
Chapter 56 - 56 - The Cave

With Howard and David standing side by side leading the way we slowly crept closer to the entrance of the cave. I look towards the other side and I could see the wolves leading the goblins. They got to the bend first, the palace where David and I first saw the inhabitants of the encampment.

Gobi was in the lead next to the adult wolf as they quickly went around the corner. His bow was raised and arrow nocked ready to fire at any enemies. I stand there watching with bated breath. His hands slow come closer and the bow is lowered. Gobi turns towards me and shakes his head.

No enemies.

I nod my head back towards him and tap Howard's back signaling them to continue moving forward. The goblins got into position on the other side of the river, three on the ledge and four on the bottom next to the wolf and the pups.

The closer we get to the entrance of the cave the more my heart thumps against my chest. A loud beating sound resonates in my ear alongside my slow deep breaths. I constantly have to wipe my palm against my chest plate or else I wouldn't be able to grip my spear properly.

Strange. We had just gotten to the entrance of the cave but it was quiet.

Howard peeks into it but with the limited light, all he saw was darkness. Deep in the cave however was a small flickering light. A tiny flame dancing in the dark. Enticing us, teasing us, watching us from afar.

I could hear Howard gulping his saliva and David's teeth slightly chattering.

"We move in, shield up and walk slowly making sure to check the sides in case of an ambush."

I sent out my orders quietly and with a nod in response from Howard and David, they slowly grip their shield tightly bringing them up in front of their chests.

Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot.

A slow advance but a careful one.

Only the sound of our steps against the cold rocky ground can be heard. A quiet echo in the distance. The slight stench of body odor and rotten flesh waft over us. I wrinkle my nose at the unpleasant scent.

The torch gets closer with each step, the flame illuminating the small area around it. The torch was a simple wooden branch wrapped in a cloth and then set alight. It was placed at a bend in the cave. The entrance only led us in one direction, with no turns until the light. Beyond it is a mystery, one left turn and there could be nothing or there could be a horde of orcs and goblins.

I tap Howard's and David's shoulders signally them to stop. Just shy of the area where the torch illuminates we stop.

I listen as carefully as I can.

What do I hear?

The breeze from the entrance, my heart pounding in my chest and our breaths.

But nothing from our enemies.

Was it just deeper inside?

Were they sleeping in other parts of the cave?

I couldn't shake this bad feeling I had.

Where were they?

Hesitantly, I tap Howard's and David's shoulders again making them advance into the light.

More tense and more careful steps ahead as they walk into the light and around the bend.

Half expecting an orc or a goblin to appear Howard lifts his ax above his head as he turns.

But nothing.

Just more darkness and at the end of it another torch.

My heart nearly jumped as I turned the corner with them. It's a rush. Not a good kind of rush.

Howard slowly lowers his ax and licks his lips before nodding his head towards David. They both start to move forward again slowly, step by step.

I look behind me and I could see their tense expressions in the flickering light. I smile the best I can and nod towards them hoping to bring their morale up. In return, I only got half-smiles and worried expressions. I can't blame them though, the situation is like being on a rollercoaster. You can see each bend but when you get to it your heart will drop each time. We can only push on.

Holding my spear and shield I advance behind Howard and David. Onwards towards the next torch.

After doing it the first time it seemed like we had gotten used to the tense atmosphere. We got to the second light faster and once again we stop just shy of the light.

This time, I stopped them from moving onwards because I heard a sound.

Slow rhythmic breathing coming from the right of the torch. Around the bend is our first enemy. Occasional grunts and snorts could be heard from that direction as well. It wasn't just one enemy it was multiple. The number is currently unknown but they were close.

David looks at me with a worried and confused expression. I know what he wants to ask but I signal him to be silent. I look on the ground and saw a pebble. Letting Frank hold my spear I pick up the pebble and went to toss it, low and slow.

Each bounce echos deeper into the cave and like dominos the grunting stops and small light steps were heard.

Goblins. These steps cannot belong to the larger monsters which meant it was goblins. I take back the spear from Frank and at the edge of the light, we prepare for them to turn the corner.

I can hear it.




With each step brings them closer.

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