
Chapter 66 - 66 - Back To HavenFall A.S.A.P!

Luckily for me, I left my weapons with the goblins near the entrance so there were fewer things to weigh me down. Unluckily for me, I left my weapons with the goblins. I HAVE NOTHING TO DEFEND MYSELF IF THEY REACH ME!

"L-Leader Ian, leave me. I'll stall for time!"

"Are you kidding me, GomiTwo? Those things will rip you to shreds in seconds while chasing me. Don't waste your life like that. Do you not believe I can outrun them?"

"Umm, well...They do be gaining on you."

"It's fine. It's all part of the plan. Haha."

I push my feet off the ground and pump my arm up and down forcing every ounce of strength I had into running. I can feel my chest pound and my blood flowing through my veins while I run. I do not dare look behind me, the sound of their wings already sending shivers down my spine.

What made it worse was they made no sound. No growling. No howling. No grunting. Nothing. Just silence other than the sound of their wings propelling their body forward. 

From what little I saw when they entered the tunnel it seemed like only 1 maybe 2 of those monsters can fit side by side but with their wings being almost the same size as their bodies at most they were in single file.

While would have made it easy for them to be defeated if there was a proper method of fighting them, however, I cannot do that right now. 









Push off your feet harder.

Lift your knees higher.

Anything and everything just move. Move as fast as you can. 

So few thoughts were left in my mind. 

I turn the corner once again and this time I can see it.

I can see the entrance of the cave.

I can see the goblins crowded around the front.


They are crowded around the front and not in the correct formation.

Something happened.

I grit my teeth and continue running. Keeping my eyes peeled in front of me observing the situation. I can hear the monsters getting closer. Only a few steps after I turned the corner did one of them crash into the wall. Which meant they were not too far away.

Mixed with the sound of the monster's wings flapping behind me was the sound of weapons and shouts. As I get closer I can see that the goblins were defending against some enemies, presumably the ones we encountered before.

"Leader Ian, I have an idea. Once we get a little closer shout to the goblins to jump close to the side walls and lay flat on their bellies."


"Just do it leader Ian, I guarantee it will work."

"Fine, fine."

I continue running and by mistake, I took a small glance behind me. 

That hideous stone human-like face with tears of blood staring at me close enough that I could touch it.

A silent scream escapes my lips and I bolted faster. Phishing my body to its utmost limits.

I was close to the battle in front of me but I don't even though if I could reach it.

"Now, leader Ian!"

Hearing GomiTwo's signal, I suck in some air and let out the loudest shout I could do while running.


My booming voice reached the goblin's ears faster than lightning. Like puppets they ceased the fighting and lept towards the sides on command, some even rolling until they reach the wall.

"Leader Ian, jump to the side now!"

Once again, following GomiTwo's signal, I leap for the stars or in this case for the walls. With great timing, the monster had just reached me and swung its claws at my previous position. I roll along the ground and behind a rock breathing heavily. I could see the terrified looks of our enemies. With how close I was to them I could finally make out their figures.

There were 5 humans and 5 humans with wolf-like ears on the top of their heads. They were dressed in leather armor and held onto bows and spears. 

But even they were terrified at the sight before them. The monster now unable to see me, instead sees 10 new prey. Not just that the rest of its kin had arrived behind it. The sound of their wings echoes throughout the cave eliminating any other sounds.

"Shit! What are those?"

"Gabe, What are those creatures?"

"How would I know? I'm only here because those goblins looked easy to kill but well equipped."

"Goddamit, should we run?"

"Run? Look how many there are you think we can run?"

"I don't care about you guys but I'm jetting, cya!"

"Fine. Fine. RUN!"

The moment they turned around to escape was when the slaughter happened. The monster dashed forward knocking them down to the ground. Grabbing the closest human by the head it pulls his limbs until they tear away from his body. The deathly scream of the victim, followed by the screams of his allies fills the cave. 

It starts with just his arm, then his leg, his other arm, his other leg until he could not scream anymore. Silent from the victim and whimpers from his allies. They were wide-eyed and frozen in fear.

Were they next on the chopping block? That thought must have run through their minds but what about goblins and me are we even safe? After the monsters kill those humans and demi-humans aren't we just next?

Where are the goblins? 

I peek around the rock and see everyone placing their hand over their mouths to prevent any sound from coming out all looking at me with terrified expressions. Only one thing to do here right? I grit my teeth and prepare to shout after all only one word comes to mind.



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