
Chapter 65 - 65 - RUN!

After going through my uneventful day I return to Settlement. We were still positioned in the cave poised for battle in case the enemy had a method to scale the wall.

"Did anyone see who attacked us?"

While I did know that they were human-like figures, they were still far away and I was doubting myself. One of the archer goblins answered my question.

"Leader Ian, I had a look through a gap in the shields. There were 10 enemies. They look like a mix of human and demi-human or humanoid monsters. Less likely to be humanoid monsters as they would not use a bow and arrow to attack their prey. There was 6 bow wields and 3 throwing stones. 1 was on the side looking at us and I think they were commanding the rest to attack us."

"Wow. Good job GomiTwo! I had only seen 10 human-like figures but I could barely make out anything else. How did you notice them?"

"Umm...I'm not sure leader Ian. I just kind of noticed them I guess????"

"Hmm, well good job anyways at least we have some information about them. Let's stay here until dusk before moving forward again. If we get attacked again on our way there we will retreat."

With that order, I made the goblins relax and chill at the entrance. I had them stand guard a bit further into the cave to make sure they could escape into the darker territory to take advantage of their night vision. During the same time, I went down deeper towards the copper vein. I took GomiTwo with me since his vision seems to be better than other goblins and after looking at his status I found the reason.

Name: GomiTwo

Race: Gobin

Health Points (HP): 10/10??

Mana Points (MP): 3/3

Strength: 3

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 8

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 4

Luck: 1

Skill: Enhanced Sight ( Passive )

[ Enhanced Sight ( Passive) - Allows the user to see further away as well as increased vision in cloudy, foggy or even dark environments ]

What an insane skill to have! Being able to see further away was like having a free telescope and the fact that the user can see better in blurry environments makes ambushing in a foggy area even better.??

Taking GomiTwo down to the copper vein was to allow him to look around in the dark environment where the torches cannot reach. Places like the corner of the cave or the ceiling were places I could not see and thus I needed GomiTwo.

Once we arrived GomiTwo let out a low whistle. The sight before him was stunning and even for me, seeing it for a second time I could not help but step back at how amazing this place looked.??

"Ok, GomiTwo I need your eyes here. Places where I cannot see, you will be able to see. I need you to tell me if there is anything unusual or anything that might be different or things that might not belong here."

"Yes, leader Ian!"

A scroll in a dark cave with a goblin, not the most ideal date but I guess I had no choice right? I wanted to know more about this place and GomiTwo will or should have my answers.

"Leader Ian, this place is amazing. The light reflecting off the brown things on the wall makes everything sparkle a different color compared to the sun reflecting off the river. There also seems to be blue mixed in with the brown substance. Near the top, however, are even more golden-looking things."

"What do you mean golden-looking things?"

"Exactly what I mean. The things near the ground against the wall are brown however, there is like a gap somewhere about three-quarters the way up and then a little bit higher instead of brown it looks more golden."

"Wait. Wait. So, it looks like gold rocks right?"

"Yes, leader Ian. If you want it in simple terms then yes gold rocks."

"Oh my god. There is not just copper here. THERE IS GOLD TOO! WE'RE GONNA BE RICH!"

"Umm, leader Ian?"


"Uhh...In the far corner of the cave, I can see something looking at us."


"Its perched upside down, grey skin, two large wings, red eyes and pretty sharp-looking claws. Looks kind of like a human too."

"And it's looking at us. It didn't do anything before when we were last here. Maybe it does nothing?"

"Umm, leader Ian?"

"Yes, GomiTwo?"

"There are more coming from a hole of some sort next to the creature."

"Walk back slowly. Don't turn around and we walk back to the surface. It's only about 50 or so paces away we can do this."

My heart was racing. I could not even see the monster since it was so dark in the cave. Where the light from the standing torches reaches was the extent of my vision and the fact that were monsters in the cave slowly increasing terrified me. I can't see the monsters but they can see us. With chattering teeth and a trembling body, GomiTwo slows down and point towards the direction of the monsters

"L-L-Leader Ian."


"A b-b-bigger version of the m-m-monster appeared through the hole."

I look towards the exit towards the tunnel leading upwards.

"Only 10 steps...GomiTwo! RUN!"

I turn my body and push off the ground with all my might dashing towards the tunnel. Behind me I hear GomiTwo's hurried steps as well. To my horror though, the moment I started to run I could hear loud flapping from the corner of the cave. Like a bird lifting off the ground ready to take flight.



Reaching the tunnel was easy but it was the next part. A bending narrow road to the top with monsters flying towards us. They were most likely faster than us as well. I look back and see that GomiTwo was extremely slower than me. With lower agility and smaller legs the distance he covered in the same amount of time as I was a lot smaller.

I grab his waist and pushed his body over my shoulder.

"Grab onto my neck with one of your arms to stabilize yourself. I'm going to be running for my life ok?"

"Okay leader Ian!"

I had only gotten around the first bend when I could finally see the monsters entering the tunnel. The torch nearby illuminates their body for me too see and like how GomiTwo describes it, they had stone-like skin, a body of a human but with red eyes and blood-like tears and two large bat-like wings on their backs.??









That was the only thought on my mind.

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