
Chapter 81 - 81 - It Appears

The goblins scramble away running towards the main force as quickly as they can, their feet pushing off the soft muddy ground kicking up mud, dirt and small pebbles. Desperate cries and shouts come from them as their terrified expressions come closer, amplified by the lack of light. Their bright yellow eyes dart around telling a hundred words but despite it all, they still cling to their weapon, holding it close to their chest.

It didn't take long before everyone was grouped up together and with the addition of all the goblins, the surrendered humans, demi-humans and Kingston, a new battle formation was formed. With the imminent threat that is the stone monsters, there was only one option if we didn't want to die. Stand together. No matter how cheesy it might be the situation just did not allow for anything else.

"Everyone group up. Humans, demi-humans and goblins throw away anything and everything about race. Right now we are just prey to the stone monsters and as we just saw one of them just killed Gabe and Phil."

"Ian, can we win against a whole bunch of them?"

Howard grabs his mace and balances it on his shoulder as he looks towards me.

"Howard, in all honesty, I don't even know if we can handle one of them. The last time I tried I pretty much got played with until I died. I can only hope we can deal with them."

"Okay, how do you propose we go about this?"

I look at everyone around me and I can only see similar expressions. It didn't matter if it was someone I knew or someone from HavenFall or someone I just met in this battle. They all wore worried and depressed faces as if they know no matter what happens during the fight they are going to die. I grit my teeth and took a deep breath before addressing everyone.

"Everyone, listen up here is the plan. All archers, goblins, humans and demi-humans head up the path to the top and replenish your arrows. Your position will be on the path as well as HavenFall. The monsters are able to fly and while the arrows might not damage them consistently they might be able to distract the flying monsters and divert the attention away."

With a slight nod the archers slowly left, following my orders and positioning themselves correctly.

"New human and demi-human members I want you to be at the top defending the archers in case anything unexpected happens. There are spare wooden shields at the base of the path. Noah, I want you to be the temporary leader of this group. Get old man Hus to make as many makeshift weapons, armor and shields as he can right now and during the fight."

"Sure, Ian. I'll get some of the new recruits to help out as well. Lime too because she is pretty handy in these things."

"Thank you, Noah. Goblin spearmen and warriors your position will be within the formation. Right behind Gobi and the other 4 Scutum shields will be your spears and clubs. The moment the shield looks like it is going to move or the goblin behind the shield is wearing out, push against the shield or replace the goblin shield-bearer immediately. Constantly look out for each other and say something the moment it looks bad."


"Howard, David and Kingston you will be the main warriors and our method of attacking the stone monster. We have disposable maces, clubs and spears that you will be able to use the moment your current weapon breaks. I feel like I am too weak to join in on the fight however I will be constantly looking out for you. I will shout, scream or yell at you the moment the situation changes, especially if the situation worsens. Howard, you will be using the Hobgoblin's Club. Be careful ok?"

"Okay, Ian. Don't worry we will be fine."

"Y-y-yeah we will be fine. This is not that s-s-scary right?"

"WELL SAID! Give me a weapon and I will crush these monsters."

The different responses from the main damage dealers somewhat cleared the knot in my stomach. Even though David is still scared, in his own way he is trying to cope and rather than running away from the problem he is even making a joke out of it. Even Kingston sounded excited to be fighting.

"Frank and Owen, your job is going to be to support these three. Use your agility and longer reach with the spear to intercept any anomalies. If I don't catch something, it is your job to detect it and defend against it to protect the others okay?"

"Got it."

A synchronized response from the two of them bought a slight smile to my face. My troops are starting to intertwine with one another and getting closer. 

It's time to prepare for the attack.


With a shout, I start my preparation for the attack and the first thing I needed to do was create some light for everyone. Rather than looking into the darkness waiting for the creature to emerge, it might be drawn out by the light and then exposes itself to us.

10 or so fire arrows get released at the same time creating an arc across the night sky. Some land on the ground and emit a faint light around it, while others land in the river and a lucky few land on the small shrubbery creating a small bonfire. The embers spread to other small greenery creating a carpet of flames.

I take small breaths as I wait for the action. My heart racing faster and faster, beating against my chest as each second ticks. I can tell it wasn't just me. The tension in the air was tighter than a taut rope. 







And when I thought nothing was going to happen. It happens.

At the end of the carpet of flames, hovering just off the ground emerges the stone monster. The flickering light from the fire creates a massive shadow, extending from the monster into the abyss behind it. Its large wings spread wide as the embers from the fire tap against its skin before falling to the ground. Its arms hanging by its side and at the tip of the claws was dried blood. The most horrific part about the monster was its expression. The same smile that reaches its ears and crescent moon-like eyes as it looks at us. 

Despite appearing from the darkness ever so slowly it didn't move after it revealed itself.

Just floating there, with the same expression.

Watching us.

Looking at us.

Observing us.

Without blinking.

Without moving.

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