and David standing like statues. They were tense may be too tense.

I place a hand on their shoulder and with a small jolt, they look at me. I smile at them and nod my head.

"I will be fine, relax."

I might have been talking to them but really I was talking to myself. They nod back to me and relax their bodies a bit.

The goblins turn the corner and with a flash, their heads roll on the ground. Swiftly and cleanly they were taken care of by our two tanks. David surprised me with his decisiveness, killing the goblin as fast if not faster than Howard.

"Let's go, we push forward!"

With that begins our fight.

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